The past few weeks have been rather intense here, and it gave all of us an opportunity to really push ourselves and see what is possible. With the launch of the M and then the 420 sale right after it, April challenged all of our skills, systems and endurance.

Thank you everyone for this most awesome challenge.
Now since we are finally getting caught up and more back on schedule, I was able to get a few videos put together to address a few items there may have been a bit of confusion over.
This one goes over the modularity of the M relative to the rest of the Dynavap V.A.S. Vapcap Accessory System.
This one is specific to the few non-modular components of the M.
In addition to this we have reworked the Ti tip. This is not a major upgrade performance wise, but it does continue the evolution and intent of the Ti tip.
Here it is...
First thing, is the reduction of the fins from 7 to 5. This is partially in response to a few comments regarding material getting stuck in the tight clearance between the fins, but more importantly (thank you Jason) it allows us to further reduce the mass where it isn't really needed. This may not seem like much, but with a bit of engineering and reconfiguration, we were able to reduce the total mass by almost 20%.
So the new tip now weighs just a few milligrams more with the cap on as the last tip did with the cap off.
What does this mean? When holding one of our devices with the new tip, it feels a bit more balanced as the center of gravity is shifted more towards the mouthpiece.
We didn't remove much more material from the extraction chamber, so this model should still heat and cool very similarly to the previous 7 fin version.
Onto some other news, the all titanium Omnivap is scheduled for a return around the end of this month. It will reappear with a new and exciting member of the family. The Omnivap XL. Pictures coming soon.
On our website, we are also working on adding more items to the Dynabuilder, and adding some more shipping options. For the shipping, we will be adding DHL as a faster option for our international customers.
In addition, we will have a selection for non-green packaging if anyone would want that. ??
If non-green packaging is desired now, before we get the option integrated, just leave us a note when you check out. We have always had plain packaging available for those special circumstances (like a birthday surprise) it will just be easier to select it once we have the option live.
So as we get back into our groove here at the VapLab it is with much appreciation and gratitude.
Thank you for this! We love what we do, and with your support we will continue to innovate and improve our products.