
Well-Known Member
Can someone explain to me the carb technique?

Looking to get a Ti woody and just curious if there is any type of indication like when to cover/uncover the carb or is there aa rythmn?

I think of it the same way as a pipe or any other piece that has a carb.

After heating I start my draw with the carb completely closed, as I go further in the draw I may feather the carb, and when I want to "clear" the vapcap I release the carb and draw until I hear the cooldown click.

Then I reheat and do it all over again!

Now that you mention it though, I do kind of use the carb however it feels natural, it's like playing an instrument. :lol:


Putin is a War Criminal
Ya know, it's kinda funny. I don't come in here every day anymore because it is kinda like having chocolate in the house. If I know its there, and especially if I see it, it WILL get eaten, and often in vast quantities if vast quantities are available.
Every time I DO come in here I want something else, and only significant effort prevents me from ordering away.
So, I tend to let a couple pages accumulate before I come back, and that may lead to some late replies or gushing on things already well loved (like that beryl Woody OMG). Sorry about that. I also worry a little that I'm gonna miss something timely, like a sale announcement. I wanted some of those half priced screens and xrings, for example, but missed them. NBD, I'm sure they will be back, but I'm just pointing out opposing forces that influence behavior. And, of course, cannabis couldn't influence that stuff in any way... :rolleyes:

Anyway, 420 is coming and I'm sure George will help us celebrate, but I may not come back until shortly before... :rofl: Yeah, right.


Well-Known Member
Thanks folks for the answers. Might just have to go ti woody.

Another question for everyone. With the spinning mouthpiece is there still a need to feather the carb. Or can I set to to were the vapor is thicker And just rip it. Will I have a chance of combusting if it is set to the hole closed ?


Well-Known Member
Thanks folks for the answers. Might just have to go ti woody.

Another question for everyone. With the spinning mouthpiece is there still a need to feather the carb. Or can I set to to were the vapor is thicker And just rip it. Will I have a chance of combusting if it is set to the hole closed ?

Only the omnivap has airflow settings attached to spinning the mouthpiece, the ti-woody-s mouthpieces simply spin independent of the body, playing with the carb is your only airflow adjustment on the non-omnivap VC.

If you remove heat source from the cap as soon as you hear the click, you will not combust no matter how hard you pull or cover the carb...

Someone correct me if I vaped too much before posting this and incorrectly advised our member here....


taste buds
Only the omnivap has airflow settings attached to spinning the mouthpiece, the ti-woody-s mouthpieces simply spin independent of the body, playing with the carb is your only airflow adjustment on the non-omnivap VC.

If you remove heat source from the cap as soon as you hear the click, you will not combust no matter how hard you pull or cover the carb...

Someone correct me if I vaped too much before posting this and incorrectly advised our member here....
You could possibly combust by only heating to the click. For example, if you were using a single flame torch placed at the very bottom of the cap, closest to the digger outer, it might reach combustion because it will take longer to click.

I've had a few close calls myself and I never heat more than 2/3 down the cap when using a single flame torch. I rarely use a single, mostly I'm using a triple and I like doubles also. Quads are good but they seem like overkill so I rarely use mine.

I heat the middle or slightly lower most of the time, and I will go past the click for a second or two. The new tips seem to have less margin for error here. I haven't combusted with the new tip yet but I've found I don't need to heat as long past the click to get the same level of extraction as I did with the old tips.

So while it is probably technically possible to combust while respecting the click, it would be very hard to do and a fringe case. In normal use you should not even come close to combusting if you respect the click.


Well-Known Member
Might just have to go ti woody.

Another question for everyone. With the spinning mouthpiece is there still a need to feather the carb. Or can I set to to were the vapor is thicker And just rip it. Will I have a chance of combusting if it is set to the hole closed ?
A spinning mouthpiece is included if you choose the Ti Woody S or the Ti Woody XLS model. The Ti Woody model does not have a spinning mouthpiece.

All the models mentioned above have a standard or XL condenser that is not adjustable and the term spinning mouthpiece refers to the mouthpiece being able to freely rotate as you heat your Vapcap which makes holding the Vapcap while twirling it an easier manoeuvre for some.

The air intake is manually controlled by covering or feathering the carb with your finger.

The possibility of combustion only comes from overheating the cap past the click. The carb only effects the thickness of the vapor and the desired air restriction. If you want to permanently restrict the air intake on a Woody, you can move a condenser oring to sit below the carb and the tip.

For full adjustable air intake, the Omnivap has an adjustable condenser/mouthpiece. The mouthpiece is threaded and screws onto the condenser. As you rotate the mp, the condenser will move into or out of the ti tip, giving you a set level of air restriction.


Vapor Dreams
It´s hard to read all these good things about the vapcap. I ordered a ti woody xls a week ago in Spain and i am starving to try it. Hope it comes soon so I can look at you all and say: Meh :evil:

PD: I put it in my signature maybe reading it will calm my anxiety


Well-Known Member
@Pipes. @natural farmer.

Dudes. Had ants in my pants.

Dug up an old Flowemate/Atmos, found its heater diameter compatable
with a VapCap.

Counted 20, to 1st click. Windproof.


Hubris? Blasphemy? Well, yes, but it sure beats burning up the house, indoors; and saves a helava lot of butane, for Walden-like hikes, outside. :nod:

My Daily Driver. LOL

I'm about to order up a flowermate from puffitup, they are on sale. What model and what temp are you using?
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Well-Known Member


Sorry everyone, trying to make it past my computer handicap and join the 21st century at last. Have never posted any photos before because of this but a recent experience has inspired me to overcome this challenge. I made a post seeking help in fixing my broken mp and soon after I received a PM, I'm sure most folks on this thread can guess the rest of the story;). Despite the fact that we see postings all the time about the kindness and generosity of Dynavap it is altogether something different when it actually happens to you. George reached out to me offering to replace the broken mp and of course I happily accepted the kind offer. My signature green package arrived yesterday and upon opening it I was shocked by the extravagance of his kindness. The picture tells it all, 3 beautiful mp's in matching green cases:bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:. Thank you so much George, thanks not only for sharing the beauty of your creations but the beauty of your heart.
edit-thanks mod for stepping in and putting the images up
Modnote: Edited to display images

That is my exact experience also. :) Hey Guys I have been gone for over a week in FLA and in the Gulf. Brought along my VC and had an awesome time.

Hey.. Those green containers are interesting. I could use a couple. lol


Well-Known Member
A spinning mouthpiece is included if you choose the Ti Woody S or the Ti Woody XLS model. The Ti Woody model does not have a spinning mouthpiece.

All the models mentioned above have a standard or XL condenser that is not adjustable and the term spinning mouthpiece refers to the mouthpiece being able to freely rotate as you heat your Vapcap which makes holding the Vapcap while twirling it an easier manoeuvre for some.

The air intake is manually controlled by covering or feathering the carb with your finger.

The possibility of combustion only comes from overheating the cap past the click. The carb only effects the thickness of the vapor and the desired air restriction. If you want to permanently restrict the air intake on a Woody, you can move a condenser oring to sit below the carb and the tip.

For full adjustable air intake, the Omnivap has an adjustable condenser/mouthpiece. The mouthpiece is threaded and screws onto the condenser. As you rotate the mp, the condenser will move into or out of the ti tip, giving you a set level of air restriction.
I have a stupid question since I dont have an Omni --- Since the spinning action of a Omni mouthpiece adjusts the airflow, does that mean it cannot be infinitely spun in 1 direction for heatup the way I spin my Ti Woody-S?

Or does the Omni MP continue free-spinning after youve reached the points of maximum/minimum airflow adjustment?
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60 going on 20
I have a stupid question since I dont have an Omni --- Since the spinning action of a Omni mouthpiece adjusts the airflow, does that mean it cannot be infinitely spun in 1 direction for heatup the way I spin my Ti Woody-S?

Or does the Omni MP continue free-spinning after youve reached the points of maximum/minimum airflow adjustment?
No on the further spinning......for an Omni, you just have to develop the "pinch roll".......just a gentle twirl using your thumb and index. No harder than a Ti-S or XLS, just different.

Here's the deal, IMHO.....go to the website, spend whatever spare change you have on hand on any VC. From there on, you'll figure it out. You'll know if it's for you, and if not, there are so many good analog choices on the market these days.


in flavor country
yes, it's called mail stalking...

3 days into having the VapCap and I am very impressed with it's performance. I even got to take it out and use it when we went to the park the other day. I love how quick and easy it is to work with, and I have dialed in my heating technique so I get very full and satisfying hits, between clicks.
Respect the CLICK :D


Well-Known Member
I have a stupid question since I dont have an Omni --- Since the spinning action of a Omni mouthpiece adjusts the airflow, does that mean it cannot be infinitely spun in 1 direction for heatup the way I spin my Ti Woody-S?

Or does the Omni MP continue free-spinning after youve reached the points of maximum/minimum airflow adjustment?
The Omni condenser/mouthpiece is threaded. The mouthpiece screws onto the condenser. Rotating the Omni mp either advances the mp onto the condenser or away from it, like screwing a nut onto a bolt. The Omni mouthpiece does not "spin", you can screw it tighter or looser. It has limited threads and cannot continuously spin.

Below is a picture of an Omni condenser/mp compared to the regular condenser/ spinning wood mp. Notice that the threads on the Omni condenser are limited and that the adjustment can only be done by intentionally twisting the mp, as opposed to the wood mp which sort of floats between two orings, allowing it to spin freely and continuously.

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hotboxing the cockpit
Would be a nice tee design. Preferably wearing in the bible belt :p

ask and you shall receive...

he knew how to carb and everything ... :D


So I've got the location down.

Guess I gotta get this printed now?


I am not a native, and don't plan on staying after I graduate but MAN it'd be pretty dope.

Get this shit. A pharmacist I work with (same one I bitched about in another thread) was trying to slam "millenials" and their pro-stance on the legalization of cannabis, saying that it kills brain cells and etc etc. in 2017. a pharmacist. a fucking healthcare professional who went through YEARS of schooling.

Clearly didn't learn a thing. Maybe I got carried away but I was in a shit mood already and told her to bring in proof that's the case, because I have plenty of studies I could dig up in a 30second search that found numerous medical benefits.

She's just worried about her kids, so she I guess just chooses to be ignorant but man I could not stand for that. What's the point of me going through school and all this shit if there's clearly no standard upheld and people with such credentials and respect as a healthcare professional get away with spouting nonsense that goes against contemporary science.

In short, I would love to shove it to some of the ignorant folks down here with a shirt like that! Whether or not I'd actually wear it is another thing though. I need some sweet, son of christ on a beach, or frolicking thru a meadow ripping his custom @phattpiggie vapcap...
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Well-Known Member
Lurked for the past 501 pages, but thought I'd join the fun now with maybe something interesting to contribute....

I became fascinated with vapcap after seeing the stashes and woodies - such an homage to the old stoner and our hitters and dugouts! I started reading the thread and getting more and more interested, while being totally satisfied with my FF2 along the way. I kept reading, and got more and more interested.

So I bought a used Ti WoodyS and a DynastashER, before I knew anything about new tips or upgrades, or new ideas, or CCD screens, or more airflow, etc. Ended up with a 2nd generation tip, and a ceramic screen. And the thing hits very, very well.

So VAS hits immediately, while I'm still working my way through the thread, so I buy an Omnivap before I knew anything about that stuff, and ended up with another 2nd generation tip, this time with a CCD screen. It hits even better, no muss no fuss, and after figuring out the mouthpiece, I can dial in the resistance I want, making it hands free operation...! I figure I've reached the top, the best of the best Vapcap offers...

Then, of course, I start reading about the wider channels in the 3rd gen Ti tip, screen refinement, Adjust-A-Bowl, etc. VAS, damned VAS, hits again, fiercely!

Luckily, I've converted some people along the way, so I start turning them on and using the gifts I gave to warrant an upgrade myself. Just got my new order with some screens, a new tip, new cap, some o-ring spares and hemp fiber, and can now offer some observations old v new.

For those wondering about upgrading your tips from the older styles... READ THIS FIRST!

If what you want is more airflow, more "convection," get the new tip. It seems to preserve flavor and production over more cycles. I'm getting 5 heating cycles or so, vs 3 heating cycles per bowl with the old tips. It is better in nearly every way from a flavor perspective.

If what you value in your vapcap is quick and brutal extraction, maybe stick with the older tips, or heat farther past the click on the new tips than was safe on the old - up to 3 full seconds. I've found my older tips extract more faster, but with less flavor, than the newer wide channels, and the only way to pump up production is to increase temps on the new tip.

The too long didn't read version of this observation is - don't worry too much if you have an older version of the vapcap. While there are differences, I'm finding that both offer a quality vape experience, with some minor difference that can be largely overcome through shifts in technique. Older tips = fuller extraction over fewer cycles, sacrificing flavor. Newer tips preserve flavors better, but may take more application of heat to extract fully in fewer cycles.
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