BTW do you guys oil the wood on your Nano or anything special?
BTW do you guys oil the wood on your Nano or anything special?
I wipe mine down with spray polish like Lemon Pledge or LIQUID GOLD and sometimes ORANGE OIL.I do nothing special to my woodGoing on 8 months
I wipe mine down with spray polish like Lemon Pledge or LIQUID GOLD and sometimes ORANGE OIL.
Or if your extreme sand her down and rub her with TUNG OIL or make a FRENCH POLISH and apply that.
Many ways and various degrees.
I just spray any old furniture polish I have and wipe her down.
The best water adapter of all my units is a 14mm with a glass screen.I have a growing collection of nano gongs and been meaning to pick up a few more. Don't think I have as much variation between shortest & longest of what your pic shows, but probably pretty close. I think it is the earlier ones that are longer. Andy can verify, but I've figured this was happening while he was getting a glass blower to figure it out - maybe even changing blowers.
Like I said on last page.... variables. Figure out what works well for you and go from there. Whether that is 6 or 9 on your dial doesn't matter other than for comparison with others here on FC. Whatever you (or I) end up with is going to be great!! My poor EQ hasn't even seen the light of day more than once in the past few months, and my mflb is relegated to when I'm out and away from an AC receptacle.
Guess what I'm saying again is.... this is an EXCEPTIONAL vaporizer!!!! If I had started with it, I probably would have looked for something different in the search for better. But after owning a few different ones, and trying a good many more, I know this thing is cream of the crop. One that I'm still tempted to get on the list for is the HI. But from what I can gather it seems like it will function about the same with DC driving the heat instead of AC, and variable voltage to adjust temps instead of the nano dial. Still thinking about getting one - and probably would if the waiting list wasn't so long. Maybe some day I'll have the opportunity to try one. But until then - or until something truly groundbreaking comes along - I'm pretty much a one vape kind of guy these days. As long as that vape is my Epic e-nano!!
The best water adapter of all my units is a 14mm with a glass screen.
Andy fitted it perfect.
Now I want a 18mm with a fitted glass screen.
Don't have any 14mm's. Do love my 18mm with glass screen, but don't think I've used it since I got my new "basket" screens.
What I do like about the glass screen is the hits you get just dropping a little nug in there. What I would normally do is drop in a nug, take a few nice hits. Then pop the very dry nug out and crush it up in a small dish. Throw an old battered pinch screen in over the glass screen, and suck the now ground nug back into the GonG. Hit and stir as needed until spent. Dump the load, and the screen out and start again! Sounds like a lot of work, but I like to play a little so fine by me. Nice way to play and vape a bit while zoning out in front of the TV.
Do similar with the new basket screens, but without the dump & screen add in. Just plop a couple very small nugs in & hit it a few times. Then crush/stir with the e-pic or stirrer. Not as much playing, but pretty much the same process & results.
lol what is happening here? Your suppose to load the other end of the piece... or am I just misunderstanding this post? Im sorry Ive been vaping with my e-nano and did the stem resin trick and Im blasted.
I'm trying this!I never acknowledged this post - that was me trying something stupid. I've been meaning to post this, I use the EQ screens to trap particulates before they dirty up my pieces. This screen builds up a LOT of reclaim. I feel like the hit is smoother when using direct draw with the screen, I use a gong and female to female adapter for direct draw instead of a stem. Here's how I would normally use it but this is on my oil gong, I keep the others stashed away because they smell strongly of herb. If I had thought of doing this when I still had my frit I would've saved myself so much headache.
I recommend trying this if you want to keep your glass a little cleaner
You have a MFLB & a NANO?Nice trick!!! I've been pretty good as long as I use a screen for anything ground and don't grind too fine.
But I usually pre-grind for the MFLB on the go, and whatever I don't use with it I try to vape in a day or so. A few flakes of that fine grind sometimes sneak through with the nano. Have a few of those EQ screens floating around and am going to try this.
Thanks for the tip!!
You have a MFLB & a NANO?
Burnt Pop Corn to Champagne!
Guess what's arrived!!?? Yes it's here - my walnut E-Nano!!! It's just soooooooo beautiful to hold and look at!! It was love at first sight!!
I truly couldn't be happier with my purchase so far. I used a whole nug just now for my very first bowlful and the flavour completely blew me away. Copious amounts of vapour are a cinch with this little beauty, if you're a cloud chaser you won't be disappointed. The herb vaped evenly, with no combustion. I'm really looking forward to experimenting with techniques and temperatures. Will check in again with a fuller review once E-Nano and I have become better acquainted
Thanks again @ACE OF VAPE for your outstanding customer service - (I repeat) - YOU'RE THE MAN!!![]()
My first vaporizer was a MFLB!Ahhh young jedi.... The MFLB truly takes some learning. And while others can pop some corn on mine, I haven't for years. It's not optimal but only thing I've found that works as well and is as undetectable while out and about. Plus, the power adapter comes with a car adapter!!! It's no nano, but I'm not one to be stretching extension cords across the theater while I'm watching The Hobbit in 3D!! So many great uses that I'll spare you on since we're in the nano thread!
Screens are pretty cheap and easy. They are for an Arizer Extreme Q. Yes 18mm and only 18mm. Available many places, but here's a few links. Usually about $5 for a set of 2, but shipping could be a bitch!!
Lovin your new avatar and quote, Caligula!! Got me digging for the DVD that's around here somewhere.
... but since you are from "Merkel land" (just like me), I'm not sure it will be successfully delivered!
Its just because of the lack of the CE certification, wich seems to be very important to the german customs
(my personal experience on my first Thermovape Cera order)!
But if you really want to get one, I would suggest to ask here politely for some help,
this forum is AWESOME![]()
I suggest everyone to at least try this once, try hitting it harder if your scorching your herb.
I could combust at 9.5 & now i set it to 9.5 hit it slow for 3 seconds, as soon as I see vapor I hit it harder(more airflow).
The amount of airflow will control if you combust or not, slow draw on high heat might combust, same heat level with a stronger draw gives great extraction and light colored abv vs dark.
Damnit, but thanks a lot for pointing this out.. that really could have put me in wise - and maybe search warrant wise, if I'm paranoid...not due to the lacking CE cert though.
Has anyone an idea how to avoid this issues - 'engineering sample', 'gift' ... ?
meehh, too much control everywhere. I'm not doing any fucking harm jesus -.-
PS: open for job offers in Colorado or Washington!!
Overly thorough Germs >.<
As if that damn CE certification would guarantee any safety... Ordered battery cells and charger in China that were definitely not safe, but hey, they had a CE sign printed on!
So fellow European vaporiseurs, how wants an E-Nano 'for free'?
Yes, you are right its a bit risky, but you will be amazed about the good people on here![]()