So I went through a bad breakup right before 4/20 and compensated well with buying a ton of Dynateds!
Bought so much shit - very few regrets (puh)!
If you want a comparison between the old and new Omni, the new Vong and the MVS Im happy to add my opinion.
Ive been testing all mostly in a 16mm Flite IH or during charging times a Click and Go IH (cheap, but does the job).
Out of them all I use the new Omni the most!
Why? The taste is magnificent, the clouds are big and the ABV is a normal brown color I like.
I take it out at the first click and rarely go to the 2nd one because the Flite is just too powerful for that.
What I like is the adjustable airflow, it works better than in the old one.
Set it to 85% closed and never touched it since, also using the half bowl setting in the tip.
This gives me 4 very powerful drags everytime, no variance, full effects, if i need more I repack another half bowl.
Ive used about 1-1,5g of material daily lately, but since all these new DVs reached me Im down to like .3 but still medicated all the fn time.
Bought my first DV in 2017 and used them on and off since then, but this new Omni has some magic to it, maybe mine is special due to the engraving?

Well, the Vong is my second favourite at the moment, its really nice to use with a bong/bubbler with the fully closed carb.
The wood turns smooth on mine and was only stiff (hehe) at the first 2-3 heatings.
The tip is very similar to the Omni although I think it gets a tiny bit hotter/harsher.
Its ok to use the Vong natively, the cigar feeling in the hand is the best, but the Omni just does it a little bit tastier for me.
Been using Captive Caps only with the new lineup and they finally work how they were supposed to.
They stick on there like a champ and are still removable with a magnet, didnt have a single accidental slip so far.
Prefer my old Omni with a normal cap still, but its literally unusable for me atm without a lowtemp-cap with the Flite.
With the LTC its a blast though, very much comparable to the new Omni.
Nobody NEEDS a new Omni, if there is an old model in the house!
It does make my VAS very happy though and it feels great to spin in the hand.
Now the MVS would be my only small "regret".
I already have a Vortex which sits on my Crafty permanently and is a fabulous addon for that.
Never liked the Vortex too much for DVs - takes out literally most of the flavour and punch, but you are still blowing out big clouds.
Prefering the popcorn clouds and my weed strains taste so great, why should I numb this in any way?
Got the MVS by shipping accident from an EU retailer and was allowed to keep it so Im not gonna brag too much about a gift.
The MVS is way fatter than a Vortex, also heavier. Some may say it feels more valuable, others might say its just too heavy.
For me its too fat and heavy in comparison to the normal Vortex.
The 2 different air holes you can use on the stem feel very similar besides one making a louder noise.
I tried a lot of different settings, but ended up just covering it completely.
Tried all new tips and a standart TI and new 7 fin Ti, ended up leaving the 7 fin on there, but pick it up less than the others.
If you think the Vortex is the best stem ever made and youre missing the set and forget feature from the omni, the MVS might be just for you.
Otherwise do yourself a favour and use this money on a new Omni or Vong, I think it has more "special" to it.
Also bought a Dynalure and its my secret champion. Im not even a fisherman but this little pickle is hellofafun to use

Because I was still thinking of broken relationships and sad shit too much I decided to also get a NEMO brass case on Etsy.
These things are very expensive, but the craftmanship is unique. Check it out if youre still looking for the right case for your Dynavaps.
Now I feel like I bought enough happiness to face reality once more

If you want some further details on any of the new stuff let me know!
Happily here to help!