Well, today was a damn good day in my world Down Under for mail delivery.
Got my awesome Persei kit I bought from @
Sleepin in CA, and much to my surprise also got
my Purple Heart E-nano quite a bit quicker than I expected for USPS First Class... w00t
Initial quick impressions: wow is this thing a beauty... the deep purple is so nice, but definitely hard to get a good photo of! I've already tried a couple and they simply do not do the thing justice. Gonna try some more later.
It's a very well made and solid unit.
Plugged straight into my trusty 100w isolated transformer and we're golden.

Set it to 10 and let it warm up for about 10min... very warm to the touch. Turned it back down to 7.5 and prepared my Adjust-a-Bowl gong with basket about halfway down. Threw in a pinch of ground flower (I never weigh, sorry), tossed it in the Mobius ION matrix and wow... very nice. I was very impressed with the flavour straight away. Two good hits, big clouds and it's cashed. ABV to a chocolate brown, not quite as dark as I am used to with the Cloud+ but it was only my first go. So much to play with, screen distance + temp etc... it'll be fun getting my sweet spot dialled in.
Couldn't wait to also try convection dabs ala our friend @
So, power up to 10 to further heat while I prepared the dab.
Using some organic cotton I wrapped up the piece of shatter and placed into
another GonG with the basket placed so the cotton wad sits right under the heater.
Using my little 6" heady Colie recycler this time... WOW welcome to my world convection dabs.
Sooooooooooooooooooo smooth! I can't see the vapor on this piece so as I was inhaling I was thinking WTF is this working but then on exhale... whoa, like whoa, it's definitely working.

Now I had done some previously with the Cloud, but never felt I like I was getting full extraction from the concentrate... it never inspired me to grab the Cloud over the torch.
I think the E-nano just might do that....
The only thing I can gripe about are the GonGs.
One of the all-glass Gongs I received is so restrictive that I can literally use it as a whistle, not that it matters how restrictive it is because it simply will not fit onto the E-Nano heater no matter how much turning I do. It's a dud.
The other all-glass Gong I received is troublesome to insert the heater into. It works but I have to twist and turn the E-nano quite a bit until it finds that 'magical' spot where it slides in. Of course removing it is the same.
The Adjust-a-Bowl gong I received has no such issues and works very well.
These were supposed to be quick impressions... lol... sorry.
I'm sure I'll have even more things to share about this awesome little vape!
I forgot to mention it's size... so wonderfully small! As a Cloud user it's so damn refreshing.
I can actually comfortably use the E-nano on my little recycler which I cannot do with the Cloud.
I am a VERY happy new E-nano owner.
My wife is another very happy user... her first E-nano convection dab was followed by 'Ooohhhhhhh wow.. Ohhhhhhh thats niccce!'. I doubt she'll ever reach for another vape again. lol
And thank you @
ACE OF VAPE for the great customer service.