What an action packed week the past 2 weeks has been.

We now have our laser up and operating. Still a bit of tweaking to do to get it dialed in, but oh boy, to just see the first laser cut caps come out of that machine. Well, it more than made my day.
Here it is.
So then there has been the follow up with the vendors from the IMTS show. Really cool things ranging from new and improved cutting tools, robotics, and some of the most advanced manufacturing machinery I have ever seen. In fact, as I write this I am on a plane on my way to LA to go look at some of it right now.
When I think about what this type of equipment could mean for Dynavap, I get excited. Then here comes what I think is the best part.
Development! Probably one of my favorite things about this project is how it enables me to focus on design and development, and at the same time it is now providing me access to technology and materials I have only dreamed of being able to work with. What will I be able to do with an 8 axis CNC machine? More titanium and other exotic materials? Only time will tell.
And check out this OmniVap with a blasted mouthpiece.
There are some really exciting things coming!
Thank you everyone for helping me get to this point.