Well-Known Member
I feel like @VapCap needs to make an ih only cap. It would make the use of the ih easier for users.
However another way to deal with it is features of their IH. I think they should have a system that detects the click.
If their IH is able to detect the click then it can autoshut off based on the timing you set. What I mean is you set how long the heater runs after the click. So that you don't have to manage the timing manually.
Sounds cool,I might check them out!
However another way to deal with it is features of their IH. I think they should have a system that detects the click.
If their IH is able to detect the click then it can autoshut off based on the timing you set. What I mean is you set how long the heater runs after the click. So that you don't have to manage the timing manually.
szai, take a look at 420Science for PokitRokit. They are a little pricey. I have all three sizes and they are fantastic. All aluminum. They have two o'rings to seal the cap. The medium will hold a Nonavong Omni with one o'ring utilized. The large holds a 18mm carb-less vong. The small and the medium both fit inside an Altoids tin.
I have a media pouch that holds my Portside Mini, a couple PokitRokits, and a couple VapCaps. I can belt loop it or Molle suspend it. Doc
Edit: I just reread this. I didn't mean to sound like a salesman. Those two Jacks keep messing with me, Daniel and Herer.
Sounds cool,I might check them out!
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