
thoroughly vaped

I'm sorry man, but I'd say neither. Yeah, they look cool and all. And, both will probably produce nice bubble shows. But, all that diffusion is going to rob your flavor and nano performance is going to suffer. Plus, either would be a real pain in the ass to clean. IMO? Pick one of these to buy for the bubble show or combusting. Put some colored water in it, and shine some fancy lights on it. Play with that for kicks after you use a simpler bubbler to vape through - be it with nano or anything else for that matter.

Random idea/question, maybe Andy can weigh in...

For the metal "barrel" of the E-Nano: by "barrel", I mean the larger diameter piece of metal (steel or aluminum?) that hugs right up against the wood. Why is this metal? I know it is not in direct contact with the heating element. But as we've all noticed, if you leave your Nano on for say 30 minutes or longer, the whole device itself gets warm. This means some heat produced by the heating element is warming the whole unit itself. So that means there is some inefficiency, as ideally we want all heat to be used for our material. (Granted, in the winter, it will probably be nice for the Nano to double as a hand warmer; but from an engineering perspective, that's not the primary purpose of this device.)

So what if instead that "barrel" was made of ceramic, rather than metal, i.e. insulator of heat, rather than conductor? It might still get warm over time (?), but I'm thinking less metal overall would mean less thermal mass to draw heat away from the heating element. Perhaps the unit would, overall, reach a steady-state sooner? It might also help prevent the wood from cracking: even if the ceramic did get warm, I would think it would happen much more slowly than the metal, which perhaps gives the wood a better chance to adapt slowly.


I really hope Andy doesn't mess with either. I'm pretty sure the nano works as well as it does because of the metal in wood with heater core in center sheathed in ss. I also wouldn't say it is inefficient. The way it works, I'd say all the heat IS used for our material. I refer to it as nano magic, and I still don't entirely get it. But, I've spent more than a few hours stoned by it and staring at the beautiful simplicity. You may notice that the air intake is at the bottom of the heater core cover. When everything is warmed up properly, your intake air is preheated by being drawn through the heated metal cup inside, then through the tube along the heater core. Pretty sure this is part of the magic. If the wood wasn't there it wouldn't look nearly as pretty and would burn your hand before too long. And, don't think ceramic would do as good of a job of simple preheating (after it took much longer to heat up). It also seems that the heat jacket around the ss covered heater core and trapped inside the metal cup is at least part of what keeps heat so consistent despite draw speeds or power.

There is a bit more to it I'm sure, but I think this is why many (especially newer vapors) enjoy nano more than other logs. As @snackmaster said above, "if it ain't broke...". Why mess with something that is already so close to absolute perfection?


Anything worth doing, is worth overdoing.
Whatever floats your raft!

Personally I would start with a D022 and go from there?
Some like the D020-D (I have a FC 187 similar size)?

Big Bong like mouth-pieces are UNCIVILIZED to me?

Do what works for you?
Were all different!

There is not a right or wrong way.
Just a way!

I think in mathematical terms?

Bubblers = portables
SM - Med = LOG's (NANO)
LARGE = most desktops

The age of the vaporist is also a factor!

So true, everyone needs to find their way.

My way is through water. I like my vapor to take a swim first.

I had my nano near 7, but lately have tuned it back down to 6.5. I get more flavor and still nice clouds.

I have a standard walnut model. Just a plain country nano.


So true, everyone needs to find their way.

My way is through water. I like my vapor to take a swim first.

I had my nano near 7, but lately have tuned it back down to 6.5. I get more flavor and still nice clouds.

I have a standard walnut model. Just a plain country nano.
@BabyFacedFinster I have a Walnut stock.
However I will paint it light pink.

The strains I have like 6.0 - 6.3!
Last year I was closer to 7.0!

Whatever works for the CANNABIS your receiving?

Their is no truth with pink and blue?

Be Civilized not programmed incorrectly!


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
@LazyVaper thats the way I use the Enano most of the time as a session vape. I leave my stem in the oven like a Solo. I know many don't use there's that way but I find it easier. I like simple and easy. Usually I give my cannabis a stir about half way through my 10 min session. That will distribute your cannabis evenly and everything gets toasted. Including you.

That's what's so great about the nano you can use it many ways. Find your favorite way. It will take some experimentation but thats most of the fun. I find my D020 bubbler works well with my Solo but not enough volume for the Enano. I like my D022 for the nano. I hear the D020-D works better too. Just my opinion.:2c: Whatever way works best for you, is the best way.:tup:
I love hearing everyone's ideas.

I have some Banana Kush in my stem tonight. And no the vapor doesn't taste like bananas. What's in your nano?;pd;:bigleaf:

My temp is at 6.5
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taste buds
Random idea/question, maybe Andy can weigh in...

For the metal "barrel" of the E-Nano: by "barrel", I mean the larger diameter piece of metal (steel or aluminum?) that hugs right up against the wood. Why is this metal? I know it is not in direct contact with the heating element. But as we've all noticed, if you leave your Nano on for say 30 minutes or longer, the whole device itself gets warm. This means some heat produced by the heating element is warming the whole unit itself. So that means there is some inefficiency, as ideally we want all heat to be used for our material. (Granted, in the winter, it will probably be nice for the Nano to double as a hand warmer; but from an engineering perspective, that's not the primary purpose of this device.)

So what if instead that "barrel" was made of ceramic, rather than metal, i.e. insulator of heat, rather than conductor? It might still get warm over time (?), but I'm thinking less metal overall would mean less thermal mass to draw heat away from the heating element. Perhaps the unit would, overall, reach a steady-state sooner? It might also help prevent the wood from cracking: even if the ceramic did get warm, I would think it would happen much more slowly than the metal, which perhaps gives the wood a better chance to adapt slowly.

@flotntoke pretty much nailed it. The metal "barrel" preheats the air, before it reaches the heater stem. This is why a conductive material is better. I think this is part of the magic that makes it hard to draw down the heater of a fully warmed nano. You're not just drawing down the heater, you have to draw all of the heat out of the metal barrel too.

I like to think of it like a reverse heat sink, although technically it's just a passive heat sink that is being cleverly repurposed to help preheat the air.


thoroughly vaped


That will work, but don't know if my old monkey lungs could handle it. Probably would take me 3 draws just to get vapor. :myday: Think you'll really enjoy the D020 when it arrives. Hurry up China!
Do you celebrate 420?
How about WAKE & VAKE?

Your comment on "Hurry up China"!
This statement is why we have more than one.



Well-Known Member
Hey folks,

Got some Chocolope in the nano right now and still in love with my unit 2 weeks in.

The Nano fits perfectly with my home sesh routine but I am now raising my Gaze up to the horizon and want a good portable.

The reason I went with the nano is because it fits my priorities best which are as follows in order of most to least important:

Effectiveness, speed, reliability, efficiency, durability & longevity, aesthetics, price.

I had a solo for a while and it was great but this forum has also opened my eyes to the world of butane powered vaped and I am wondering if they would better fit my priorities. I do like the idea of them as I like to go camping very off the grid.

I am in the process of educating myself about them but it's a lot to take in...so many products.

I will add that I do not vape in public. I want something to bring out on a night out for a pit stop in the park or to a friends place.

For context my gripes about the solo were as follows (minor):

- frigile (I went through so many stems because they shattered when I knocked it over)
-I had to order a battery replacement after a year because it would not hold a charge.
-herb was cooking in between hits (this would force me to consume more than I needed at a given time. This is what I love about the nano, being able to have very small sessions on demand at any time)

Sorry if this is an inappropriate place to make this post but I know the people on this forum better than any other and I value your opinions.

Any suggestions and/or input is greatly appreciated

Edit: I've been curious about the milaana as well.

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Well-Known Member
@16jps The sticky brick looks awesome but I think you may prefer the vapcap if you want to avoid glass. A Ti woody is very durable but an omnivape is basically indestructible. For all the reasons you listed and more it will be my next vape purchase

@Radiocitysuicide my friend is gonna bring the old nano over once I get my underdog so I should have some answers about the stems soon
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Anything worth doing, is worth overdoing.
@16jps The sticky brick looks awesome but I think you may prefer the vapcap if you want to avoid glass. A Ti woody is very durable but an omnivape is basically indestructible. For all the reasons you listed and more it will be my next vape purchase

@Radiocitysuicide my friend is gonna bring the old nano over once I get my underdog so I should have some answers about the stems soon

I would echo the vapcap. I especially like my Vong style.

I can also recommend the Lotus as a great butane portable. Especially with the wpa water attachment piece. It can't be broken like glass. ;)

However, I always come home to the nano. In fact....I'll be right back.

@CarolKing , It's a shame. Why do the call it Banana kush if it doesn't smell/taste like bananas?

It's like Circus Peanuts: they're shaped like peanuts, but taste like bananas. :smug:


thoroughly vaped
Do you celebrate 420?
How about WAKE & VAKE?

Your comment on "Hurry up China"!
This statement is why we have more than one.


OHHHH I wish I could wake & vape more often. Work is a 6 day week these days. All good with me, but no way I could be high in there. Probably a noticeable difference between my un-vaped morning posts with my coffee, and evening posts apres nano.

Hey folks,

Got some Chocolope in the nano right now and still in love with my unit 2 weeks in.

The Nano fits perfectly with my home sesh routine but I am now raising my Gaze up to the horizon and want a good portable.

The reason I went with the nano is because it fits my priorities best which are as follows in order of most to least important:

Effectiveness, speed, reliability, efficiency, durability & longevity, aesthetics, price.

I had a solo for a while and it was great but this forum has also opened my eyes to the world of butane powered vaped and I am wondering if they would better fit my priorities. I do like the idea of them as I like to go camping very off the grid.

I am in the process of educating myself about them but it's a lot to take in...so many products.

I will add that I do not vape in public. I want something to bring out on a night out for a pit stop in the park or to a friends place.

For context my gripes about the solo were as follows (minor):

- frigile (I went through so many stems because they shattered when I knocked it over)
-I had to order a battery replacement after a year because it would not hold a charge.
-herb was cooking in between hits (this would force me to consume more than I needed at a given time. This is what I love about the nano, being able to have very small sessions on demand at any time)

Sorry if this is an inappropriate place to make this post but I know the people on this forum better than any other and I value your opinions.

Any suggestions and/or input is greatly appreciated

Edit: I've been curious about the milaana as well.


Millana is awesome! But, still glass to worry about. Doesn't bother me and it is by far my portable #1. Vapcap another fun awesome tool that could do well for you. Nothing wrong with the good old vapman either, but a higher learning curve. Haven't tried a brick yet, but found daisy (very similar) to be a good hitter. But, I'm not comfortable sucking on butane exhaust. With vapcap or vapman (or lotus), you heat with butane, remove torch then hit. With brick you're drawing butane flame right into your vapor path while you hit it. Not sure if this is a valid concern (and you can find much hullabaloo on each side of this), but I'm not comfortable with it.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Often while the cannabis is growing it reminds the farmer of something. So then the cannabis gets a name. The Banana Kush cannabis is named for the size of the buds - they are large and shaped like a banana. Some cannabis is named for its smell and taste. PLantinum Girl Scouts Cookies doesn't taste like cookies either, go figure. It's taste like grape or berries.

Too bad we didn't have a nano portable.

You are right @ataxian - it does vary from one plant to another. I've never had any myself that tasted like cookies.
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Often while the cannabis is growing it reminds the farmer of something. So then the cannabis gets a name. The Banana Kush cannabis is named for the size of the buds - they are large and shaped like a banana. Some cannabis is named for its smell and taste. PLantinum Girl Scouts Cookies doesn't taste like cookies either, go figure. It's taste like grape or berries.

Too bad we didn't have a nano portable.
@CarolKing I sorry in interrupt you!
GIRL SCOUT COOKIE is different from grower to grower.
However slight difference can be detected.
I had a little over 1/4# thAT tasted like chocolate.
Some grams tasted like cookie dough?

The MEDICATION was perfect for me?
Now I have learned to keep quiet and don't give the name of the strains not to provide false information?

Next growing season will be out doors!
Yield is greater if the climate is ideal.

SATIVA in Southern California? (no problem)

HYBRIDS in Central California?


I'm trying different strains with my NANO!


Well-Known Member
So I accidentally combusted in my E-Nano and it tasted and smelled horrible. I was just below 7 on the temp scale, how do I avoid accidentally combusting in the future?


Well-Known Member
So I accidentally combusted in my E-Nano and it tasted and smelled horrible. I was just below 7 on the temp scale, how do I avoid accidentally combusting in the future?
I think that's the first report I've read of combustion below 7. Depending on the outlet your nano is plugged in to, it may run a little hot. I usually kept the dial at 6.5 or below but that varies by strain. And using it with friends can require slightly higher temps. You may have packed it too tightly as well. Don't grind too fine and if you tamp it down, do it lightly.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Your cannabis does vaporize faster the closer to the heater. It coukd cause charring if you are having a session. So it's important to stir about half way through. I've never heard anyone either getting combustion at 7.
Time to turn the temp down.

A big difference from charring and combustion. Does it taste like a stinky joint and leave your vaporizer and stem taste and smell like a joint? Did you get smoke? If it does I guess you combusted. You would know best.

I've had my temp at 8 before and never combusted. I've had my nano for almost 18 months. That's right temps vary a little bit. Also depending on your electrical outlet.

I have the D022 and it performs well with a lot of volume and bubbles. Gives large vapor clouds. Have you tried using different amounts of water?

I have the D022 bubbler and I get great volume and a lot of bubbles. It gives big vapor clouds. I usually have my temp at 6.5 - 6.75. I would imagine you have tried different amounts of water. It does come with 2 pieces. I needed help putting it together at first. @steama came to my rescue.

@throwawaytre3s have you tried using it dry?
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Well-Known Member
Too bad we didn't have a nano portable.

@ataxian - it does vary from one plant to another. I've never had any myself that tasted like cookies.

I think you're looking for the firewood :p haha

I have a question, and I was wondering if anyone else has any answers. When I run my nano through water, it either performs really well, or doesn't perform well at all. There's no middle ground. I can get excellent one or two hit extraction from a d022, but my regular beaker bottom doesn't do well at all for vapor production or extraction. Does it have to do with the volume of air being pulled through it? The perc restrictions? What gives?


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