
IG: sunyata.woods
Accessory Maker
Anyone catch George's reddit AMA yesterday? New vongs came up:
View attachment 6986
Yeah like when you buy a new car and 3 of the 4 doors open and that's kinda all you should ask for.

To be fair, I myself wouldn't be too bothered because of my use case. All my dynavaps have their airport adjusted from the inside with the smaller o ring so that the airport is 90ish% blocked, and when I take a hit I go between that and fully closed. So even the vong I'd always have in the same position. But still, pretty annoying for people who were hoping to get the functionality that was advertised to them when purchasing.

Demonic chronic

Chronic Connoisseur. Butane power✊🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇺🇦
eh it's an AMA which is a scheduled event and I think was done mostly to promote the new 2021 lineup - it's not like he's regularly just chatting it up with redditors
Ah I see, still would be nice if he was 2 drop by and say hi, I’m sure he would be more than welcome.


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
sorry to hear folks are having problems with the adjusaVong sleeves binding up. As i mentioned earlier, that thin wood sleeve needs a sealant, cure, and fitting to work consistantly...not something that lends itself to mass production. If one cap end where threaded, the sleeve could be removed and customer adjusted if necessary. Additionally, sleeves could be interchanged with various wood, metal, composite sleeves.

I would be fine with the non adjustable version as I prefer a manual air port, but I understand the disappointment you guys are having. DV could lower the price on the current version and let it stand, and work on vers 2


Cognitive Dissonance D 5 +
I may be the odd man out here. If you check my past posts my thoughts were that every word out of George's mouth without exception were self promotional. For me, I never would purchase a wood stem because of the vulnerability IMHO of having thin exposed wood sleeve in actual daily use. However, in this circumstance I think he achieved what he said he attempted to do. Yes, if you live an area with high humidity it's going to be a problem for you. For me I'm just going to set it to NO airport and enjoy.

The wife just head to the PO and should be back with my VonG shortly. Looking forward to how the new Ti tip performs.
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Everythings coming up Milhouse!
Funny how George can be bothered 2 chat 2
People on Reddit but not this site where a hell of a lot of his customers are:hmm:
As someone else pointed out, an AMA is scheduled in advance. You could create a reddit account and pop in. Beyond that, according to r/Vaporents and r/Dynavap comprise ~ 200,000 subscribers. I am not sure how to get the metrics for FC, but I'm willing to bet that its at least an order of magnitude (if not 2+) smaller than reddit's reach.

It also doesn't seem very necessary for them to advertise here. Even with comments about their 2021 videos making them a "millennial lifestyle brand" or being "out of touch with their core consumer" (which, I hate to break it to you, is probably not a 50+ year old medical user though I'm sure they are happy to include them in the fold) plenty of people here had no problem buying 1, 2, or all 3 of the 2021 offerings.

I don't mean this to be as rude as it probably comes off, but some of you need to realize they are a business. Selling a max of 3 - 6 dynavap's a year to, lets say 1000 FC users (omni, vong, and for kicks lets pretend everyone buys one of every color of the M) isn't how you sustain or grow a business.

I made a similar post in the dotleaf thread and I apologize if this comes off more antagonistic than it is intended. There are a lot of people here who have tried an awful lot of vaporizers and have useful feedback for boutique manufacturer's looking to make it bigger or folks looking to buy their first, second, or third vape. However, its hardly the center of the cannabis vaporization universe.


Well-Known Member
So how does this new omni compare to the original with the glass body.
i don't have the new omni (yet) but nothing will beat the OG glass for taste.
and every time i use that OG i'm surprised how hard it hits.

almost never use it because i'm afraid to break it but after a few small tweaks (for more open airflow and consistency) it's secretly my fav dynavap.


Lonesome Planet
i don't have the new omni (yet) but nothing will beat the OG glass for taste.
and every time i use that OG i'm surprised how hard it hits.

almost never use it because i'm afraid to break it but after a few small tweaks (for more open airflow and consistency) it's secretly my fav dynavap.

Interesting mods to your OG, metal mouthpiece, and metal shaving in cap for better airflow? Took a few
Glances to finally figure out that what looks like a cracked cap, was actually
The cap leg ( “digger outer” ).

The unadulterated taste from pure glass is unmatched by other hosts,
with the caveat that the glass will (eventually) always break. :doh:

💪 Ask @ataxian.

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Well-Known Member
Interesting mods to your OG, metal mouthpiece, and metal shaving in cap for better airflow? Took a few
Glances to finally figure out that what looks like a cracked cap, was actually
The cap leg ( “digger outer” ).

The unadulterated taste from pure glass is unmatched by other hosts,
with the caveat that the glass will (eventually) always break. :doh:

💪 Ask @ataxian.

i'm using the condenser as a MP for native hits (because i want the feel of glass not silicone), the metal tube serves to hold everything together (like the fat MP) and it's a 14mm WPA with the o-ring there. there's also a bit of SS mesh inside to stabilize and center the condenser (not enough space for o-rings between condenser and stem).
inside the cap is a stretched out (enough to hold against the cap walls but still easily removed with tweezers) SS CCD with the center drilled which slightly raises the cap and provides increased airflow, inspired by @TommyDee 's S "spacer" mod.
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Well-Known Member
Interesting mods to your OG, metal mouthpiece, and metal shaving in cap for better airflow? Took a few
Glances to finally figure out that what looks like a cracked cap, was actually
The cap leg ( “digger outer” ).

The unadulterated taste from pure glass is unmatched by other hosts,
with the caveat that the glass will (eventually) always break. :doh:

💪 Ask @ataxian.

Don't know what an OG is, but I know glass stems are the best for me. Bought one with my 2020M, used the original metal stem once, then the glass one and never looked back. FWIW I prefer mines without the carb hole, the feeling reminds me more as a joint. Got a TM when I want free airflow.


Interesting mods to your OG, metal mouthpiece, and metal shaving in cap for better airflow? Took a few
Glances to finally figure out that what looks like a cracked cap, was actually
The cap leg ( “digger outer” ).

The unadulterated taste from pure glass is unmatched by other hosts,
with the caveat that the glass will (eventually) always break. :doh:

💪 Ask @ataxian.

Glass is class as in opulent!
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