No it wont fit, enano gong is too thick. I highly recommend the air, its alittle more expensive than the solo but much more portable. I paid 160 for air+extra battery from puffitup. Then I paid 22 for an efest Luc V4 charger. So more money than the solo BUT with two batteries I have the portability of the air with the run time of the solo. External charger means I can charge two batteries at once. Enano and arizer air are a nice combo IMO
Some can fit, but most don't. The ones being sold by Epic recently will not fit in a solo or air.
I'd suggest you also check out the vapman for a second/portable vape. It is heated by butane jet so a bit different than solo/air, with good and bad differences. But, is more efficient with your stash and very easy to tweak vapor production.
Does the E-Nano clear the main chamber of the FC186 when its on the joint?
I was thinking of getting one, but it looks very close in the pics.
It should, but be aware most Chinese glass has vastly varying clearances. Every FC186 may not be made in the same shop, and from pictures we've seen at least some of these shops have a good many people throwing glass together. QC is not a strong point there, apparently sometimes less with glass than other things. So, the nano should fit on an FC186, but the one you get may not. Think odds are heavily in your favor on this particular piece, though.
There is some serious Nano bashing going on in the LSV thread. The shame! I commend Atax for standing up! My response to them saying the LSV is twice as powerful and that the Nano isn't a heavy hitter like the LSV or Sub/Cloud is, hogwash!! First off the Nano isn't more powerful that I won't argue but more efficient with its power for certain. IMHO it's better than a cloud for half the price! Now I loved my LSV and for multiple 3 or more it's a great choice, but so is the Nano, it is a heavy hitter for sure! One thing you'll never hear the LSV crowd argue is looks, maybe they prefer an instrument that looks like a proctologist tool and like inefficient tools over amazing beauty that gets the job done just as well for most peoples tolerance. My tolerance has gone down since trading my LSV for my Satinwood Nano. Consumption down = more money in my pocket and same amount of sessions and happiness as before, jackpot! Log envy has hit that thread hard, I don't blame em really...
I've got one coming in the mail, will keep you abreast.
nano bashing never cool IMO, but eh.... almost everybody likes their own vaporizor best. Haven't had a chance to go over there and look myself. Totally agree on the consumption issue from what I have read, but have been wondering about the LSV for quite some time myself. Between increased consumption and the way they price them out I'm still just wondering, but have no doubts the nano would probably always be the one I reach for first.
Hey! There's nothing wrong with some LSV love!
I called the Nano a mini LSV which I believe to be true. The Nano is an awesome vape, and much easier to manage than the LSV (seriously the Nano is about 1/3rd the size, and it stands upright by itself).
The biggest thing I like about the LSV over the Nano is the temperature adjustment. I can easily jump from a fully preheated LSV running at high temps, down to a low temp flavorful 350F hit in under 3 minutes. With the Nano, jumping from a fully preheated 7 to a 5.5 could take 4x longer
The difference is completely in the design. The Nano consumes a mere 16 watts of power at full blast (10 on the dial). The thick wood body helps to capture this heat and act as an insulator of sorts. Meanwhile the LSV consumes 32 watts of power at full blast (Both measured at the outlet). The LSV is designed to dissipate that heat quickly. True the LSV does perform slightly different once fully preheated (after about 5 minutes), but it's clearly a winner for those who lust for fast temperature adjustments (I love stepping up temps as well for dry hits - starting at a low 330F low temp hit, and slowly working my way up to 400.
Different strokes for different folks. May pick up an LSV sometime in the future (especially after I get the chance to actually try one

), but power and speed of temp change not enough to justify one for me yet. I can easily get bigger rips than I need from the nano, and love the fact that I don't have to call "that guy" any more than I do now. To use one of my car analogies... would be nice to be able to go 150 mph when I want, but I can hit 80 easily. That's plenty fast enough for me and already sucks up more gas than I'd like. Some people like to cruise at 100 mph or more, but I have no interest since I was in my early 20s.