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@CarolKing what is a heat soak and what does it DO?
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At the moment JoDa isn't doing any custom pieces, he's busy doing a large production run for a local shop. I've asked recently as well as a couple others. He usually has a few pre-made pieces available for sale.
He can probably knock out some GonGs or stems though. He did a GonG for me to go with my recycler he made. I actually wanted a custom piece instead of the recycler, but he couldn't do it at the moment. I decided to snatch the recycler and I'm so glad I did, I probably like it more than I would have liked my custom piece.
I still want to get that custom piece made. Hopefully he's done with the production run before too long.
@Vapor Trails are you talking about heat soaking the stem or the nano?
How long are you leaving the nano on before using it?
The nano, like all logs, functions best when it is on constantly. It is best to heat soak it for 20-30 minutes before use. This ensures consistent vapor production from hit to hit.
The nano produces more consistent vapor than any other vape I have. For any given strain, with the same grind, load size, temp level, and technique, I get hits that are very consistent in quality.
The only time it's not consistent is if it's been sitting a while the first hit's temp might be slightly higher and cause more browning than normal. This can be counteracted by giving a quick sharp blow into the heater core before using. I only do this if it's a partially used chamber. If it's a fresh load I find the extra heat actually helps produce vapor faster without any unwanted browning.
I strongly recommend leaving the nano on whenever you're home. It may feel weird at first but it's perfectly fine and doesn't use much electricity. Knowing your log is ready to go at a moment's notice is a great feeling.
If you simply can't do that, or for times you just got home and are in a rush, here's a recipe:
From cold, turn the E-Nano to 10 on the temp dial for 3 minutes.
After those 3 minutes, turn it down to 7 on the temp dial for 2 minutes.
After those 2 minutes it should be ready to hit. You should be able to get pretty consistent hits, I would guess roughly in the 375-385°F range. No risk of combustion at all, good flavor and thick vapor. I've never been able to draw down the heat significantly with this recipe, even with hits that are nearly back to back, with minimal time in between for my lungs to recover.
You may have to experiment a bit with the second temp, you may find you prefer 7.25 or 6.75 or something else. I think 7 is a good starting point. After your first session, if you are leaving your nano on, turn it down .5 on the temp dial. Most likely by the time you are ready for a second session the nano will be completely heat soaked.
Lately I've been keeping my nano at 6.6 whenever I'm home, that setting works good for me with most strains. I get potent, dense vapor with great flavor at this setting, and each hit is nearly identical. Absolutely no risk of combustion, and no loss of heat. My average session I'm using a load in about a minute, with 2-3 hits in that time.
I am referring to the the unit itself heat soaking. I actually take a draw right away, because I feel some vapor could escape since the heater is close to the material. I turned it down a bit, and now it seems to vape like I feel it should, and a ton more vapor for some odd reason vs blasting the heat for 2 draws. I actually got lengthy draws that were effective. Somehow my method was so bad that even tho charring the material, I felt nothing from those pulls. How could that be that I feel a Lot if I go slower when adjusting heat?
Speaking of the heat soak on the Nano, only.
I'm very rarely able to leave my home anymore, and so this is my always on, always ready vape.
@flotntoke knows way more than anyone on this thread!
I'm way too MEDICATED! (that's what we call it in CALIFORNIA). (sounds PC)!
The NANO has a very good HEATER.
The WOOD WORK is very accomplished.
For the $ I love the NANO!
@CarolKing what is a heat soak and what does it DO?
@flotntoke please note my intention is not common logic!WOW!
Thanks @ataxian . I don't know that I know more, but I generally go on a bit more than most and have the advantage of playing with nanos for a couple more years than many. I just hope others share what they figure out, too. My thick head misses way too much obvious stuff.
And, you by far are the greatest poet - rhymes or not.
I've tried quite a few more vapes than in my signature and nothing suits me better than a fully warmed nano.
I turn mine on and it is ready to go at 6.5 at the 10 minute mark. Maybe not at full operating temp but giving good hits. Almost the same as my ssv at 7 minutes or so. I like to avoid fiddling with the dial.
That's a small hammer shaped bubbler, somewhat similar to a j-hook. The part inside is the percolater, it looks like it is the type of perc in the D020-D as well as many other pieces. I believe it's called a matrix perc, but I'm no expert on glass. I think I am coming down with GAS like @flotntoke.@Vapor_Eyes- what is that thing? It looks like a corkscrew encased in glass.
When I first got my nano I left a packed stem, with the recommended clearance from the heater, on the stem for 10-15 minutes at temp 6 to see if it would cook my herb. It didn't cook the load to any noticeable degree.My latest strain of Cheese is pretty fluffy. The herb in my packed gong often makes contact with the heater. As a result, I regularly pull little pieces of herb off the heater screen. Never has the heater charred those pieces.
You are the coolest vaporist on this PLANET.@flotntoke I really like that J-hook piece. I was thinking of asking if Joda had any of those Gongs like yours already made. I would love one with a little swirly in the round marble part.
Another option for a nice bubbler is
They had/have a sale with some great prices recently. I almost picked up some bigger glass, but my thriftiness kicked in.
My latest strain of Cheese is pretty fluffy. The herb in my packed gong often makes contact with the heater. As a result, I regularly pull little pieces of herb off the heater screen. Never has the heater charred those pieces. I just drop them back into the gong and vape on. I think folks worry too much about this.
ax Brothers and Sisters
FC rocks, but I'd swear nanoers are the bestest!
Will work well but is very low drag and small can. Love this piece for my arizer air but a little small and a little less drag than I want for nano. Good starter and convenience of having the piece hold your stem makes for much fewer spills. You will never go back
Just ordered this plus the 18/19mm gong from enano. I think they'll all be compatable, but I'm currently in the midst of an enano session so I'm not entirely sure....
But if it does, how different can I expect the experience to be? I've only done direct draw so far.
Just ordered this plus the 18/19mm gong from enano. I think they'll all be compatable, but I'm currently in the midst of an enano session so I'm not entirely sure....
But if it does, how different can I expect the experience to be? I've only done direct draw so far.
What heat soak initially meant was putting your nano on the load for 10 - 30 seconds to pre-heat the load and glass. I find it gives me a bit of a fuller first hit. When everything is fresh and cool (not hot), it seems to take about half a hit to warm up the glass and load until she starts hitting well.
Your nano will perform MUCH better if you let it get up to temp and stabilize. There is much more going on that meets the eye when she is warmed and truly ready to go. I don't pretend to understand it, but am pretty sure it has to do with a nice equalized temp of heater core, wood exterior and metal inner cup.
If going from cold, you can go for the super heat at 10 for 3-4 minutes, then drop down to preferred temp for a couple more minutes. It works OK and will be functional. I often do it when I find myself with a cold nano (not too often fortunately, but enough). However, she will work MUCH better if you let her heat up at preferred temp for 20-30 minutes. Or, just leave her ready to go all the time.
That's the nature of manual vs. automatic. Manual requires more of a learning curve but allows for more control and flexibility. I also agree that manual vaporizers create more of a bond with users. I have an emotional attachment to my manual vapes that just isn't there with the automatic units.That is one thing I've found to be both a strength and weakness of the Nano (and presumably all log vapes in general): the nuances and subtleties of its operation demand that the user develop a decent intuition or feel for how it behaves under various circumstances. I say this is a weakness for people like me who want more of a consistent, turn-key experience without any fuss. (To be clear, I'm not saying you can't have a consistent turn-key experience with the Nano; you absolutely can, but it will likely require some "time-tuition" to understand how to achieve those results.) But at the same time, it's a strength because spending time "getting to know" the tool will establish a ritual and/or bond that is important to many people. And perhaps more importantly, the fact that there is a learning curve means that it is a powerful tool that is flexible and offers more capabilities compared to a "one trick pony".
both will probably work but both are overkill as far as diffusion. You are giving up some flavor with thesefor perfomance which one is better for the enano;searl|2427744511. OR Percolator;searl|0642054964
my glass recently broke
Whatever floats your raft!for perfomance which one is better for the enano;searl|2427744511. OR Percolator;searl|0642054964
my glass recently broke
Random idea/question, maybe Andy can weigh in...
For the metal "barrel" of the E-Nano: by "barrel", I mean the larger diameter piece of metal (steel or aluminum?) that hugs right up against the wood. Why is this metal? I know it is not in direct contact with the heating element. But as we've all noticed, if you leave your Nano on for say 30 minutes or longer, the whole device itself gets warm. This means some heat produced by the heating element is warming the whole unit itself. So that means there is some inefficiency, as ideally we want all heat to be used for our material. (Granted, in the winter, it will probably be nice for the Nano to double as a hand warmer; but from an engineering perspective, that's not the primary purpose of this device.)
So what if instead that "barrel" was made of ceramic, rather than metal, i.e. insulator of heat, rather than conductor? It might still get warm over time (?), but I'm thinking less metal overall would mean less thermal mass to draw heat away from the heating element. Perhaps the unit would, overall, reach a steady-state sooner? It might also help prevent the wood from cracking: even if the ceramic did get warm, I would think it would happen much more slowly than the metal, which perhaps gives the wood a better chance to adapt slowly.