Vape outside the box
Yeah, I'm getting a bit anxious too. I pulled the trigger within 5 minutes of going live!

Finalized version. The beast was running too hot. Had to add an air gap for heat insulation. Should start shipping at the end of this week. Thank you for your patience.


Could not have responded better. She fixed a problem for me last night when I somehow was buying one XL, but the order got placed twice. Not sure what happened but she refunded the second one.. I asked for an ETA with no response, but I messaged back to kindly give me a rough idea.

I consider her response with the credit on her first day back and the post here EXCELLENT customer service. There are about 9 threads that are active now, where you can see what the opposite looks like. and it's no fun dealing with that!

Thank you Nadia
Similar experience yesterday when I texted the number she provided; my unit was in USPS hands by the end of the day. 10/10 Nadia. (screw long term illnesses and ailments as well, it sucks)


Vape outside the box
@ACE OF VAPE Is it necessary to use a basket screen with the glass stems and adapters?
It is preferable as the diameter of the bowl is bigger which allows more material to fall out without the basket screens. They also help in sealing the gap between the heater and the stem. You can use it without the screen, but it's not the recommended way.


Apprentice Daydreamer
It that new heater core also shaped on the inside to agitate the air so it could mix and hit the heater walls more on it way through? Convection vapes with comple metal cores are known to REALLY pack a punch. Also that new stem look like it might work really well with the VapeXhale ELBs - it adds a separating steel screen layer betwwen herbs and the glass tube sides, which can quickly warm up too when the air passes thorugh so the herbs are more evenly cooked, and would also prevent any tiny dust getting sucked thorugh those glass screening holes and is generally a more cleanable screening design. But there is a possibility that the gap in the new Nano can only take one layer of screen, not two in the ELB. on the other hand, using only the bowl part of the elbs, and leaving the screening on the heater side to that built in screen like the old ways might also be a great possibility.


Apprentice Daydreamer
Anyway I love where the E-Nano development is going, my old original Nano is still to this day the king, yet the last photo pretty much sums up everything I could improve about it after using it for years and noticing tiny things that could be a little better. A always though it could benefit and become the ultimate vape if the meatl core had more completexity to it on both the outside part for insulation and the inside part for better heat sinking and exchange. And so far that's pretyt much exactly what I'm I'm seeing there. That little expanded base there is one of those things I never thought would be an upgrade until I saw it. Yes, my nano gets tipped over quite often, not really a problem since it never cracked and no glass is ever upright attached to it while it's just standing there. But it would be cool if it just... ...didn't fall over so often. It still makes a loud startling noise when the nano fall over and hits the table.


How many vaps could a Vapman vap…
I agree.... Respectfully I am not a huge fan of the SonGs becoming the new standard. I won't really bitch about it, as I'm sure the silicone master adapter is a lot easier to do, and I respect that. But I'm a huge GonG guy, so it's a little disappointing in that regard.
Hopefully one of the makers can make an adapter of some kind. I am also really against using silicone in this regard. I’ll just have to be sure I don’t break my current glass ones if this is what they’ll be using on all models moving forward


Indie vaper
Yes, I concur! I have been waiting to make an order of 2-4 gongs (to offset shipping) for some time now. I almost bought another nano in the last sale instead except there were still no WPA's available to add to the order.

My WPA has been cut down and filed smooth twice now after drops and it's only about 45mm (1 3/4 inch) total length. Still works but I could not get it any smaller. It's the bowl and the taper and that's it.

I guess I will have to embrace the SONG but it would be nice to have the option of both. I would buy a song and a couple of glass ones for variety


Well-Known Member
Excited for this vape. The bottom half of the port where the power adapter plugs into cracked when my enano fell off the table. I've had the thing for 8 years almost so I am looking to upgrade. It still works but the cord is very loose.

Hoping for a 420 sale.


Chaque jour est une chance


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