Oh f**k me, now I need a wooden lighter too.... This thread is no good for me... But it's my guilty pleasure
That lighter looks ace, where did you find it?
Oh and carbon fibre bodies... My wallet hurts
I definitely feel the same as
@steama and
@Jethro and almost every other Vapcaper I know- this device could actually make most my other vapes redundant. I love all my vapes, and find I've been getting myself completely blasted because I keep feeling like I should make time for my other babies too... I find all my vapes have a time and a place where they shine, but seriously, if I had to choose only one, without a doubt it would be my Omni. And as much as I try to make time for my other devices, I'd say since receiving my Omnivap I've been using it ~90% of the time I'm vaping.
Ahh, if only Vapcaps existed when I started... I could have saved myself ALOT of money

but then I've now swapped VAS with VAAS (Vapcap Accessory Aquisition Syndrome), so I'm not really saving money at all.
Also, I'd just like to add that
@Squiby , you are a complete asset to this thread/community, I think George should employ you as online liaison/ Dynavap Genius and pay you with Vapcap accessories

- every time I see someone needing info on configurations/measurements etc I start thinking of all the information I would need to type to answer them, and then look at my Vapcap and the Vapcap wins... And then I look again at the thread and you've already provided the most concise and informative answer. You rock Girl! (And thanks again for the ti screen).
Peace y'all