Quick question , Does Dynavap actually send out a regular newsletter ?? I signed up by email and have never seen anything from them . Just curious ...
Wow, how late am I on this one? ! Totally forget that!
There was one time an attempt to do a sale; the "Matt weekly sales" or something like that back in November (maybe, can't found my post again) with sales on ebony woody, titanium screen (half price) and other stuff.
I don't know if it was a success on DV's side but I jumped on it!
I hope we'll see more events like that in the future!
We finally get to see what you've been hiding under your cloak, and it's hauntingly beautiful! Using that body will definitely leave you in high spirits!
Ho Yeah! Starring at all these details especially when high, is mesmerizing!
About your pareidolia, I'm surprised you didn't saw a face on that body.
Or maybe am I the only one to see it?
Looks like an evil monkey, or something like that
Hell yeah, and the grain man... His feel, his looking and the weight of it. Definitely my favorite wood body (for the moment

George bring us some real pieces of art, as well as functional vapes
Oh my, that is the most gorgeous stem I've seen in a while. Was that a custom order? I'd love to find that stem and mouthpiece myself. Great pic
Thank you

Back in November, when I started my order, there was just a few burl bodies remaining and none of them was truly unique.
So as I knew that my customs demands was going to take times (custom stash, custom cap... ) I've chosen to wait for the next batch of burl, with the hope to see some truly unique pieces.
Almost three months later, the mighty batch of burl was here and Matt sent me a little selection of the few two toned burl available.
It was very difficult to choose the one, they were all awesome!
That is a beautiful Vapcap you have there. It definitely has soul!

"VapCap, the vaporizer with a soul in, and on it"
Thanks a lot! Since the beginning I was wanting a two-toned burl.
He's now permanently settled on my Omnivap, and I think I tend to use it (even) more than before, just because he's so visually appealing
@almost there, what a nice and lovely surprise! That's so kind.
One more line to add in the book of SantaGeorge