So i purchased the ti woody, i got it today by mail. I wanted to immediately try it out so I used a regular lighter and got no vapor. I figured it was too weak so I held it past the click and got some decent results however i think the herb might have combusted a little since it turned black, but it wasn't ash just black pieces. Now, how many hits can i take from one bowl? Did I hurt the cap somehow by using the regular lighter a little longer? it still clicks and everything its just the tip turned dark from the heat. Can someone help me get the technique down?
ps. I did rotate the device while applying heat
First, get on that lighter situation. You can heat with anything (even a magnifying glass with sunlight, I'm told), but you'll do best with a multi jet torch lighter. I'd advise 3 or 4 jet if you're starting out. Cheap online, and usually can find cheap-ish models at any cigar (or often even cigarette) shops you might have locally. Use "better" quality butane for best results. Stay away from Ronson regular & Zippo.
Second, get reading! Everything you need to know is in this thread somewhere. Yes, it's huge and there is plenty you don't need to be concerned with, but nobody (certainly not me!) is going to sit here and type what you need to know when most of it is repeated 10 or more times throughout the thread.
Start with the Best Of" thread. Most of the basics can be found there. Learn how to use the FC search function at the top of this and every other page to key on what you're looking for in this huge fast moving thread. And, check out George's YouTube vids (most on DV site, all I know of are on his YT page). There's lots of promo and new product info in some, but he gives great tips on how to VC most effectively. Kind of makes sense, huh?
EDIT: Also, check out the FAQ on DV site and give a good look at the directions that came with it. Can't believe I forgot this one! Even though most of the info on the FAQ is about different models and whatnot, it's MUCH more info than we used to have and can be helpful in many ways.
Are you new to vaporizing, or just new to the VC? Couple things to keep in mind if you're just starting to vape. One of the plus sides to vaping is that you're only taking the lower temp extracted compounds of your material (the best IMO). But, one of the downsides to vaping is that you're only taking the lower temp extracted compounds.

It is different than smoking, so produces a different buzz. Usually it's a much "cleaner" & less dopey feeling. But, if you're used to the stoniness of poisoning yourself a bit & cutting off oxygen to your brain in each session while smoking, it may take some personal adjustment to vaping. Once you start getting consistent vapor from your VC, I'd suggest laying off the smoking for at least a few months. Makes the transition easier for most. I've gone a whole couple years with no smoke and only vapor, but still toke up the dirty smoke from time to time when the mood strikes me or I'm hanging with smokers. Shhh! Don't tell anybody! That shit is sacrilegious to many around here.

But, most agree it makes it easier to make the transition by going exclusively with vapor.
Along the same lines, the quality of your material gets more critical with vaping. If you're only taking off the "top part" of the material for that awesome vaping buzz, you need to have a good bit of "top part" there. I know of more than a few who can't get into vaping because the shit they are smoking is schwag. Vaping just isn't as forgiving with that crap.
Back to your specific questions... If you see black, you've combusted - at least a little bit. It won't turn to anything like ash unless you go WAAAAYYYYY far past where you want to be. You're not going to hurt your cap by using a regular bic except for getting it all black and sooty, as long as you don't take heat up too much. Severe or repeated overheating isn't good for the cap and could F it up. With a little work it can be cleaned up pretty nicely, and shouldn't be too hard to get the black soot off either. How many hits from one bowl? Varies WIDELY depending on many factors (you'll see most while reading). Typically you should get a tasty but wispy hit on first heat, a really nice one on second, pretty good on third, forth may be there or not, after that it takes some good stuff and good technique to get much worthwhile out of it.
It ain't hard to vape with a VC, but you have to have some idea of what you're doing, and practice & experience will probably make you better at it in time - pretty much the same as everything else in life.
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