Got my blue omni and it's bueatiful - but the cap is way too loose. It falls off if the omni is tilted even slightly down.
This is the seconed fitting issue I've had with vapcaps. The last TI top I got is too loose on the body, I got some response from Dynavap when that happened but it never got resolved. Luckily my old cap still works and fits fine so it's kind of a non-issue this time, but the loose parts make me wonder about tolerances and quality control.
- Also, the M seems a bit short for my taste - the grip gets hot...
Pardon? Hot grip? M?? What are you doing to it?
Maybe that the "Princess and the pea" may feel so, but any "normally" sensitive human being???
I notice that if I do double bowls with my SS lined stems the upper part near the tip gets quite warm. I don’t notice it as much with the brass since the heat gets conducted quickly throughout the liner. This is with Ti tips btw, M tips hold even more heat.![]()
Pardon? Hot grip? M?? What are you doing to it?
Maybe that the "Princess and the pea" may feel so, but any "normally" sensitive human being???
You should try a Grasshopper. Probabely you're getting burned![]()
Okay, eberbody, I need a good sale. A GOOD sale. Is there one coming up before Thanksgiving?![]()
Am I really so insensitive??
My M18 gets very hot to the touch, especially while I am testing a new lighter, 10 reloads and 47 heat cycles at an average of 8 seconds one sitting, I thought I could last longer than the tank in my new Honest duel flame gold lighter, I couldn`t. I finished the tank off the next day.Pardon? Hot grip? M?? What are you doing to it?
I have been using other vaporizer's in my rotation.That's right, I never have. Once, I had thought that I had combusted but it was just very dark ABV and no burnt combustion taste.
I am a cautious heater. That doesn't mean that I never go to high temps. It means that I tread softly. I never "torch" my caps. When I compare my caps that are several years old now compared to some who have had theirs for just months, the difference is apparent. My caps have a bronze patina vs something that came out of a BBQ pit inferno.
I use the Sip and Dip technique now but I used to heat click to click. Others have reported reheating prematurely thinking that they missed the cool down click, overheating and combusting. I errored at the other end of the spectrum. I would get lost in what I was doing and forget that the cap had clicked, so when I was learning I heated most often from cold rather reheating while still hot.
I believe any newbie starting out should use a quad jet lighter, set at the lowest setting, blue inner flames just picking the cap, until they have sorted out the best technique suited to them. Single jets are awesome IMO but they require a more refined technique.
A heads up for my friends in California.
A heads up for my friends in California. I know the vapcap can save lots of cannabis, that's how I've afforded VAS, but if you live in Cali you might want to stock up, and it looks like there will be deals to be had.
California CANNABIS CIVILIZED = CCC = "M" = CALFORNIA BUMPER CROP!“Your food isn’t going to be as clean as your cannabis,” said Rechif. “It’s really hard to pass.”
Lucky Californian bastards![]()
Thanks , have always wondered about this kind of stuff. No kidding. If I may ask how long did each run take? How long is in one sitting, (ballpark). Interested in this stuff, thanks and Cheers, D.My M18 gets very hot to the touch, especially while I am testing a new lighter, 10 reloads and 47 heat cycles at an average of 8 seconds one sitting, I thought I could last longer than the tank in my new Honest duel flame gold lighter, I couldn`t. I finished the tank off the next day.
So, this may as well be an interim report on the lighter,
17 Vapcap loads for a total of 77 heat cycles of 8 seconds average for a tank of gas seems good.
The lighter did not need any adjustment until the 60th heat cycle (when it first misfired) then ran until empty with no problems except another adjustment to full power to finish the tank.
I am now on my 6th refill and it only misfires when it gets low on gas.
I think it is a great lighter for the price.
I use a single flame and heat very hot, so after 6 or so heat cycles the vape is getting pretty warm. I also should mention that this is not a spread out session and usually I’m heating immediately after the cool down click.Am I really so insensitive?? Mine is getting just warm for my feeling.
My M18 gets very hot to the touch, especially while I am testing a new lighter, 10 reloads and 47 heat cycles at an average of 8 seconds one sitting, I thought I could last longer than the tank in my new Honest duel flame gold lighter, I couldn`t. I finished the tank off the next day.
So, this may as well be an interim report on the lighter,
17 Vapcap loads for a total of 77 heat cycles of 8 seconds average for a tank of gas seems good.
The lighter did not need any adjustment until the 60th heat cycle (when it first misfired) then ran until empty with no problems except another adjustment to full power to finish the tank.
I am now on my 6th refill and it only misfires when it gets low on gas.
I think it is a great lighter for the price.
A VapCap alternative on a windy June daze, of a landlocked sailor. Ö
Living da dream=CIVILIZED="M"×GSC=MAX FLIGHT WHERE IS MY GUITAR=WHICH ONE?Heresy-Induction Heaters are the answer to a windy day.