You my friend Id like to personally thank for posting this Discount.Just pondering the order of a E-Nano and there seems to be a Christmas special which I thought I'd have to share:
code FCSANTA for 20% off E-Nanos through Xmas
Your new bubbler has a 18mm male joint. the Nano Gong "basket" will be a male - you will need a female adaptor, and the 18mm gong for attachment.Hey everyone - been lurking for awhile but about ready to make the plunge so thought I'd ask some questions that have been burning in my brain...
The only vape I have now is my MFLB. It's okay, But does not hit real strongly. I used to have an Extreme Q which definitely hit stronger but broke sometime back in a move.
I have looked at: The Plenty, and was close to buying it. Then I came across this thread and the whole concept of log vaporizers. They made so much sense and look so incredible that I couldn't stop reading.
I feel like I woke up from a coma after a few years or something. I had no idea this "log movement" even existed.
So here are some questions before I buy this tonight.
1. I just bought one of these Black Leaf bubblers. I bought it because I would like to use it for ice hash/oil. Is there an attachment or something I can buy that would let me use the Nano with this unit?
2. Can a Nano be effectively used for hash/oil etc? Is there any other effective way to do it besides using the device I linked to above?
3. I also would like to order any helpful extras that I might need as getting things sent here takes weeks at a bare minimum. (shipping would be to the US and my freight forwarder would send it on.) What extras do you folks feel would be especially helpful. Even if it means buying additional items for this that are sold elsewhere.
I am really looking forward to joining the conversation here. With the discount that's available now, I'm ready to pick one up.:-)
Just waiting a few minutes to see if I can get a few answers to the questions above so I know what else to purchase with it.
Your new bubbler has a 18mm male joint. the Nano Gong "basket" will be a male - you will need a female adaptor, and the 18mm gong for attachment.
As far as hash/oil.. well, you can try. I've not had amazing success with it, but someone else may have, and they can tell you how to work it.
I would recommend picking up at least two glass-screened stems, and at least a couple of the 18mm Gongs, as glass does break, and you may not find a good local replacement.
Yes, somewhere else... and, I have no idea. You might check with a local glass shop LHS... or online at any of the glass retailers....
I was not terribly clear, I think. The ENano comes with a glass stem, I think. The glass stem is not easily used with water tools, so you need a Gong - size is determined by the joint size of the glass... the Gong is a male connector (for the glass side) and a "basket" end that you put the herb in, and then apply the Nano to (it slides into it a short distance).
You need a double female connector, 18mm, to connect a 18mm Gong to the joint on your little bubbler.
*I often overexplain*
I love small bubblers!![]()
Also I might add that the E-Nano from what I have read and hear is that it can accept many other log vapes stems in case you find yourself "in a pickle".
I have heard the UD ( under dog ) if Iam correct and maybe the HI (Heat Island), If I remember correctly its a 3/8Are there any that are especially popular that you are aware of?
Which GonG do you like better?The Nano fits my UD GonG and HI GonG just fine.
That makes sense. LOL Thanks for the help.GonG= glass on glass
The Nano's are just so beautifully crafted, and if they are as efficient & effective as people here say - I'll be one happy bunny!![]()