
CF has a pretty low temperature tolerance due to the epoxy.

Casting some ingots of various materials could be fun. Something in a controlled pour making layers or patterns like people do with paints. Then induce those exposed surfaces to show their natural patinas.
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Well-Known Member
God fucking damnit! Finally bought some dynawax and o-rings, and after using it one time, I lost the shit. Ten bucks down the drain! :doh: If they didn't charge a dollar per o-ring, and 5 bucks for a tiny ass thing of wax, I wouldn't care so much, but god damn! These little rubber pieces of shit should be like 15 cents max, am I trippin!? :cuss:


God fucking damnit! Finally bought some dynawax and o-rings, and after using it one time, I lost the shit. Ten bucks down the drain! :doh: If they didn't charge a dollar per o-ring, and 5 bucks for a tiny ass thing of wax, I wouldn't care so much, but god damn! These little rubber pieces of shit should be like 15 cents max, am I trippin!? :cuss:

@Squiby's post from the Best of Vapcap thread:


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker

well, I reserve calling down divine wrath for situations of greater import...but I do give a little throat growl when thinking about 1 buck for an x ring. The DV grey x rings are a bit better than the generic, but still...

I have bought from Oringsandmore a few times - very fast shipping.

I do find that the 1 x 6 hi temp o rings sometimes fit a bit loose. I have some 1.5 x 5 but havent tried them yet.

O rings getting jammed in the stem or coming off the condenser when disassembly, is a major cause of O ring loss...I make a tool that solves that issue (plug, plug ,plug :)


Less soul, more mind
God fucking damnit! Finally bought some dynawax and o-rings, and after using it one time, I lost the shit. Ten bucks down the drain! :doh: If they didn't charge a dollar per o-ring, and 5 bucks for a tiny ass thing of wax, I wouldn't care so much, but god damn! These little rubber pieces of shit should be like 15 cents max, am I trippin!? :cuss:

For waxing you don't need the original Dynawax anyway, you could use any kind of lip balm or the like.


Just another "Person Of Interest"
For waxing you don't need the original Dynawax anyway, you could use any kind of lip balm or the like.

Yep. I use a chocolate flavored ChapStick for my NonaVong XLS!
Mmmmm! :nod: :tup:

Chocolate really DOES make everything better! Even my favorite bud! :rofl:

btw, @Siebter Welcome to the forum! :tup: :rockon:
(Willkommen im Forum! :D)

Happy Vaping! :leaf::wave:
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
@MeesterWood use the click as a guide rather than a hard and fast rule.
M tip needs a bit more heat, the coil needs a bit more heat.
If you have the draw power cover the air port.
A bit of practice and it becomes second nature.
Nice to see someone else dropping some moving pictures in the thread @RogueGuy.

Test driving 4 IH with extracts and rayon so not as aggressive on the heat but it gets the job done. No cool click until there's no vapor left.


I suspect silicone X-rings are available through the RC hobby world. Problem is they rarely expose trade sizes in their offerings. We are looking for -007 and -008. -007 is 5/32 - 9/32 and -008 is 3/16 - 5/16. Knowing they are imperial sizes should help.


"A man with no vices is a man with no virtues"
Another newbie question re the 19M, is there a foolproof method of seating the CCD screen correctly? Mine is always on an angle, it works fine and doesn't fall out but it slightly annoys me.

Not sure it hasn't been mentioned before and my apologies if it has but i use a good old push pin to seat my ccd's and also tamp my material nice and firm



zealot - church of the blessed dynayap
I have heard past mention of carbon fibre stems. I have always thought carbon fibre and titanium a sexy combination. How does it hold up as a stem material? Is anyone making them?

Well ask the question and the uni(dyna)verse answers. Just saw this in Vaporents posted by the maker

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Well-Known Member
soo i'm trying not to buy the rosium because i already have a glass, shadow, 2x omnixl ... and i just know i'll have to get the new omni when it drops ... but this is my grinder, and i want a 2019 steel tip one way or the other for the coming cold season.
currently mostly using my omnis indoors and the shadow on walks. dry. IH.


anyway ... please help me decide if i also want a hydra stem:
does the slanted airport make a difference when used dry vs the regular titanium stem on the omni condenser? i remember george saying something about a self-regulated vortex action with the airport fully open?
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Just another traveller in the Cannaverse
I just received my 'simple yet sophisticated' titanium stem from the Simrell Collection. I absolutely love it.

I've really been enjoying my vapcaps through water this year, especially since I got my IH from @Pipes. But I've been struggling to find a stem that I enjoy to use natively. Because I really love the quick blast you can get from one or two heating cycles on a vapcap-nothing in the vape world hits as hard, as quick, and as easy as a vapcap.

The Simrell Collection Vortex with Intercooler really was the solution for me. I hemmed and hawed-hell it was $150 bucks and we all know how far that can go in the Dynaverse. But I can honestly say it's worth every penny.

I used it so much over the weekend that I gave it a good soak overnight in ISO, and then gave it a good rinse in Dawn and hot water this morning.

Vaping a blend of CBD flower and my Super Hybrid with a cup this morning and I'm so impressed. Truly great tasting cool vapor, and no more Dynacough from me. This is the smoothest native vapor I've ever gotten using a vapcap.

And I like it so much that I've started working on my lighter technique so that I can take it out an about.
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