Unknown Member
You mean she's NOT!!![]()

Relaxing with some stems of a variety of end of stash's while I clean and prep some portables for the week.
Jack Frost, you were good to me.
Gorilla glue, wish I had a semi full.

You mean she's NOT!!![]()
My 14mm nano gong was getting a little gunky with reclaim, so yesterday I took a small piece of organic cotton and swabbed out half the reclaim with a wooden skewer. Tonight is the second night I have gotten completely fucked up off of that first swabbing. I still have the rest of the gong to wipe clean and still don't know how much is left on this first cleaning. I'm gonna try and kill it right now:
Edit:There's still some left.
It would have been a sin to wash this reclaim down the drain with iso. It doesn't taste like huckleberries or fresh lemons, but it don't taste half bad and it sure catches you by the boo boo.
I'm so crescent fresh.
Wand hash like this doesn't always taste the best, but I find it a very nice buzz. And, seems like you're getting a free bonus - doesn't it?
Might be a little late now, but when she gets all gunked up again, try making some magic milk. One very gooed up GonG adapter should be enough to make a tasty and potent drink or 2. Just throw the whole thing (screen and all) into some close to boiling milk and stir lightly for a couple minutes. Rinse well with hot water to remove milk and all the reclaim should be gone. If it isn't, give it another dunk in the milk for a couple minutes. Make sure you don't have anything to do for at least 4 hours when you drink it.![]()
I'm gonna continue imagining she is as she travels the country sampling the finest herbs in her RV which has a Murphy piano of some sort that folds out of one of the push out walls so she can keep her chops up. Don't burst my bubble.
just like I really am a cigar-smoking baby![]()
Cleaning is like RELIGION.Def use the 91% iso. Sometimes the supermarkets don't have it, but pharmacy stores will always carry.
Soaking will eventually clean them. It is a matter of how much gunk is on the screen. The gunk/reclaim is the solute and the iso is the solvent. Sometimes the solvent needs more time to penetrate due to the thickness of the solute it is dissolving. I'm not a scientist but I play one on FC.
I never noticed an off-taste from using the torch, but my sense of taste is not as strong as others, especially through glass.
BTW, still working on my supply of Cheese through the nano. I had some with me when I recently went on vacation and it just makes everything groovy.
I have to recommend the use of a Smoke Buddy when on vacation (and many other situations). The Smoke Buddy removes all sense of odor, vapor, smoke from your exhale. I was always concerned about setting off a smoke alarm in a hotel room when vaping. I don't know if vaping would set off a smoke alarm, but it always freaked me out. The Smoke Buddy removes all concern.
Is there a guide for eNano use? I got a list of questions on how to use it properly with the dry stem and an adjustable screen. I also dont have the tool it comes with. How far should my screen be from the heating element? Sometimes I feel like the bud doesn't turn as brown as it should does that mean its too far away? too packed in the screen? And do I need to let the vapor build or can I extract pretty much all the thc by continuously puffing (long slow draws) once the enano is heated up to its temperature. Typically I use settings 5-7. And how much do I know to load? People say .025 to .1 and some say a pinch. Sometimes I put a pinch and feel like not enough vapor is coming out, I'm not sure if its because i'm not loading enough or because of the screen being too far away or packing it improperly. Thanks guys!
@flotntoke Lots of good info.
Thanks for catching my jacked up measurements, huge brain fart there. Edited my post with the right info. May have been partially vaped at the time.![]()
That guide look's cool?You're in the best guide available! Welcome to FC and the nano-nation! Best of thread has some good info all in one place. You'll probably also want to skim the last 150 pages or so for good info that comes up all the time.
Seems you have seen posts about using the tool to set screen depth. Put it on your short list for when you order accessories from EpicVape. Think they're still only $5. The depth of the screen from lip should be about 14mm +/- 2mm. 12 - 15 mm is the length of the long leg you'll see in pictures of the E-Pik tool. Think they used to be a little shorter. Sorry @SloJimFizz - not even close to an inch depth - more like 1/2 - 5/8".
Is this your first vape? OR, maybe first real vape I should ask. IOW, not a simple conduction (oven) based portable? Asking because there are some vaporizing basics that apply to most vapes - especially convection vapes like nano. Many factors are going to lead to better or not so good vapor, and different results. Also, there are many personal preferences (like how brown your ABV will be). Too far from heating element can be a problem that will leave less material vaporized to brown. Too much moisture in load, too low of heat, drawing too fast, heater set too low and screen too low in stem are some of the variables that can cause this, as well as others. You also need decent nugs for worthwhile vapor production. Schwag or Mexi-dirt can work, but not too well.
Try to get load as close to heater you can without touching, and tweak on your own using info here to find your favorite settings or to deal with things out of your control. Many of these parameters will also change a little bit depending on your material, how dry it is, ambient temp and even a bit of difference where you have it plugged in and how (such as using extension cord, surge suppressor, different circuit at home that may have other stuff running on it). Usually these changes are very minor, but you'll be able to tell once you get used to your nano.
5-7 on the dial is probably about where you want to be for power setting. Bare in mind these dials are not exact from one to the other (my 6 may be your 5.75 or 6.5 or whatever), and that the dial position can be moved. Seems like you picked this up used, and previous owner may have moved it a little one way or the other. Best placement IMO is to be sure your 0 mark lined up properly and go from there. Lower temps produce wispier vapor that creates more of a "heady" high. Higher temps will produce denser vapor that usually has more of a "body" or "couch-lock" buzz, both in varying degrees depending on variables. 5.5 - 6 on dial seems a good place for most to start and adjust from there as you like. Always better to start lower and work higher while trying to find your sweet spots. No use starting higher and moving lower, as you'll be vaping actives at the higher temp that the lower temps won't release.
How much to load is pretty much up to you. Some load less (I usually do) and some load more. What's really more important than size of load - or depth of screen for that matter - is distance from heater screen (the one on top of cylinder inside nano cup). Optimal is to be as close as you can without load touching it. Err on the side of not touching, rather than barely touching, for best results. You're not going to want to tamp the load down too tight, so you use screen depth to make a deeper area for a larger load. Keep in mind that larger loads will require more stirring, but give more hits. Just another thing the E-Pik tool is good to have for. But, anything with a flat small blade (like a small screwdriver, or cut off and flat blade shaped chopstick) will work well.
I prefer to use material with a medium-fine grind. Others use whole nugs. Both work well, though you'll notice differences of each. Whichever you use, don't pack too tightly. nano being convection requires airflow around and through the load for good vapor production. If you pack tightly, it won't work as well and you'll be straining to get good hits. Kind of like trying to suck a very thick milkshake through a too thin straw.
Size of load gets very subjective, and I think it is easier to site view it than weigh. What you want is a very lightly tamped load that will barely not touch heater screen. A good way to figure this out is to use a cold nano to push the load down and force the screen deeper (or a hot nano, but be sure to gently clean any material off the heater screen soon as you can). Use a tamper (I like a golf pencil or flat end piece of chopstick - the top part) and push it just a little lower. You can mark this screen depth and where the heater core goes into your stem so you know how much you can put in with a Sharpie right on the glass (cleans off easily with alcohol later), or use the silicone sleeve as a depth guide for screen depth if you have one on your stem. After doing this I'd dump that load and fluff it a little, because pushing it down like this will probably compress it too much. No worries, your spots are now marked. Just put not quite all of that load back in to vape and you should be good to go.
I usually like a very small load that only gives 3-4 hits. 2nd and 3rd being the best. 1st can be a bit wispy as you're heating everything up (but not always) and 4th is straining to get vapor because it is pretty much spent. Usually takes a good stir to even get that from it. Sometimes I'll go with a larger load (up to 7-10 hits) and just stir every 3 to keep it going. Flavor will usually drop off after first 3 hits either way. This is the biggest reason I like smaller loads, but larger ones will still be effective even after most flavor drops off.
nano will work OK by just loading it and getting things lined up. But, with a little practice it gets SO much better. This is one of the great things about this vape. It works OK if you throw it together, but is so versatile it allows any user to tweak to their own preferences and use in different ways (big loads vs small, higher heat vs lower, on a water piece instead of dry stem, for concentrates, etc).
So, my advice is to get reading, and start practicing. The best of thread is a great place to start. Learn how to use the search function at the top right corner of every FC page. It can be a pain in the ass, but will usually point you in the right direction. Also, hate to be snooty/conceited, but I've made a good many posts about nano use and tips for more than 4 years in this thread. You can use the search function to look for posts by a specific user in a specific thread. Look for my posts and you can usually tell from the first couple lines whether there is worthwhile usage info and tips - or is just me stoned and rambling on about whatever.
Once you get a better grip on things, you might want to check out nano with a bubbler or other water tool. Most of us do, though some still prefer dry. Might want to keep this in mind while searching thread. You'll need a GonG adapter of proper size from EpicVape, and a glass piece to put it on. Many cheap ones available from China that work great. More on all of that later if you like.
You should post other questions as needed here in the thread. FC is a great place, and this thread is one of the best IMO. Plenty of people will be anxious to help you get a handle on things. But, do a little checking on thread. Some things are asked repeatedly - and some members (me probably worse than most) get a little gripey when you ask a question that was just answered recently on the previous page or three. Also, feel free to PM me for any specifics you'd like (click on someone's name and then start a conversation in the pop-up).
That guide look's cool?
I don't use one since I don't have one?
Now I use my hand's like a CAVEMAN
Can I order one?
Hey @dutz3013 welcome! I'm a newbie as well, to vaping in general & Nano specifically, and you have indeed found the best user's guide. And you picked a kick-ass vape. @flotntoke laid it out for you and you really should skim last 150 pages or so for the most common questions. I can tell you there's a depth of knowledge and experience in this thread like very few others, I have found good info from several years ago here. I only say that because when you search, some results may be old but will still be worthwhile. Also, if you're having difficulty finding your answer with the search here, using your search engine works well as many of your results will be for a page right here on FC!Is there a guide for eNano use? I got a list of questions on how to use it properly with the dry stem and an adjustable screen. I also dont have the tool it comes with. How far should my screen be from the heating element? Sometimes I feel like the bud doesn't turn as brown as it should does that mean its too far away? too packed in the screen? And do I need to let the vapor build or can I extract pretty much all the thc by continuously puffing (long slow draws) once the enano is heated up to its temperature. Typically I use settings 5-7. And how much do I know to load? People say .025 to .1 and some say a pinch. Sometimes I put a pinch and feel like not enough vapor is coming out, I'm not sure if its because i'm not loading enough or because of the screen being too far away or packing it improperly. Thanks guys!
First, put your screens in with the basket facing toward you and your lips and the bottom of the basket facing the chamber/heater.I'm just not sure iof how far to pack my herb when using the dry stem, should the herb be packed to the length of the screen wall? or are you able to pack it further? Sorry if my wording is poor, just did a pack of some bruce banner..
I'm just not sure iof how far to pack my herb when using the dry stem, should the herb be packed to the length of the screen wall? or are you able to pack it further? Sorry if my wording is poor, just did a pack of some bruce banner..
My regular everyday process:
- Make sure your material is pretty dry. Sticky is fine, but you want humidity/moisture down around 40 - 55% MAX. Don't need to measure it. Snap a small stem. Does it snap or bend and break? Snap is good, bend and break is usually not quite dry enough for me. If not dry, find a warm dry place to put it for an hour or so. Simple and most used for me is to loosely wrap in piece of paper (copy paper or thin brown paper bag best IMO) and set it on top of cable box or other electronics that are slightly warm but not hot to touch. An hour or so is usually plenty.
- Grind just a little bit. 1/2 gram will usually last me a day or 2. For best results, put leftovers in airtight container for overnight storage - especially if humid out. I do this if it is going to be left out (or in grinder ) for more than an hour or 2 if humid like it is now in much of US. If not, it gets too moist again and you have to re-dry (in paper on electronics), and re-grind a little for best results.
- Make sure your nano is at full temp while doing the above. If you leave it on all the time (like I do), set it to your normal setting (5.75 - 6.25 for me on current nano). If it is cold, warm for at least 25 - 30 minutes. nano will work OK after 5 minute warm up, or setting to 10 for a few minutes, then desired heat level for a few more. But, for nano to perform optimally and work its magic, EVERYTHING needs to be warmed up. Your wood on outside should be warm to the touch, indicating that the metal cup inside has come to temp.
- Suck a bit of your ground material into the end of stem/GonG adapter and give it a light tamp. @howie105 is dead on above - tamp it just enough that it doesn't fall back out. Use the stickiness of the material to your advantage and keep in mind it will compress and stick together a bit better after first hit.
- Put on nano and draw slowly and smoothly. If going through a bubbler or other water piece, be cautious not to stir up too many bubbles or too much diffusion while vapor is going through the perc. Doing so will knock your flavor down a bit. Once it is through the perc you can clear as hard as you like. Most of the flavor robbing is going on while vapor is twisting and turning through perc, or riding in bubbles.
- First hit if on a fully warmed nano at good temp should be very flavorful, though may be a bit wispy. A short pre-heat can eliminate this. Just put your nano on your stem/GonG adapter, but let it sit there without drawing for 30 seconds or so.
- Second hit should be divine, and could be a BINGO hit. Same for third hit.
- Give a quick stir before 4th hit. If screen at regular E-Pik depth (top pic above) probably time to dump to ABV jar after this (save that shit for edibles, QWISO or making salves!).
- If you've gone with a bigger load, give it another hit or two and stir again. Repeat until no vapor after stir - or it starts to get that burnt popcorn taste.