It that new heater core also shaped on the inside to agitate the air so it could mix and hit the heater walls more on it way through? Convection vapes with comple metal cores are known to REALLY pack a punch. Also that new stem look like it might work really well with the VapeXhale ELBs - it adds a separating steel screen layer betwwen herbs and the glass tube sides, which can quickly warm up too when the air passes thorugh so the herbs are more evenly cooked, and would also prevent any tiny dust getting sucked thorugh those glass screening holes and is generally a more cleanable screening design. But there is a possibility that the gap in the new Nano can only take one layer of screen, not two in the ELB. on the other hand, using only the bowl part of the elbs, and leaving the screening on the heater side to that built in screen like the old ways might also be a great possibility.