
Putin is a War Criminal
Puffitup also has cedar XLs in stock but I think some people opt away from cedar
Seems to suck moisture out of the buds if that’s what I recall reading? And strong cedar smell?
I am looking for an XL stash and currently the Cedar one seems to be the only one out there (of DV stashes). I have put it in my cart a couple times, but have been discouraged by the powerful smell of cedar and it's tendency to act as a desiccant. I don't mind the smell of cedar in my closet, but not so much in my pocket. Sometimes my goods may sit a few days in the stash and I don't love bone dry flower, nor would I want to effect it's flavor.

I am gonna wait around for some options.
Joining was one of worst decisions for my wallet ever. :)
Not even close...
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Well-Known Member
Where I live, (in the middle of a Cedar break), I can't smell cedar anymore. Cedar trees come in "male" and "female". From December to late February, the "male" trees cover everything in pollen. Which causes allergies severely.
The trees make good fence post, as long as you debark them they last forever. That being said I wonder if "males" smell more or less.:lol:
For all you "Sheldon Cooper"s out there I seem to remember that these cedars are Junipers. I don't know I'm not an Arborist, but I think it's the same family. Doc

Edit: This is in regard to Cedar Staches. <mod note VapCap


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
I don't really need anything for now, but I'll buy the 2018 M, and yay I'll get 2 free lighters.
I like supporting dynavap plus I miss the M since I gave my 2017 model to a friend, who totally wrecked it btw hehe.
I wish DV would sell concentrate pads that fit the vapcaps.
BTW doe's anyone know what the M stands for? I feel like I knew this but forgot.

How is it possible to "wreck" an M?!? They are nearly indestructible, short of smashing the shit out of it and bending it up with a hammer or something.

Even if it had been burnt in the bottom of an ashy fire-pit for a week, you would just dig it up, clean it off, replace the o-rings, and you'd be good to go.

Did your friend actually bend it up somehow?
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Putin is a War Criminal
One of the people I gave an M to used it to smoke rather than vape. It was subjected to very high temps and abused by flame. He would put it to his mouth and heat it with a lighter just like you would a pipe. It was a mess when I took it back from him, but after about a 45 minute cleaning job it was able to go back in service pretty much good as new. The CCD was a little rough and I did need to replace 2 orings, but it is back to him with better instructions. Surprisingly the cap survived, they are more durable than I had thought.
Well see, not every smoker can be converted...


anyone know if a blunt bubbler like this would be natively compatible with the vapcap? as in without the rubber mouthpiece? it's less than 8 bucks so i'm thinking of picking it up, would probably smooth out the vapor a decent amount



Just another traveller in the Cannaverse
anyone know if a blunt bubbler like this would be natively compatible with the vapcap? as in without the rubber mouthpiece? it's less than 8 bucks so i'm thinking of picking it up, would probably smooth out the vapor a decent amount


Check with seller/manufacturer. The vapcaps are all 10mm OD. And those look like they might. If they have an ID of 10mm you're good.
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Well-Known Member
I am completely surrounded with 420 sales. They're everywhere! Email promotions, Facebook, FC etc. But I can deflect them all away and beyond my peripheral vision. I only have eyes for Dynavap. :rolleyes:

Everyone has their own special superpower, and that's mine. I can reject all others before Vapcaps.


Check with seller/manufacturer. The vapcaps are all 10mm OD. And those look like they might. If they have an ID of 10mm you're good.

There's no information regarding what size the joint is, no matter what site I go to it pretty much just says "one size fits almost all blunts" or something along those lines. So I assume it'll work with a Vapcap, not sure though


Well-Known Member
anyone know if a blunt bubbler like this would be natively compatible with the vapcap? as in without the rubber mouthpiece? it's less than 8 bucks so i'm thinking of picking it up, would probably smooth out the vapor a decent amount

Been looking at a lot of these. Most don’t list a size of the joint. So I just assume it’s too small or it’s too cone shaped to fit securely.


Lonesome Planet
anyone know if a blunt bubbler like this would be natively compatible with the vapcap? as in without the rubber mouthpiece? it's less than 8 bucks so i'm thinking of picking it up, would probably smooth out the vapor a decent amount


The mouth of the bubbler is tapered, so it would not be readily compatible with a VapCap.

However, you can mouse it up, if you are determined. :tup: :spliff:

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Well-Known Member
Burning Question : Does a Nonavong Ti Cocobolo XLS have a spinning MP? If not, which NonaTi CoCo has the spinning MP?


Just a dude
My trolley cart has more items than were originally on my official DV4.20 List. I'm talking axles bending!
There are still 2 days before the Big Day, I don't think I have any other needs. But I have had this thought before. I've also told myself that I can remove items before paying. Not sure if even I believe that...
It makes me wonder what other diabolical surprises George has in store for my wallet and yours? :uhoh:

Lately in the morning I awake early to check my DVmail, quickly deliberate and then go back to sleep. In less than a week, Dynavap has trained me like a dog to wake just enough to decide if I should throw more money their way and then go back to sleep. No other interest or hobby has tapped into my frontal lobe quite like the Dynavap strain of the VAS phenomenon. I'm no @Squiby or @phattpiggie and so I do have other vapes, but I don't believe in the other companies the same way, they don't grab my imagination like these magical VapCaps in all their forms, with all of their attendant accessories. I dream Dynavap! :mental:
:science: I'm not really interested in a cure, the disease is too much fun! :haw:


Putin is a War Criminal
Burning Question : Does a Nonavong Ti Cocobolo XLS have a spinning MP? If not, which NonaTi CoCo has the spinning MP?
As @almost there said the S at the end signifies the spinning mouthpiece. But, to be clear, you don't HAVE to go XL to get it. If you get a Vong body instead of a stem you can build a non-XL Vong with a spinning mouthpiece. It would just be a Nonavong-S rather than an XLS.


Well-Known Member
How is it possible to "wreck" an M?!? They are nearly indestructible, short of smashing the shit out of it and bending it up with a hammer or something.

Even if it had been burnt in the bottom of an ashy fire-pit for a week, you would just dig it up, clean it off, replace the o-rings, and you'd be good to go.

Did your friend actually bend it up somehow?

One of the people I gave an M to used it to smoke rather than vape. It was subjected to very high temps and abused by flame. He would put it to his mouth and heat it with a lighter just like you would a pipe. It was a mess when I took it back from him, but after about a 45 minute cleaning job it was able to go back in service pretty much good as new. The CCD was a little rough and I did need to replace 2 orings, but it is back to him with better instructions. Surprisingly the cap survived, they are more durable than I had thought.
Well see, not every smoker can be converted...

Pretty much this. The inside of the tip was all burned and gunked up, the screen was almost completely blocked, I couldn't even see the screen it was covered in burned material. I actually think one of the issues he had with the vapcap is the click, my friend is a little nutty about "rules", so when I tell him "respect the click", he is like fuck that I'm gonna use it how I want to. I should test it to see if the cap still works, would not be surprised if it does.


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
Pretty much this. The inside of the tip was all burned and gunked up, the screen was almost completely blocked, I couldn't even see the screen it was covered in burned material. I actually think one of the issues he had with the vapcap is the click, my friend is a little nutty about "rules", so when I tell him "respect the click", he is like fuck that I'm gonna use it how I want to. I should test it to see if the cap still works, would not be surprised if it does.

Take it apart and clean it up. You may be surprised.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure I can clean it but it's his now so he is free to use it however he wants to.
But on the other hand you guys bring up a good point, I should be a better friend and ask him if he wants me to clean it and replace the screen.


Vapoleon Bonaparte
The 2018 M cap itself is diffenet than the previous?

Becouse one of the 2018M's cap that I recieved today was a bit looser, the other is tight so I changed the looser one for a 2017 M's cap.

So I figured out that the 18M cap is very shiny inside and the 2017M's cap is not shiny inside.
I could not try them for now...

Is this an inproovement or changes something?
Any ideas?
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Unknown Member
The 2018 M cap itself is diffenet than the previous?

Becouse one of the 2018M's cap that I recieved today was a bit looser, the other is tight so I changed the looser one for a 2017 M's cap.

So I figured out that the 18M cap is very shiny inside and the 2017M's cap is not shiny inside.
I could not try them for now...

Is this an inproovement or changes something?
Any ideas?
The cap is the same. Squeeze it to tighten its grip.


Well-Known Member
I swear, don't go "Sheldon Cooper" over the cap folks. If it clicks on heat up and clicks on cool down it's working. It's used to transfer heat to the tip and indicates temperature, that's all. If its loose give it a little squeeze and rejoice that it's giving more air, (and more vapor).
My advice: stay straight long enough to get through your head how the VapCap System works, than get vaked. If you don't know how the VC works then read the GD thread, or at least the "best of". I'm "OCD" but your guys take the cake. Repeat after me, "It's only a cap, It's only a cap".
While I'm at it you can't tell the difference in taste or function of 17mm. If you have "Trump Hands" get the regular. If you have normal size hands get the XL. Doc
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