nooo today is a dark day

sadly my nano has a problem yesterday i went to hit it and it was cold on the wood the ss heater cover was still hot tho i touched it to see and it was to hot to touch but did not burn me my nano was set to 8 and had bin left on 8 since i swiched it on that morning i was thinking maybe i turned it down and then only just turned it back up i could not remember doing this but maybe i forgot
well just now the same thing happened and it was 100% bin on 8 for about an hour
the light was on both times this happened
i relay dont want to have to send my nano back as i live in the uk so it would be a pain and probs a month till i got my nano back and that long with out one will brake my hart

i have just switched the nano of and on to see if it will heat back up
and im just about to email @
ACE OF VAPE about the problem
im thinking it must be a lose connection that is the problem?
ill open it up after i speek to andy
EDIT TO ADD: my nano has heated back up and after fiddling with the wire i think i have found my problem i belive it to be the same as what @
herbivore21 as when i move the cored near the dial the light blinks
Hi mate,
Do you own a multimeter that can test voltage and resistance (and some rubber gloves to protect from live AC power)? If so, connect your E-Nano to power, set your multimeter to test for voltage first. Attach the test pins from the multimeter to the two solder joins for the power cable coming out of the dimmer switch and into the main wooden part of the Nano. These solder joins are on the back of the printed circuit board inside the dimmer/temp control part. There are two screws on the back of this.
Take voltage readings at level 10, and level 1. Post these readings here.
As well, if you are confident and have replacement closed end crimp terminals, we can test the resistance of the heater after this.
In my experience, the heater is able to stand serious punishment. It can handle 240v for 10 mins (gets red hot, but still works perfectly after and retains it's original intended electrical resistance).
If your readings on the voltage coming out of the dimmer are not pretty close to 0V at setting 1 and 120V at setting 10, your dimmer is the culprit. Hope you work it out soon, no Nano left behind! hahaha
Also check the back of the circuit board for any burn marks of bad looking solder joins. It could be as simple a problem as resoldering the join as one other user ended up needing to do to fix his Nano.
EDIT: Be prepared for a video of my back in action Nano w/ 18mm adjust-a-bowl gong.
I just had my first hit on true level 6 with my new dimmer through my Luke Wilson piece. Use like seriously .05 or less of a gram in the bowl and continuous, big, great tasting clouds.
This is the best vaporizer I have ever used by a long shot!
The Adjust-a-bowl gong has definite cracking on the bottom of the ground GonG part however, and didn't have a silicone sleeve on it. I suspect since I got in super early on the 18mm ones that I have one of the first ones (if not the very first!). Already made myself a high heat sleeve for the GonG out of a silicone glove. It is a lovely neon green colour too with textured finger grips.
I think I will hxtal the gaps and the rough/sharpish surface at the very bottom of the GonG, should have it looking and working good as new!
New dimmer worked a treat, Andy even threw in the closed end terminals to connect the new dimmer with
Got the unit fixed within 5 mins of the delivery getting here. I am so glad I made this purchase!!! Huge thanks to @
ACE OF VAPE for all the help, and as always, you guys for recommending this unit and helping out with troubleshooting it!
This is definitely my daily driver now, my Lotus will now be my Zombie Apocalypse survival piece (and also portable, I live in a real hippy town, noone cares if you look like you're toking on the grass). I can't see myself wanting to purchase a new vape again now