Thats impressive! Any special lighting used to help vapor show up on video? Also was that ground or whole? And whats your ABV look like @ 8? Mine looked scorched on the top...
I do have my lamp on over my desk ,its was getting dark. I will do one in the day to show the vapor as is. The clouds pretty much look like that to me, I can blow it at someones face and have there face disappear behind the vapor for a second. Mine doesn't come out scorched anymore , now that I have the level right of loading and if I want more I have to pack it down to the line I set for max load with out scorching. you do have to pack a bit more than usual but not much more. I have used 8.5 on other herbs , I tried 8.5 and scorched the top of this particular og I got , but the last strain I had going 8.5 all day long. This strain I maxed it at 8.25 ish and I got huge hits no burning , but of course the material was really dark how I like it.
This one was ground , I did a video(posted above or last pages) where I did whole nug at 6.5 (lower temp). Also the bowls & gongs vary in sizes as someone posted page or two back, some have a deeper bowl and some don't.
Caligula my ideal temp is 8-8.5 but now Iam learning that 8 is probably closer to my sweet spot.
Just my $.02...
I've found that you'll get significantly different extraction results at a given temperature setting, even amongst ground bud, depending on your grind, moisture content, and strain.
I've combusted at a setting as low as 6 and as high as 8.5 with ground material. Contributing factors are as follows:
1 - Finer grind = more surface area, i.e. vape at lower temp. I usually adjust between 1.5 - 2 when using fine-medium grind vs whole nugs. Fine grind = equals large/dense clouds at the expense of whole nug flavor & slightly extra effort of grinding.
2 - Dry material = vape at lower temp. I would dial the temp down 1-1.5 for material that is dry.
3 - Strain - some strains combust at 6 when dry & finely ground, some I can take up to 8.5 or so.
Well said, I totally agree.
I have experienced this more than a few times now.
I havent combusted but the closest I ever got was when I tried 8.5 with this particular strain I have now and it was scorched on top.
Here we go... I did this before breakfast
I love it ,very awesome!!!
Thank You

I love the custom nano , what is that picture!!!
E-Nano on 7.5 with about half a PD stem worth of material. Beer Glass. Poor lighting. Need to invest in a desk lamp. Anyway......Enjoy.
Love it man, good to see everyone getting int o the e-nano spirit!!!
Rock on!!!!

I really need to learn how to edit videos...
Also how harsh is that hit when cranked to 10 and dry?
Its not hard at all, do you have a mac????
My stem can get a bit wArm the longer I hit it but with straight clean concentrates I just love it , not to harsh. maybe others can report on this , I have to try again since I was pretty obliterated .