
Well-Known Member
Dynavap customer service emailed me and basically said all I can do is pay $ 95 to buy another Omni XL condenser and mouthpiece. No offer of anything? I did not want a warranty replacement but I wish they had offered me a new condenser for say $ 50. I would have been fine with that. Now I feel like throwing the re

I heard back from DV customer service yesterday. At first, they were not willing to do anything but sell me the Omni XL condenser and mouthpiece as listed in the Parts section for $ 95? I pushed back and listed all the DynaVap items I have purchased recently and made it clear I was not happy. Several hours later, I received another follow-up email saying I could box it up, return it, and they would replace it at no charge. I am trying to clarify if they want the entire unit or just the condenser? I do think it might be useful for them to examine the parts to see what failed. I am not familiar with the techniques used to fix the threaded cylinder to the actual titanium condenser tube but there are two tiny circle marks on the tube itself that appear to be braising or soldering marks where the threaded cylinder was.

I am pleased with the offer. I was very willing to pay for the part that failed. I did not tap the condenser very hard against the screen but I did not realize how badly it was stuck. I had been using one of George’s favorite drawing techniques? It works as he said but the residue behind the screen builds up really fast. Had I realized that I would have soaked the tip in 91% alcohol and freed it that way. Now, I know what to expect next time. I have my Simrell stem and titanium tip and cap to use during the exchange.

My apologies to the administrator that had to merge my posts. Had a little trouble getting acclimated to how the site worked. Think I have got it now?
Heard back from DV CS and they just want the condenser assembly back. More than fair from my perspective. Will assemble documentation, pack, an ship tomorrow. Thanks Dynavap!!!


Well-Known Member
curious can you post up pics, i have alotta dynavap stuff and their qc is all over the place, just curious what they messed up since you said the threads were the issue

if you dont want to post any pics, just say so, ive asked and others have asked like dozen times now lol


believes in Dog
That was a little more effort than it should have been @WirtDog . Glad you got it worked out. Glad you pressed it. Shouldn't have needed to.
I dunno T, I've been here since before the omni and don't recall a single broken condenser.
Additionally it seems implausible that one could break a titanium item with compression caused by human power alone. Curious indeed.


Lonesome Planet
It is possible the press-fit did not “click” —locked in, during assembly—so became “broken”
When used to push out the thin screen.

@StringTheorista may have nailed it. :cheers:

“Mission Accomplished”? :myday: —Let’s take a toke over the line. :spliff:

PS with a little bit of heft, and effort, I bet one could ingeniously “sanction” the fit into place.
Save on time, and mailing. — & thanks, @DV/CS, you are Stellar!
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Lonesome Planet
I've had the vapcap since it's inception but recently ran into financial trouble and couldn't get replacement parts. So I found a workaround using a medicine dropper.
Vapcap tip

I too found a medicine dropper a good complement/replacement to the glass OG. With a lip on the large end, it eleminates
The necessity to have an O-ring before the air hole.

—It also streamlines the OG visually, if not for the butt-ugli-but-functional-MP, IMO (YMMV).
Of course, its not a true OG without its OC (Original Condenser).

Lip on eyedropper
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Lonesome Planet
No IH 4U, then? There’s a new run on IH.

Shoe-in winnah’s!

Impower your VapCap
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