@flotntoke I can't seem to get my hat configuration to work as good as my basket, in regards to getting perfect bingo hits. Every time I use the hat my herb does not get as vaped, i've tried all temps between 5-8. Its either slightly green or if I leave at 7.5 for a few seconds it combusts. To do the hat configuration I just take out my basket, reinsert it upside down. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Maybe I should just stick with the basket because I can get it to consistently work better. And i'm still getting a few specs stuck between the wall of the hat config and the glass, especially when I am adjusting the height of the screen. Thanks for all the help
From this post and a few below, it seems like maybe you like your vapor from a bit of a higher temp than me. Nothing wrong with that, and truth be told, I used to like it a bit heavier with darker ABV. Think as many of us get more into vapor we do the same. Now, I just do a couple combusted one hits when I'm in the mood (every 6 - 10 weeks or so). Don't tell anybody! Sometimes people here freak out when you admit to the sin of combustion.
Anyway.... Think this is a result of that little bit of retained heat you get from the basket because of load being surrounded by warm metal mesh. If you, or anyone else, likes it like this it is the way you should go. nano is SUPER versatile (well beyond screen direction) and this seems to be part of the reason it is so well loved by so many.
A newer screen (or better shaped at the edge of sides and flat side) will prevent bits from falling in around the sides. This is always annoying. When mine do this, I replace or reshape. I do less reshaping than I used to, but what you'll need is a piece of wood dowel or similar (3/8" I think mine is). Push the screen down over the end, put a hose clamp on it to hold to dowel, and use a small hammer to hit on opposite end of dowel while you have screen side on something hard - piece of 2x4 will work, but watch for wood bits. I like the small anvil on a little bench vise I have best. You can also use slip joint pliers or channel locks to hold screen on dowel, but it's a little trickier - and probably harder to do right without trying a hose clamp first to get a good feel for it. Sounds like a lot of work for a < $1 screen (and is!), but if you wait until you have 4 or 5 that could use some help, it's not too bad. Still.... this is why I just replace them now - easier, quicker and only $1!
Please don't confuse a decent hit with a BINGO hit. If you're still playing around and figuring where and how you like things, I doubt you've found one yet. You may have lucked into one, but I can't even get one every time I try (probably about 4 out of 5 if really trying after years of practice). But, even consistent good hits will take a bit of practice and playing with things until you get where you want.
Can't stress enough... What I find consistently good hits and what you like may be a bit different. I think the nano can accentuate these differences because it is so spot on, and we all have different tastes.
Definitely sounds like you're getting there and a good sign that everything is getting consistently better! Still not bad though, right? Trust me, it continues to get better. In leaps and bounds at first, but I even still figure out a new thing or two - or find something here I haven't thought of - and see some improvement. Keep at it! Am sure it will get continue to get better for you, and practice not only makes for more perfect, but is fun as anything and still very effective!
The hat is the proper way, the load sits on top of that. Not in the basket like a screen bowl holding the load.
Set it to the heat that consistently was working for your basket method without combustion or charring, and find the right height of the screen in hat mode for that temperature. Actuallyl, set your screen to the right height according to the e-oic, and find the temperature for that height. That is the key for me. You have to learn where the sweet temp spot is on your nano, mine is 5.75, higher I'm charring, lower and I've got whispey yanks and super light abv. YMMV.
It's in there, it is just a glass tube with heat traveling through it. How can flipping a screen make it that much harder to find a decent screen position? Do some

work, you can do this.
Loving my evening Nano yanks. After butane travelers the ease and power of the Nano are a great combo to just chill with.
My man says Girl Scout Cookies in stock. Tonight's gonna be a good night.
Some great points, but there is no wrong way to nano. If you're getting vapor and happy with it, and other things don't make it any better, than THAT is the proper way. For you, or whoever at least. I wholeheartedly agree that hat is the proper way for me (and seems you and many others), but maybe not for everyone. And, many evolve in their vaping so may go from one to the other in either direction.
^^^ These
Like building a golf swing, you just want it to be consistent, and repeatable. How you get there doesn't matter. Screen orientation really doesn't make a difference.
SO TRUE!!! Do what works for you and what you like best. Think it's always a good idea to try something different or new to see if you like it better - but use the versatility of the nano to make it best for yourself.
I agree whatever way works for you is the right way. Something we will all agree on that the Enano is an awesome vaporizer.
@dutz3013 i got OK hits it was messier and more eneven ABV. I use my unit as a session vape. I stir half way through my 10 min session anyway for better extraction. If the hat method works for you, keep using the method that works best.
With vaporizers there's no wrong way if it works for you.

+1. Draw makes a big difference. It's like using cruise control. When I want a good deep hit I slow it right down and gurgle that bubbler at a nice low frequency. You know, like with one of those bingo hits.
One thing that happens with hat is if the screen is not well-rounded then it will slide on you at the most inopportune times. You may believe you're vaping at a certain distance when you actually further away. When I have a freshly cleaned gong and a slidey screen then I work to find the sweet spot with screen distance. Then after a few sessions the reclaim and bits of herb form a powerful adhesive that helps lock the screen in position. Now that some-bitch ain't goin' nowhere.
Oh yeah, I'm hitting some GSC mixed with a little cheese to keep it mellow. I'm going to start hitting those Bubba Kush buds now that are homegrown. They were raised completely organic and have the most incredible smell I have ever noticed in the world of cannabis. I have a hard time describing the scent, but as time passes the curing causes it to have an almost sharp candy-like smell, sweet yet pungent. I so wish I could share it with all of you here on this thread. In a more perfect world I'd have you all over my backyard to hang out and vape some civilized bud.
I'm headed out on vacation for a few days so the nano will take a little rest. Mr. Air and Mr.Vapcap please report for duty. Front and center.
Some good Kush in a nano? BLISS!!!!! You lucky dog!