Hello nano-nation! Finally back to FC after a nice vaca, out of town for work, and a particularly annoying and time consuming hard drive failure. Always great to get back and see so much great commentary about my favorite vape! Much to comment on, and sorry in advance for going on so long and so much. But, regular readers here already know how I can be - especially where nano is concerned.

Kind of in chronological reply order - I think.
TLDR version... just skip this one.
.... I met with some friends today and we started drinking and hanging out. I must have downed about 4-5 pints when I started feeling groggy. They tasted good and got me buzzed but then the lousy feeling always follows and then I promise myself I won't drink that much again. When I got home, I fired up the nano and vaped some Wappa (indica) and mellowed out. I now feel a lot better. Cannabis is so much more civilized than alcohol.
Comments on cleaning below, but to BabyFaced (and a good tip for all who still indulge with alcohol). NEVER, EVER, NEVER have more than one beer or drink without getting some vapor in you! The only time I ever do this is at family/social functions when vaping isn't practical or I don't want vapor on my breath. Even then, I try to get a couple hits in before arriving and take a swig of mouthwash. I also stick to no more than 2 drinks (if no vapor) for the most part, Double benefit here because all those folks now think I am a much more responsible drinker - HA!
I'm a beer freak and often go to local breweries - sometimes to a few in a day if I have a willing driver. I also have a few good watering holes that specialize in nice craft beers. For me what works best is to get a nano load in me before I even leave the house. Then take a subtle portable for out and about (VC very nice here). Learn how to vape with your portable in stealthy mode. Pretty much anywhere people drink, you'll find smokers (or at least a smoking area). Get off to the side downwind from them, and act a little dickish - like you don't want to be part of the smoking circle click. Minimum, I go out and get at least one VC load in me every 2 beers.
Yes, all the studies and analysis are true... vaping and alcohol combined are usually a bit more than the sum of the two. Nothing wrong with that IMO! Just be aware and take things a bit more slowly. But, if I drink much without vaping the buzz gets kind of sideways on me, and the aftermath (next morning, or later that eve) is much worse.
If for whatever reason you find yourself out drinking without vapor, be sure to get some in you as soon as you can - better before your alcohol buzz tapers off too much. Also, things seem to go much better if you get a good vape in before eating while buzzed on booze.
I've sworn by this for years, and enjoy drinking (and drink less) because of this. I had been doing the same combusting for years before I discovered vapor. YMMV, but you should definitely check it out. Leads to a much better buzz IMO, and your bar tab should drop considerably.
There's a bunch of cleaning discussion above, but clipped the quotes I had grabbed. A few tips that may help with some things I saw, though.
While you can easily clean your stem with screen in it, I get a better clean by pulling the screen. Pull the screen, soak for 20 minutes to overnight. Before rinsing, hit it with a dry toothbrush using the alcohol that will be on it. Then rinse in hot water.
To clean stems (with or without screen) you don't really need that deep of an alcohol container - only half height of stem (if that). Soak one end in alcohol, flip and soak other end. No need to rinse in between flip. Just put first end back in for a few seconds before rinsing. The initial soak will have loosened everything up, and a quick dip back in alcohol will loosen up for easy rinse. Same works for GonG adapters.
The jar I use is only about 1/4 depth of stem length. I soak one end, then the other. Let a little alcohol hang in there and is easy to remove the resin in glass with a small brush or twisted up paper towel. The "tougher" part to clean is the business end.
I like Everclear (Grain alcohol) best, but it is much more expensive than ISO. Nothing wrong with ISO, but IME 91% is much more better than 70% than you would think. Whichever you use, save it in an airtight container. It will start to yellow and can go to dark brown, but works just as well as fresh. I keep two containers... one for cleaning bubblers and whatnot, and one for stems, GonG adapters, screens, etc. The first batch (for glass pieces) gets used forever and hardly yellows. Slow eventual evaporation is the only reason I have to replace it. The second batch for smaller parts will get browner faster, but I use it until it picks up so many particulates that it becomes an issue. Usually this is 8-9 months to a year.
Wand hash milk/hot chocolate.... I try to have a few stems from nano and other vapes when I do this. Heat milk to about 200F (95C?). A double boiler makes it easier to control and will make sure you don't burn anything. Just put water in a pot and boil (or close to it). Put a smaller pot with your milk in it inside this. Gently drop your dirty glass in, and very gently stir around a bit. I usually use a wooden chopstick to stir. Use tongs to pull glass and move each piece back and forth a bit before pulling. Rinse with hot water should clean milk off (and all vape residue should be gone).
Use whole milk at a minimum. I like half & half best because of higher fat content. You need the fat content for the good stuff to transfer to. Be careful with this milk, as it is very hard to judge its strength. Try a little in some coffee, or drink a shot to check. This "magic milk" (or half & half) should last a least a week in the fridge if you used fresh dairy product. I try to buy freshest I can, and have used it as late as the printed buy by date with no problems.
Keep in mind, the dirtier your glass, and the more glass you use, the stronger it will be.
If you only have one piece of glass, and it's not too dirty, you can make hot chocolate, a cup of coffee with a good bit of cream/milk in it, or just a hot glass of milk and just stir whichever with your dirty glass. If it is working right, your glass should rinse totally clean under hot water. If it doesn't, make whatever adjustments you need (higher temp, more milk, etc) and just do it again.
@baxter (and others), don't overdo edibles!!! It can really F you up way beyond where you find comfortable. Not much worse than an MJ OD. You'll be fine in a few hours, but can be a very nasty trip and may lead to sleeping for more than 12 hours!
I say this because procuring and selling a better cord/control than this should be eminently doable with little to no impact on price.
If we are all doing it, then Epic should beat us to the punch and eliminate the need. See what I'm saying??
First, we don't all do it. Cord hasn't been an issue for me since first month. Get a stand, rig it up, or learn how to train it to how you want it to be (hair dryer is an amazing tool for such things). All work great! But, cord probably isn't getting any smaller (or lighter) - at least the end on power side of dial. A/C 120V requires this. Other log vapes that are DC (with stepdown at transformer plugged into wall) are a whole different thing.
@pxl_jockey The ever popular "Bingo"hit. I still don't understand it. 100 hits, 3 will be Bingo. I cannot reproduce on command but it ALWAYS comes around. Some suggest it is vape signature or strain tolerance. I think of it as a visit from Ataxian.
Ahhhhhhh, the ever elusive BINGO hit!! If I'm trying and paying attention I can almost always get one out of second hit of load. Take a light hit on first to set things up, make sure your temp is in the right place for your particular material (strain, grind, moisture, etc) and hit it fairly slow and very steady. It does take practice and good knowledge of your nano and material. I still can't do it 100% of the time, but can usually hit BINGO 4 out of 5 times if trying.
I've got some Gorilla Glue in the Enano and I'm using temp 6 or a hair below. I notice lately when I use Gorilla Glue I need to turn my temp down if it's above 6. It just seems like it's been a little harsh lately. It's happened with various batches and producers. The temp for me is dependent on the cannabis I'm using. Some require a higher or lower temp depending on the vapor flavor and whether there's any harshness.
What's in your Enano tonight? Love a log vape and love my Enano.
I'm always adjusting just a nudge depending on strain, moisture level, buzz desired and other things. Always have to figure out every new strain, and is easy to tell different batches with nano - so usually have to readjust a bit even if same strain from same source.
Lately have been enjoying Jilly Bean during the day and Pink Cookies at night. Both are awesome! Unfortunately, my Pink Cookies is dwindling and no more available in my world.