Got my blue omni and it's bueatiful - but the cap is way too loose. It falls off if the omni is tilted even slightly down.
This is the seconed fitting issue I've had with vapcaps. The last TI top I got is too loose on the body, I got some response from Dynavap when that happened but it never got resolved. Luckily my old cap still works and fits fine so it's kind of a non-issue this time, but the loose parts make me wonder about tolerances and quality control.
Tips falling out of bodies is known, there are a few reasons why this might happen some that can be fixed... But having a new dynavap arrive like this is obviously NOT OK.
Contact dynavap again. They will make it right. They've been struggling to keep up with customer service for the past month or so, but it seems like they may have recently added staff to that department, so try again. I just had a super quick response to an order issue, where as my previous couple of emails went unanswered for a week+.
The cap you recieved is almost 100% likely the right size. Just give it a slight squeeze at the open end to make it slightly less round and it will stay on. This is how it is supposed to work, DV have a video about it in their YouTube portfolio..
What is the best type of magnet for holding the vapcap, axial or diametrically magnetized magnets?
Diametrical ones will hold the magnet centered, axial will hold it off from center. Central over the edge of the magnet.
I just got my M 2018...
What I like:
Overall aesthetics and handling
Vapor production
It works perfectly with non-ground nugs (the best thing about it! <3)
What concerns me:
The draw resistance!!! It's extreme. Unsustainable. I am supposed to close the shotgun, right? Puffing works but just plain drawing is very strenuous on the lungs! Is it supposed to be that way?
The 'shotgun' as you call it, is not a shotgun like the in a bong. It is an air intake that let's you adjust the airflow ratio between air coming straight through your herb and fresh air coming in through the carb (carburetor) hole.
People typically talk of stronger, denser hits with the carb closed, but i have always found the stronger more vapour full hits to happen with the carb hole fully open.
With the carb full closed, i have to mouthpull (like toking a fag/joint) to get any real vapour.