The Beagle
Bubbles & Bags
in which position do you all have your screen and is it ok to have it just all way down (like my Omni came...)?
Yep it's ok, I keep it like that for bigger loads and ease of reassembly. If you want you can always pack it less.
Do you have any tips for a) great Taste (cant get it to Taste 100% as good as my Vapman till now)
I feel you, in my experience you can achieve Vapman like flavor only during the first cycle or so. Heat higher up on the cap and try to get to the click quicker, you'll get less vapor but more tasty. Move your flame down near the digger outer after three cycles to be sure to extract everything if you want but be aware that flavor will not be the best and the vapor could be pretty harsh.
Do you have any Tips for b) greatest effect?
Grind very fine, pack it tight, preheat until just before the first click, let it cool down a bit and then heat it for not more than two seconds past the second click on the very bottom of the cap, drop into a bubbler and boom: