I've had great success using cotton and oil with my water tool, I've been vaping around 9.5 though. I'm amazed at how efficient vaporizing oil in the Nano. I've only had experiences with nails and pens up until now.
Has anyone considered putting a VXH ELB in the bottom of an 18mm gong? I might be buying some to experiment with when I get back into town.
Nano convection dabs are my favorite at the moment lol lol
The vxh elbs sounds like a good idea.
I loaded less than half a dab on cotton and get giant hits that rivals the nail rig but much more flavor.
Also if they made like a volcano pad but smaller to fit inside the nano stems or gongs ,i would assume they would work great, even a glass fritt or 2 that would fit would be tits!!!!!
Meh its not like I dont have an all glass stem that works tits with the chopstick trick. I just had the second pinched piece as a backup and ordered without knowing how this would go down. Id gladly just pay the extra 8 bucks or whatever for the all glass unit. SO much easier.
gotcha, you could also try using it as an oil stem only with a tiny bit of cotton , no screen needed in the pinch stem with cotton, and turn the nano up high.
Would a Vapir NO2 screen work ?
That is what I use for my Solo stems .
And now back to you 2 ...
Thats a great idea, I dont have any at hand yet but I plan on ordering some for various vapes I own.

Okay, I think I've just perfected oils with the Nano.
I took the glass-pinch stem (the one that you need a screen in), and TWO of the Epic screens. I tore itty bitty wisps of cotton off a 100% organic cotton ball. I made a very thin cotton pad on top of one screen (oops, losing typing skills), then took some wax and warmed/flattened out a thin layer of it, just the size of the screen, and laid/smeared on the cotton. Put another thin layer of cotton on top, and then topped with the second screen. Used a chopstick butt to gently slide the set into the stem.
I bumped the Nano to Max, while I was setting this up - hit it... at first the pull was hard, as the heat first hit the wax - then, with almost a sound to it, the wax seemed to melt right into the cotton, and I got a huge cloud of vapor. Bumped Nano back to 7, then hit it once more... really, really nice thick vapor. And right now, 5 minutes later, I am as affected as I was when I did this with my oil rig.
I promise, next time, I'll do a vid or a photo shoot.
Oh yes, thats my favorite!!!!!

The cotton works wonders and no mess its unbelievable.
I only have one gripe with cotton and the all glass stem is that it sucks into the little holes and makes the air flow way to restricted, luckily I have pretty dam strong lung and it still gives me huge nail size hits. I could see my new screened gong having more air flow with cotton inserted, we will see.
I go between 8-8.5 to about 9.5 and get insane hits and gets me very medicated.

I was reading SOME people with new cloud evo's not being able to do dab with there units , but I hope they get it ironed out as I was reading on the original cloud thread was what got me wondering about trying oils in the nano.
E-Nano is like an electric nail but uses convection vs conduction/flash vaping off hot titanium.
My buddy was impressed with my nano and oil videos, he texted me " okay looks dope, but can the nano compete with a .3 size dab on a torched red hot quartz nail?"
I wasn't prepared to answer that question yet since I had just had my nano for 2 days, but now I want to say hell yeah dude shhhh what are you thinking. In all seriousness I wouldnt need a .3 in the nano since it convection cooks your oil optimally vs flash vaping and probaly loosing a bunch of needed medicine by burning it off on the initial first dab when hot titanium or quartz nail is the hottest.
So id like to think that a .1 dab would go as far and as powerful as a .3 on a nail, but i haven tested that theory yet. I will try to test that theory one day soon. Try to see if the nano can convection vape a large amount with out it getting messy or running oil all over the place.
I have not felt the need to try a .1 since the smallest amount already gives giant hits, my glass blower buddy that smoke oil all day long has a ridiculous tolerance lol.