I get some stuff on the screen but so what?

It's not like it combusts or affects anything negatively, and a quick blow and it's gone.
Try packing it not as tight....i never really tamp mine down whatsoever. I find I get the
biggest clouds off of the
smallest loads!
I'm now convinced my nano runs a bit warmer than some (most?). Anytime I contact the heating element screen I have at least a little bit of combustion. It's pretty rare, but when it happens I pull the nano as soon as I taste it and usually see a few thin wisps of smoke coming off the screen as the offending crumbs burn up. Usually just a very dark spot in top of load, too. I just stir tamp down lightly (to get some head space) and go at it again. By the way... E-Pik is not too bad to tamp a load down a bit, but I usually use a pen cap or small golf pencil.
YES!!! Don't pack it tight. Circulation around your load is key to getting good vapor production. Looser load combined with a few small stirs will allow you to extract more from less.
I just got my nano yesterday. I've been running it at around 7 and can't seem to get big clouds. My screen is pretty close to the heating chamber, but maybe I'm packing it wrong (I pack rather tightly so my flowers don't fall out). Is my unit running cool?
Practice! The nano is pretty simple, but there is still a bit of a learning curve to pull the big clouds. Gotta crawl before you can walk, and walk before you can run. You could probably figure out most of the finer points over a few months - or just skim this thread for a few hours instead. Also.... not saying your stash isn't up to snuff, but lots of gooey trichs produce more vapor faster.
A few quick cloud tips:
Make sure your stash is pretty dry and do a rough grind
Load small and light - don't jam a bunch in there
Get as close to the heater as you can without touching
Let the nano fully warm up (wood should be warm in your hand)
If you do these 4 things, you shouldn't need your heat up super-high to get clouds
Hit it steady. I usually like slow and steady, but fast and steady works well too. Oscillating your draw seems to mix the heat up somehow and IME doesn't produce as well.