
Well-Known Member
thanks for your input. it looks like you're the perfect person to ask, since you have both OG + Ti woody: if I'm just looking for the vapcap 'experience', not concerned with fragility (or esthetics), do I give up anything, performance-wise, by getting an OG? some people have said the draw is easier with the Ti, or that the carb is better on the Ti, or that some people prefer the OG. your $.02 on these weighty matters would be much appreciated...
Not the person you asked, but having an OG and Ti Woody myself, I find that performance wise I can't tell the difference in them. I got an OG to check out the claims that the OG worked better and I don't notice it if they do. Still use my Ti the most because it's worry free on dropping, but if you don't care about that the OG is still great.


Well-Known Member
I have owned 4 OG bodies 2 of those I don't have anymore (KIA). The remaining two are slightly different the way the cap feels when I place or remove it. That definitely plays a role in the draw restriction category, the current daily driver I received months ago but could not use comfortably. I bought some diamond tip files and filed my body where the cap sits. I found my sweet spot sanded enough where it hits with much less restriction and plenty of air/vapor flowing.

This must be at unfounded truth or a fear of my own but after years & years of combusting on a daily basis in literally anything and everything I just truly believe that glass is much easier and cleaner regardless of how hot you get it or not, this is what I feel more comfortable with. I might just have to give in to the TI one day, especially now that they are made in house!, or the OG line will expand hopefully. Regardless I wish I would of had the OG 10 years ago, truly life changing.



Well-Known Member
Thanks I want to order xl condenser with exotic mp to fit in too my cocobolo woody but I only have a dynastash so need to store it somewhere
Would it fit with mp removed

No. You can remove the mp, but the XL condenser would stick out the end. The condenser fits into the tip, goes through the stem and mp.

To fit into your regular Dynastash, you need to use a regular condenser, stem and no mp.

Or, you could remove the XL condenser and mp and store that in one Doob tube and the cap, tip and stem in another.

You can ask for the longer doob tube with your order to store the complete To Woody XLS or use something like a cigar case or tobacco pouch if an XL Dynastash is not in your future.
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Well-Known Member
When I got my woody body I took my normal size condenser out of my to vong s and the took the ti tip as well to put my ti woody together.
At first the ti woody had real high draw resistance got a puff and a full cycle out of it but wasn't satisfied.
Sat on the couch fiddling and took the condenser out and tried it the other way round mp end at the tip end and put it back together. Result a much looser draw so the carb could be used.
Felt stupid after. But I just put the condenser in same way it was in ti vong s. This might help some with a underwhelming ti woody.
I'm much happier now


Well-Known Member
thanks for your input. it looks like you're the perfect person to ask, since you have both OG + Ti woody: if I'm just looking for the vapcap 'experience', not concerned with fragility (or esthetics), do I give up anything, performance-wise, by getting an OG? some people have said the draw is easier with the Ti, or that the carb is better on the Ti, or that some people prefer the OG. your $.02 on these weighty matters would be much appreciated...
I don't think you can make that extrapolation (that is, my experience generalized to all of the specific product).

It could just be my Ti Woody but my Ti have very tight draw (carb open or not) and while it seems to extract well (that is, I get high and the AVB is nice and dark), I don't get as big of clouds as with my OG.

This could just be my OG and my Ti Woody but I find I get excellent extraction and clouds way easier from my OG than my Ti Woody. Now, I did recently put the Ti Woody through a water piece and it worked very well. Used a Delta 3D Studios Medium Nearly Universal SONG and it fit the double crown Ti Woody body perfectly. But I still seem to do a bit better with my OG.

The only reason I'm hedging my experience so much is that MANY others on this board prefer their Ti VapCap.



Well-Known Member
Used a Delta 3D Studios Medium Nearly Universal SONG and it fit the double crown Ti Woody body perfectly. But I still seem to do a bit better with my OG.

@Baron23 Have you tried it w/ a 18mm M-M too ? If you have, was curious to see which you preferred & why. Enjoyed your take on the VC on VLF.
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natural farmer

Well-Known Member
I don't think you can make that extrapolation (that is, my experience generalized to all of the specific product).

It could just be my Ti Woody but my Ti have very tight draw (carb open or not) and while it seems to extract well (that is, I get high and the AVB is nice and dark), I don't get as big of clouds as with my OG.

This could just be my OG and my Ti Woody but I find I get excellent extraction and clouds way easier from my OG than my Ti Woody. Now, I did recently put the Ti Woody through a water piece and it worked very well. Used a Delta 3D Studios Medium Nearly Universal SONG and it fit the double crown Ti Woody body perfectly. But I still seem to do a bit better with my OG.

The only reason I'm hedging my experience so much is that MANY others on this board prefer their Ti VapCap.


I have similar experiences regarding airflow and vapor production and I have been expressing them since the beginning. I initially gave up on my first Vapcap because of this.
Airflow under the cap seems to be erratic as the tolerances are not too precise yet. Other cap/stem/tip combinations have higher airflow and others too restricted. I have had caps that would fit too tight on the glass body and other that just wouldn't hold on it. I, as well had to grind a few glass bodies to get the airflow I needed for big clouds. With Ti tips the tolerances are lower but still exist ime. When I make an order I always ask George @VapCap for a unit that has relatively high airflow through the cap. So far they were spot on but for me it's a thing to be resolved in the future. Maybe now that they have all this new equipment they can have tighter control.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't agree with that based on my experience with Ti Woody and multiple OGs. :2c:YMMV

Now, I see where Alexis said that his Ti tip has better airflow than his OG. For me, this is just the opposite so perhaps its just my Ti Woody.
I dont remember ever saying the Ti tip has better airflow. I cant really comment on the OG much since I only gave it a quick, less than half hearted whizz, as I got it for my mum, and she hadnt even tried it at the time and I didnt feel right breaking it out, I was just curious to see how it differed, but it was no fair trial. Hopefully another time.

The only point I recall making was the undeniable difference in bowl and potential load size, with the Ti tip holding a bit more material.

I have now begun a vapor break until christmas to start another 30 day course of homeopathy. I have made fantastic progress and my infection load is just about lower than ever. For the first time in 12 years now, it is entirely conceivable that I may clear ALL remaining infections from my body with this 4 week course.
I may not, but it is possible, there wont be much left. I just need luck now to avoid further infections, but no matter what I am believing for the first time yet, I will clear it all.

Once I clear my lungs fully, my weed and especially vapor allergy may disappear. When I had an infection in my heart in the summer, I couldnt eat my coconut oil abv, as it triggereed a really severe allergy like symptoms with my heart.

My homeopath vega tested the abv jar to see how it was affecting me. Overall ot wasnt too bad, but she checked the heart reflex point and it was indeed a big problem.

Once the heart infection was gone, the canna oil was fine and no heart reaction. I got her to test it again on tuesday, purely out of interest, and low and behold, no problems with my heart from it.
This bodes well for me. If i can clear my lungs at last, who knows what will change. My respiratory allergies could clear up.
For my vapor break, I cooked up 15 grams of Durban Poison sugar leaves I have cured last night. I decarbed in oven, then 2 hours on low heat in coconut oil with sunflower lecithin.

Strained throuh muslin. I put 15 grams into 130 grams coconut oil, but after I strained it there was only 105 grams in the jar. The rest is left behind in the leafy mass in the chessecloth. I squeezed it out to the point of injuring my hand, but you just cant get it all.

So I make tea from it by pouring boiled water over the herbs in the cheesecloth and squeezing.
It is so delicious, this tea. But it is impossible to know what dose you get. There were 25 grams missing, and I was hoping to take small doses of 2 grams. So I have no idea what dose I got in my tea last night, I squeezed a lot out, I didnt want to underdose and I certainly did not!

You should smell the jar now. The most wonderful smell I have smelt since memory serves I swear. This is the best one I have ever done.
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Well-Known Member
Seems Canada has its Thanksgiving earlier than US, south of the border, @Squiby , et al!:clap::tup::rockon:

Happy Gobble, Gobble to all!

Yeah, it is weird that 6 weeks after we have celebrated Thanksgiving and a few weeks after Halloween, the US celebrates Thanksgiving. We are connected by the same Black Friday sales but our stores have long ago replaced the fall and Turkey displays and are full tilt into Christmas promotions now.

Wild turkey are around these parts all year long but from Thanksgiving on they seem to come out of the forest more often, show up and just stand around in groups in the most conspicuous spots. No wonder they are the traditional choice for the feast. This time of year they are by far the easiest target.

I always feel like running out and waving my hands screaming, run, save yourselves. But they don't listen.

Happy Turkey Day everyone!


Lonesome Planet
A bit strange, but here in a small city clustered around Mt Holyoke College, we too have a clutch of turkeys wandering around, and about. Almost tame they come and go, with astonished, stopped, motorists gawking as 20-30 of them saunter across the hill.

And, occasionally, a mother bear, with her 3 small Cubs, running to catch up!:razz:
(Here, in these lower latitudes, I am told, they don't hibernate,)


Well-Known Member
@Baron23 Have you tried it w/ a 18mm M-M too ? If you have, was curious to see which you preferred & why. Enjoyed your take on the VC on VLF.

I'm not sure what you mean by this, Morty. 18 mm male to male??

The Nearly Universal (love the nearly part LOL) SonG will fit both 14 and 18 female joints. Not sure where male-male would fit in???

Am I just a wee bit dense this morning (quite possible, you know LOL)


Well-Known Member
I glued a magnet in the cup of my Pyramid lighter. I load my VapCap, and just before I heat I use the magnet to pull the cap out less than a 1/4". I heat the tip and cap at the same time. When it clicks, I push the cap all the way on, and rip.
Man I have had an Omni since they came out. I accidentally pulled the cap out a little and I have found this "pull the cap" gives me more vapor, tastier vapor, and better ABV color. Doc


Recovering Idealist
Man, that Black Friday sale looks like it is too good to pass up. I have been eyeing the vapcap for a while and I am now deciding what I want to buy. I am trying to keep this as cheap as possible for an initial foray into the world of vapcap. It will be easier for me to justify the cost if I keep it very low. If I end up loving it then it would be easier to justify the more durable vc products.

I currently use a Milaana as my daily driver and while I am out. I have read that the two complement each other well. I have a couple of questions for the kind people of this thread as I make my decision.

1) Is it worth the extra $15 (-20%) to get the vapcap s as opposed to the og?
2) I already have multiple single flame torch lighters, do I need a triple or quad flame to get the best use of my vc, or would a single flame suffice?


Well-Known Member
@Baron23 Yes. 18mm male to male. Here's a picture.
This is how I've been using my OG, it fits awesome in the 18mm male to male. Much better than using the 14mm reducer or even a 14mm rig I have...

My bad. Should of explained it better. I was just wondering if one method worked better than the other (18mm M-M vs. the SonG). Happy bird day everyone!
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natural farmer

Well-Known Member
I glued a magnet in the cup of my Pyramid lighter. I load my VapCap, and just before I heat I use the magnet to pull the cap out less than a 1/4". I heat the tip and cap at the same time. When it clicks, I push the cap all the way on, and rip.
Man I have had an Omni since they came out. I accidentally pulled the cap out a little and I have found this "pull the cap" gives me more vapor, tastier vapor, and better ABV color. Doc

And yet another case of how improved airflow under the cap gives better results... :D
I hope the new version of the Ti tip makes a real difference with airflow. If only the tolerances between the tip and the cap were more precise and all units had the same airflow... :\ I wish George @VapCap could give us some more info on this... :)
1) Is it worth the extra $15 (-20%) to get the vapcap s as opposed to the og?
2) I already have multiple single flame torch lighters, do I need a triple or quad flame to get the best use of my vc, or would a single flame suffice?
Not any real difference between OG and S other than the woody mouthpiece on the S and of course the looks! :brow:
Actually I kind of prefer OG in that I can see the vapor flow through the glass condenser and also watch that sweet resin honey that is accumulated in there and soon end in my lungs... :drool: :p

Oh, and I prefer single flame cause for me it's more precise in dialing in the perfect temp... And more forgiving! ;)


Well-Known Member
Im really happy. The @phattpiggie stem and triple air path Ti tip, with one of the metal screens as seen in the OG. All my air resistance and draw strength issues are done with, massive clouds, excellent taste, works well plumbed into my D020 just fine. Means I can stop abusing my Okin (eh @Dan Morrison )! ;)

I am finding myself envious of all those who will soon own the new Ti tip, and am very tempted to buy myself one this weekend, if it seems like it will make a noticeable improvement to how my Omnivap functions.
You seem very pleased with yours so far. Is thee really an improvement? I like the idea of a greater ratio of convection, and if there is better airflow too, an added bonus.

I have also been keen on having my own OG as well, so I could get just the Ti tip and an OG for $60 in the sale, about £48.

Do you think it will be worth it, ultimately, to upgrade the Ti tip now? I have felt the experience of using the Omnivap could be improved, and I like the sound of your early reports.
Or do you think I should just save myself the £48? (Please dont feel like I blame anybody for advice whichever way, just, if it isnt a massive difference thats all.)

Regarding our discussion of customs, I certainly won't be encouraging any company to downmark goods for customs purposes, but in his case the fellas are already doing something to avoid it, but it is failing due to conversion rates, so seeing as it is said people's idea and intention initially, it just seems logical and acceptable to let them know a number of us are being hit wih VAT, and if it is their own express wish to reduce prices so we can keep our order totals below £15, then they will be free to do so and use the feedback any way they like, it isnt like I am suggesting or encouraging the idea, but I do understand whre you are coming from.

Any advice on the Ti tip will be very appreciated thanks, any time.
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