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almost there
I see you vape like FDR smoked.
I see you vape like FDR smoked.

ha, if only I was that cool. I actually don't put the mp beyond much more of where that chip is into my mouth. That chip was broken off when I had fitted it into the silicon mp of the og. It was the first time I ever tried inserting the wood mp in all the way, in the past I gave it a try and gave up since it was so tight and I didn't yet own a bubbler. Getting it in was a struggle but getting it out after was impossiblealmost there
I see you vape like FDR smoked.Doc
So for those of you who have them, I remember people talking about a storage container inside the dynastash, like a glass tube. Anyone found a viable solution? A link would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to acquire an XL version but I have never been a fan of wood and bud together, especially when it's dank. Tends to stick to the stash to much.
Thanks again everyone. This is such a great thread!
I second this. I have an ER version and I still carry my bud in a seperate doobtoob on the go. It kinda defeats the purpose. The doobtube isn't the best to get material, but it keeps the smellz in
As long as it's no more than 12.5mm in total diameter it will fit in the DS. But I can't seem to find anything that narrow.Has anyone tried purchasing a corked test tube style insert for the dynastash to store herb?
I can't remember who it was that posted this, but IIRC they drilled or filed out the stash compartment to allow the tube they purchased to fit in the hole.As long as it's no more than 12mm in total diameter it will fit in the DS. But I can't seem to find any that narrow.
Dozens of pages ago there's a photo of someone's Dynastash with a small clear doob tube in it that actually fit. I was going to ask him where he got it but forgot to. If anyone cares to spend about an hour sifting through the thread for that pic it would be appreciated. Lol
That may be the most beautiful VapCap I have seem. Just gorgeous."VapCap, the vaporizer with a soul in, and on it"
(35mm - F5.6 - 1/250s - iso 100 and a Ouija board)
Don't be afraid, they came in peace
A few years ago another user posted about this.I absent mindedly tapped my OG against the ashtray to empty it as you would a pipe and, of course, it cracked in half![]()
Here, here... I agree and have been praising this product for several years. Goes great with every vape, wish I could say that about my glass.That may be the most beautiful VapCap I have seem. Just gorgeous.
A few years ago another user posted about this.![]()
It may be the best $15 I have spent on accessories. I am confident it has saved many times its cost in broken stems and OG VapCaps.
I gotta say I love this line.Now that I just received my 5th VC, I realize that my favorite one is the one that I have in my hand ready to torch.
I saw the evil monkey, and there is another face on his forehead:Ho Yeah! Starring at all these details especially when high, is mesmerizing!
About your pareidolia, I'm surprised you didn't saw a face on that body.
Or maybe am I the only one to see it?
Looks like an evil monkey, or something like that
Hell yeah, and the grain man... His feel, his looking and the weight of it. Definitely my favorite wood body (for the moment)
George bring us some real pieces of art, as well as functional vapes![]()
I don't want to spend a lot of time on this in George's thread, but I assume it is some kind of silicone. It is thick enough to absorb all the shock of a pretty hard tap. Being something of a hoarder I thought I might still have the box (bought in 2014) but I couldn't find it.Meanwhile it costs around $30. What is the insert made of? Silicone?
That may be the most beautiful VapCap I have seem. Just gorgeous.
A few years ago another user posted about this.![]()
It may be the best $15 I have spent on accessories. I am confident it has saved many times its cost in broken stems and OG VapCaps.
I'm looking for a flame based vaporizer for back packing trips and just general backup for when batteries are out of juice. Would appreciate some direction and if the OmniVap might be for me.
Background and desires for my vape: I typically either use an EVO or Volcano when at home, and a Crafty/Mighty for herb on the go, and a W9 Hercules for oil on the go. Point being, I like hard hitting vapes that deliver a punch while retaining good flavor. I'm a daily user with a high tolerance, I don't typically just take a hit or two and am done.
At one point, I had a Lotus, but it just never fully delivered imo. Perhaps I never mastered the technique, but I never got those thick satisfying hits I can get with my Crafty/Mighty.
A couple questions I have about the OmniVap. Can anyone estimate how many bowls in the OV would equal a full bowl in a Crafty/Mighty?
After finishing a bowl in the OV, how long does it take to cool to handling temperature? ie how long would I have to wait til I could load another bowl?
Does the DynaStash work with the OV? I'm assuming so, but don't see the Omni listed specifically in the DynaStash info.
I've seen talk of engraved caps, are these purchased from a 3rd party, or could this be done when I order the Omni from DynaVap?
So bottom line from those that use the EVO, Crafty/Mighty, Herc, do you think I'll be satisfied with what the Omni produces? Efficiency isn't top priority for me, but is a nice bonus. Thick, satisfying hits is my top priority.
Edit: regarding cleaning, I notice on the site they don't recommend alcohol, why is that? What's the issue with it? I just don't see how hot water will get it fully clean when a deep clean is needed. Obviously I could be wrong since I don't have one, but I've always needed alcohol for any other MJ related device previous.
5 times the amount is a bit exaggerated. It's closer to 2.5-3 times the amount by my measuring.If you're expecting huge hits like the crafty you might be disappointed. The crafty's chamber fits about 5 times (patted down) the amount of the vapcap (I have a TI Woody) .You're probably going to be spending alot of time re-filling the chamber over and over again to get to the same point as the crafty.
This is the prime use of a Vapcap for me. Tasty white vapour from such a tiny amount of material.You can definitely white wall the bubbler once you learn how to use it, where as the crafty and volcano are fool proof.
How long are you drawing on your vapcap? I find that I usually get vapour production from click to click, so there's no waiting for cool down.After you take a hit, you have to wait about 15-20 seconds for the reset click. If you place it on a magnet it cools down significantly faster. Another 20 seconds after the reset click and it's usually cool enough to handle with the hands for re loading.
If you're expecting huge hits like the crafty you might be disappointed.
After you take a hit, you have to wait about 15-20 seconds for the reset click. If you place it on a magnet it cools down significantly faster. Another 20 seconds after the reset click and it's usually cool enough to handle with the hands for re loading.
Somebody else mentioned that the porous ceramic donuts that W9T sells fit inside the VapCap chamber. A couple stacked on top of each other, and I believe he added something in the middle of them too. Said it worked real well. I took some screens and cut a bunch to the same size and had a stack of like 20 in there and it worked well for oil. You can get big hits with it since you can push the heat a little more than with flower. I bet you could get a porous ceramic disk like the type that HealthStone uses and just break it down to size, those are specifically made for vaporizing concentrates.More testing in progress, would love to hear any tips from folks already doing this if you have any.
Just got my triple jet lighters in, next to my Eagle single jet for comparison. The triple jet is the small one. More testing to follow!