Rrose Selavy
log enthusiast
decided to upload my first video will try for a better one later
Sparks from a receptacle when plugging it in? ... However, the sparking itself isn't uncommon for any 2 prong plug going to a transformer (? - do you mean receptacle?) - especially if it is turned on.
I love our E-Nano. I have a customized one - Andy etched our house dragon onto it - and I have it plugged in and on most of the day.
Here he is, on our house:You have a house dragon? How fucking cool is that?! I gotta get one. That's way better than Sheldon's apartment flag.
Xcellent graphics.Here he is, on our house:
My husband designed and cut this piece, and installed it several years ago. The dragon is no longer on our house, as we are preparing to move, but he always goes with us!
I bought two additional stems that use the metal screen/C clip combo, and on first use one of the screens came loose. Just like the earlier log vapes, it was hard to get the screen and c clip placed well. The solution is what it's always been, fiddle with it for a while like an ape using a stick to fish for ants.
I didnt use the stock stem with glass screen. The holes in the screen looked too big for the weed I had ground up. Could be good, I don't really know.
It looks like Andy is no longer with us EDA, but perhaps it's just a temporary ban, IDK.
I bought two additional stems that use the metal screen/C clip combo, and on first use one of the screens came loose. Just like the earlier log vapes, it was hard to get the screen and c clip placed well. The solution is what it's always been, fiddle with it for a while like an ape using a stick to fish for ants.
What is the best wood for heat resistance therefore durability i would have thought , i red somewhere cherry wood is slightly softer than walnut that would lead me to believe walnut is better? although i understand there isnt alot in it. am i right?
Are the gauzes inside the stems namely the direct draw hard to replace , do they come apart , my pd stems are knackerd because of gauzes etc
Here's a quick vid of the E-Nano with the PN WT