I agree The epik is the key to hot GONG's, I stumbled upon its designed use thanks to some fc members posting pics. Thank you!!!
I also use 2 layers of silicone, one over the other to make it retain heat even better, I havent burned my self since, and you would have to leave it on the hot element for a while for it to get hot enough to burn the fingers.
On a side Note I have been testing out different draw speeds and different temps, and came across a nnew method for me with the nano
I like high temps vaping, so I crank the nano to 8 ish and hit it with a medium to slow draw and get huge hits and perfectly browned abv that only has 1 more hit left.
This time around I set the nano to 9 ( I can blacken herb with 9) and inhaled really hard, hard enough were it looked as if my piece was not filling up with vapor like my usual dense cloudy hits. Well to my surprise,I got an even bigger hit with a cough induced cloud, and The abv looks green still

Iam like whaaaaattttt!!!!!! I do have a GONG with a screen that can be adjusted to your liking, mine is as far as it goes till it stops!!!!!
So had my nano a few days now and this is how im falling the nano
I am in love!!!!
It hits sooo hard and I'm finding a stronger draw to produced bigger hits.
Big flavor for fest few draw s before i tern it up.
Still in shock at how small it is.
I no i said its hits v/hard but need to add that this is a vapor bong beast.
Instant vapor when you have a hot stem.
Still only a few seconds tho if starting with a cold stem.
a BIG plus for me and my unit don't think they are all like this? But i can not combust i can get all most black abv but with a lite i can see its still brown and i have tryed to combust a lot bin using 10 the most with difrent draws.
I wold like the temp controller on the vape or maybe at the plug.
The temp controller could do with not moving so freely if it was stiffer or clicked in at points it would
eliminate the chance of moving by accident.
I personley would prefer to have a removable cored.
Would also like to have no lite or the lite be on the inside.
The one thing the bugs me the most is that the gong gets fucking hot and has no handle or nobs like my solo gong i really think it would help a lot
I just read your post , & I cant agree more , by using a stronger draw.
I just found this out and am loving it!!!!
I like the knob idea as well, i posted a temporary bowl I was using when my OG gong broke and I was waiting on a replacement, it had glass nubs or like clear marbles around it.
Here is my method , which Iam sure you have tried. Pics above
Just got one word for the hot gong - EPIK.
Couldn't of said it better, bad as tool the EPIK, I used it as a grinder in a pinch the other day, cheese grater style lol.