
Well-Known Member
Hi guys, first post on this site! Hope everyone is good! I just want to say hello first of all, I got an account on here after reading through this thread and the Haze v3 thread, everyone seems so friendly and knows so much, it's great. I've just got myself a vapcap original, arrived yesterday and have used it around 10-15 times since, using a clipper/normal lighter.

First impressions - Even after 4/5 heat cycles (my cycles consist really of one long, slow draw using a combination of hard pulling with the carb hole thing covered and light slow pulling with the hole open until the cool down click occurs) my ABV is still a nice light brown, which makes me excited for later when I'm going to get a butane single jet lighter. Taste is great, I suspect maybe the clipper has something to do with this, as the taste lasts 3+ heat cycles and still lingering in my mouth for a couple of hours after a session. I would imagine the butane torch will produce slightly more clouds and less flavour as it's way more powerful, if anyone can confirm would be great. Heat-up time with the clipper honestly ranges from 20+ seconds to <10 seconds. Each hit is smooth, tasty, and well... the effects of this tiny little thing are great! Especially when you consider the size and price point, and the size of the bowl! I would say it fits anywhere from 0.03g-0.1g depending on grind. I've been grinding course and packing lightly, but have been experimenting and would seem the grind gives you slightly more cloud production and using a micro nug gives you more flavour. Potency seemed to be similar. I can see this being my go-to vape for anything but when I want a session style experience, for which I'll go for the Haze I'm waiting to buy. How does this thing hit with water attachments?

Can't wait to experiment with the vapcap further. I note that sometime back in the thread someone was gathering tips and tricks from users to come up with a tips and tricks booklet kinda thing. Did that ever get done? Would be really keen to read it and get experimenting. Apologies if I missed it, 257 pages of reading while medicated is kinda intense!

Also a shout out to George @VapCap for demonstrating such great customer service on this thread, and for making your dream a reality! Great product man!


Well-Known Member
Im no expert yet. I use the triple lighter and heatup is about 3 seconds.
Less the second time. Depending where you heat the cap makes a big difference, towards the tip gives more flavor and less clouds and heat. I get 3 cycles per load.
This ^^ is exactly my experience also. 3 seconds for click on first draw, bit faster on second if its still warm, 3 draws from a good load with the first often being a big flavor bang, the second draw is the money shot, and the third cleans up.

Love my OG.


Swirl + Burl = Aquatic Bliss

Edit: A little glass on glass action:

@Vapor_Eyes - Is that @Ratchett (Delta 3d Studios) silicone adapter on the end of your vapcap? If so, is that the small one?
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FC member
This ^^ is exactly my experience also. 3 seconds for click on first draw, bit faster on second if its still warm, 3 draws from a good load with the first often being a big flavor bang, the second draw is the money shot, and the third cleans up.

Love my OG.

Exactly that, BTW using a cheap Chinese lighter that works well so i ordered some more. 4 for less the a tenner delivered. At that price i can keep a few lying around.


taste buds
@Vapor_Eyes - Is that @Ratchett (Delta 3d Studios) silicone adapter on the end of your vapcap? If so, is that the small one?
No, that's a latex pipe bit, I picked up a pack at a smoke shop and it turns out they fit my OmniVap perfectly. When I got my OG I found the mouthpiece doesn't provide as good of a seal with my piece so I swapped it out with the latex one. It also has the benefit of placing the carb further above the joint so it's easier to use. With the stock mouthpiece the carb is just barely above the glass.

Now that I have a Dynastash I found another use. They keep the omni from rattling around in the 'stash. They are just a tiny bit big so it's a little hard to get the omni out of the stash, I might shave a tiny bit off the edge to loosen it up slightly.

Here's a little more info and a link, you could probably find them cheaper at a local smoke shop:
It's funny, those are some Pipe Bits I saw at a local smoke shop recently while looking for torches, pipe cleaners, and other stuff. I picked them up because they were only $2 for 2 and they looked like something that might come in handy later to use with water. I figured I would eventually find a vape that worked with them. So I bought them and threw them in my vape accessory box.

I was using a different adapter for my 18mm piece, and that adapter doesn't fit my new 14mm recycler. I figured I would try those pipe bits and they fit like a glove. Seriously like they were made for the OmniVap to use with 14mm pieces.

I would have posted here but I've been holding off because they're made of live rubber and I'm not 100% sure it's safe to vape from. I'm 99% sure it is but I don't want to recommend something unless I'm 100%. I wasn't paying attention and thought they were silicone when I bought them.

From what I could find online live rubber is just natural rubber (latex) and should be fine in the vapor path. One website did say to avoid solvents and oils if possible. I'm sure that means iso is out of the picture for cleaning which is fine. The part about oils concerns me a little bit.

These pipe bits are recommended for use with smoke which is even hotter than vapor so they should be safe. Than again, smokers aren't necessarily concerned about safety of materials in the airpath.

I plan on using my OG mouthpiece for water in the future, I should have it soon. At least until I can find out how safe the live rubber is.



Well-Known Member
How does this thing hit with water attachments?

They work pretty good through water buddy. This is the omnivap (with Blackwood short body), using the silicone mouthpiece as an adaptor, and going through my three bubblers (sorry it's not embedded, but I don't want it easily linked to my YouTube or fb:

I didn't bother adjusting the airflow, but left it at a happy medium for all three pieces, but if I wanted to I could adjust the airflow by turning the mouthpiece and really get dense clouds on any of them- they all require a slight different airflow to get maximum milkage.

Also, normally when I use water, I would still hit the first heat cycle dry, just to maximise flavour, and because the first heat cycle is always more whispier, and then from the second heat cycle onwards I would go through water. Sorry about the waiting in the middle of the vid for the cap to cool down... But, YOU MUST RESPECT THE CLICK :tup:.

That has wrecked me.:clap:



Well-Known Member
@herbalist33 wow man thanks for that it looks great through water. That orbiter I might have to invest in. Do you need any particular adapter or just as it comes? I'm mainly a bubbler/bong user trying to fully convert (or about 95% convert anyway) over to vaporising. Sometimes, there's a time and place for that good old tar and carbon monoxide from combustion, though it's rare! Looks like you got some good hits there off that.

I've also managed to get a decent amount of oil residue in the glass bit. Is there anyway of vaping that easily? Any techniques I should know about? Don't want to waste it when I clean the thing! I have a picture but I'm not sure how to attach.



Well-Known Member
@herbalist33 wow man thanks for that it looks great through water. That orbiter I might have to invest in. Do you need any particular adapter or just as it comes? I'm mainly a bubbler/bong user trying to fully convert (or about 95% convert anyway) over to vaporising. Sometimes, there's a time and place for that good old tar and carbon monoxide from combustion, though it's rare! Looks like you got some good hits there off that.

I've also managed to get a decent amount of oil residue in the glass bit. Is there anyway of vaping that easily? Any techniques I should know about? Don't want to waste it when I clean the thing! I have a picture but I'm not sure how to attach.


If you mean harvesting the oil from the glass condenser on the OG, then here is a post I made a week or two ago outlining how i do it with a lighter:
Dynavap VapCap

As for the orbiter, yeah it will work natively with the glass OG Vapcap, no adapted necessary. It's quite a good bubblerin my opinion, and compatible with all my vapes, it all depends if you mind whips or not. It comes with two ships as standard.

As for vaping, I found it wasn't until I full gave up combustion and let my taste buds recover from years of smoking cigarettes/ joints, that I really started appreciating the better flavours of vaping.

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Well-Known Member
If you mean harvesting the oil from the glass condenser on the OG, then hear is a post I made a week or two ago outlining how i do it with a lighter:
Dynavap VapCap

As for the orbiter, yeah it will work natively with the glass OG Vapcap, no adapted necessary. It's quite a good bubblerin my opinion, and compatible with all my vapes, it all depends if you mind whips or not. It comes with two ships as standard.

As for vaping, I found it wasn't until I full gave up combustion and let my taste buds recover from years of smoking cigarettes/ joints, that I really started appreciating the better flavours of vaping.

Great, those instructions are really good! I reckon when you next do it, maybe making a video of you doing said method, as many noobs including myself could benefit from visually seeing you do it, as well as being able to follow whilst baked! I'm from the UK, any idea what I could use as a substitute, if anything, for the degummed hemp fibre, or is that available in most places? (sorry never heard of/seen it before!) When I get some money I'll order the Orbiter. I also get an 18mm glass water piece with my Haze v3 I'm going to order from Namaste. Does the Pax 2 work with the Orbiter by any chance? I can imagine I'll love hitting through water once I get the hang of it!


Well-Known Member
Great, those instructions are really good! I reckon when you next do it, maybe making a video of you doing said method, as many noobs including myself could benefit from visually seeing you do it, as well as being able to follow whilst baked! I'm from the UK, any idea what I could use as a substitute, if anything, for the degummed hemp fibre, or is that available in most places? (sorry never heard of/seen it before!) When I get some money I'll order the Orbiter. I also get an 18mm glass water piece with my Haze v3 I'm going to order from Namaste. Does the Pax 2 work with the Orbiter by any chance? I can imagine I'll love hitting through water once I get the hang of it!

You're in luck actually- I'm also from then UK, so pm me your address (if you're comfortable with that, and il send you some to keep you going- George sent me some with an order, it is available from the Dynavap website, but obviously it's pretty expensive to ship from the USA for such a small item.

I'm not sure about the pax 2 I'm afraid, I think I remember hearing @Ratchett sells an adaptor to use the pax 2 with water- you should check out his thread on here I the vaporiser accessories thread.

And yes, il try to make a video next time I harvest my oil, good idea.



Well-Known Member
Already got a crack in the ground tip of my OG... not even two full weeks old. There was a small chip in the tip when I received it.... now it's a crack from the tip to the screen.
Next time I will just go strait through Dynavap instead of a vendor. One less place to be bashed about.


just my luck I suppose.

Edit: and lucky I am that I had a problem with a Dynavap vape. I've already been contacted and offered a replacement glass.

Now I feel like a real lucky boy!

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Well-Known Member
Has anyone had their og break along the groove for the screen? I was thinking of sanding it down so I can put a ti tip on it or something


Well-Known Member
It's quite a good bubblerin my opinion, and compatible with all my vapes, it all depends if you mind whips or not. It comes with two ships as standard.

I love my little orbiter, it certainly pairs beautifully with a vapcap but I quickly tired of the whip. The orbiter's just too small and light for me to like using the whip much. I had a couple 14mm stems laying around from my UD setup and from Ddave's Milaana kit, came in handy.

The only way I use it now, you can see Ddaves short stem in the background here but I usually use the longer:


Utilizing Ratchett's adapter for the mighty/crafty there since I was using a plain-jane woody w/ no mp


Active Member
Hi all,

First post, but I've been reading a ton of info. on here. Just wanted to say thank you all so much. I found a lot of great information which has led me to this point.

So I'm pretty much decided on getting a Ti Woody S and a dynastash. Besides a torch lighter, is there anything you guys might recommend getting as part of a "starter kit"? Maybe some extra o-rings?

Also, I hate to ask, but if anyone has a dynastash handy, if you could please post the dimensions I would really appreciate it. I know the Woody S is about 3.5 inches in length, but I'd like to know the size of the dynastash before ordering.

Once again, thanks everyone!


Somewhere North of The Wall
Hi all,

First post, but I've been reading a ton of info. on here. Just wanted to say thank you all so much. I found a lot of great information which has led me to this point.

So I'm pretty much decided on getting a Ti Woody S and a dynastash. Besides a torch lighter, is there anything you guys might recommend getting as part of a "starter kit"? Maybe some extra o-rings?

Also, I hate to ask, but if anyone has a dynastash handy, if you could please post the dimensions I would really appreciate it. I know the Woody S is about 3.5 inches in length, but I'd like to know the size of the dynastash before ordering.

Once again, thanks everyone!

Welcome to FC :cheers:
Getting a Vapcap is unarguably one of the best vape-purchase decisions a person can possibly make, so congratulations :party:

My Dynastash ER is 50mm wide, 107mm long, and 19mm thick.
It is a standard length Dynastash and will accept standard length VC's, but not XL's.
Mine is actually a very early production model and doesn't quite accommodate 14mm VONGS, but I believe that current Dynastashes do.
My Stash is ALMOST big enough to fit the girth of my 14mm Damascus body, so I think that current Stashes will also be 19mm thick, just drilled out with a fractionally larger hole.
Perhaps an owner of a recent example could confirm?
There is no Stash which currently accepts the 18mm VonG.

@VapCap, I wonder, are Stashes still available with both edges rounded off, or have you moved over entirely to one rounded edge/one 'squared off''?
I ask as I have become very fond of my Stash, and love habitually rolling it in my hand, almost like a bar of soap.

I hope to buy an XL dynastash for my Damascus soon (TOTALLY in love with this vape BTW, it's got to be the most beautiful object I've ever owned, and function is fantastic too), and am wondering if you are planning any burl-wood, or black & white ebony XL Stashes with both edges round?

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