almost there

Well-Known Member
I swear, don't go "Sheldon Cooper" over the cap folks. If it clicks on heat up and clicks on cool down it's working. It's used to transfer heat to the tip and indicates temperature, that's all. If its loose give it a little squeeze and rejoice that it's giving more air, (and more vapor).
My advice: stay straight long enough to get through your head how the VapCap System works, than get vaked. If you don't know how the VC works then read the GD thread, or at least the "best of". I'm "OCD" but your guys take the cake. Repeat after me, "It's only a cap, It's only a cap".
While I'm at it you can't tell the difference in taste or function of 17mm. If you have "Trump Hands" get the regular. If you have normal size hands get the XL. Doc
hey brother, good to see you are back to your usual good humor:lol:. Hope that means all is well


Well-Known Member
If someone isn't getting DV emails just send an email to info@dynavap. I too wasn't getting them along with a few other members for a while, but they just started showing up again.

@Lady V, I couldn't possibly know what you will wind up liking & everyone has given good input, so here's a variation. I have no preference here, just thought I'd throw out that you have options.

As you have the 17M, you can get a vong stem & switch out the M condenser with the vong stem & then use that in a bubbler via a 14mm joint. Then, if you purchase the omni XL condenser assembly (just the condenser & mp, no stem or tip & cap), then you can an use your M stem & tip/cap on the omni assembly.

After 20% discount:
Vong stem - $28
Omni XL assembly - $72

For another $48 you can get either:

1) the '18M with will give you another ss stem style, a different tip variation & a cap
2) a ti tip & cap.

With these configuration, it will give you a handle on what DV legos you will like for future purchases.

I'm sure you'll be happy no matter what you order.

I dont have myself any DV so correct me : iam thinking to buy a M 2018 and a vong stem and start to play with these, do you think it will be a good start ?


Enigmatic Cannabist
I dont have myself any DV so correct me : iam thinking to buy a M 2018 and a vong stem and start to play with these, do you think it will be a good start ?
Yes. I picked up the 2017 M last July to see what the hype was all about and now I have 5 VCs. You might want to pick up an extra standard condenser to leave in the vong stem so you can just swap the tip. When using a water tool, the carb should be mostly closed and this can be accomplished by inserting the front x-ring into the tip end and pushing it down with a straw. Once set, it's nice to be able to leave it there.


Well-Known Member
Anyone using a vong for standard vaping? I picked up a cocobana stem in the standard thin profile to replace the Omni titanium xl stem, and much prefer the feel, and the central position of the carb. But sometimes find myself wanting something wider. I do love me a monster fountain pen!


Putin is a War Criminal
Yours looks like a sharper etching than mine (maybe more zoomed in), but I gotta say these are really cool. I have kept this for "dress" and haven't heated it yet, but I HAVE to have the 4:20 one... ;)

I'm sure I can clean it but it's his now so he is free to use it however he wants to.
I certainly get the idea of letting people do what they do, but when my friend handed me the M it was unusable, so it was of no value at that point. They really don't make good smoking pipes.
Then again, if he does the same thing again he is on his own... ;)
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Well-Known Member
Burning Question : Does a Nonavong Ti Cocobolo XLS have a spinning MP? If not, which NonaTi CoCo has the spinning MP?
yes, the xls has a spinning mouthpiece.
Anyone using a vong for standard vaping? I picked up a cocobana stem in the standard thin profile to replace the Omni titanium xl stem, and much prefer the feel, and the central position of the carb. But sometimes find myself wanting something wider. I do love me a monster fountain pen!
I have a cocobolo omni xl too, I am waiting for my pre 420 sale omni xl condenser to arrive. I am going to pair it with a Blackwood nonavong stem and hopefully I will be done spending on vapcaps
for a while.

I like the feel of my cocobolo omni xl, I like the feel of wood more than metal, but I haven't handled a titanium omni yet, maybe my preference will change.
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Well-Known Member
almost there, your nick says it all. I'm almost there. My O2 level is 96% sans oxygen, which is damn near normal. I just mowed an acre w/o oxygen, and I feel pretty damn good. Hoorah. I'm getting there. I've been walking a mile a day with a little green tank. I'm working toward a mile w/o using the tank. Doc


Well-Known Member
Does anybody know/remember the original price of a Dynastash Xl @DV directly?
I'm afraid prices here in Europe seem to be a little bit expensive for those - 65 € (~80 $) is the cheapest I could find for a bocote one.
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Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
Made my first wooden stem today. Considering I don't have a lathe and wasn't even at my workshop i'm pretty happy with it. Haven't had wood in my vapcaps in a long time. I'm enjoying how light it is, and the XL length combined with the light weigh make it feel very joint like. Im really enjoying it:)


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
Thanks @Squiby ,@Dynavaper & @pxl_jockey
I wanted to make use of my 'Live Stream flash sale' Xl condenser and Mouthpiece.

- I began by drilling a 6mm hole through a block of wood a centimetre longer than the stem I wanted to make. Now I had a centre point.

- Then I stuck a 6mm rod through it to use as a handle while I carved the rough shape with a knife.

- Then I put two 6mm thick strips of wood flat either side of some rough sandpaper flat on the table. I sanded the stem back and forth along the sandpaper between the wood strips until the rod sticking through the stem hits the 5mm wood strips. . . this keeps it round and even. Then I shaped a little by eye with the sand paper. Then sanded with fine sandpaper.

- Drill small carb hole now if you want one.

- Then Drill 8mm hole through the middle. You need a good quality sharp bit. You do this now because otherwise the rod & sanding might have widened the central hole that need to be exactly 8mm.

- Finally cut to exact length by cutting a little off the end at which you started drilling the 8mm hole. This is because unless yo have a drill press the end you start drilling in will have been widened over 8mm by human error of not going perfectly straight at the beginning of drilling the hole.

- Now use a cleaning brush to thoroughly thoroughly brush out any sawdust left in the stem!!
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