The best thing I've found to do with it is crush it into a powder and exploit the pyrophoric properties. It makes quite the flash when you sprinkle it on a fire. You could use it as a fuse for thermite as it burns hot enough to start the reaction, (magnesium works a bit better though).We are getting better at producing chips and scrap too.
This material is amazing. I've been trying to figure out how to utilize it for something interesting or useful.
It also will burn when the shavings are really thin, (like some of these) and some of it turns really pretty colors when heated.
So if anyone is interested in some shavings or scrap, please just let me know.
And finally, yes there are more awesome things coming.
that's a real tough one. That fresh polished cap look so shiny and innocuous it looks to be the pen cap. That's quite the sophisticated lab guy that vapes on the side comboA cmparison in stealth:
absolutely gorgeous! That's gonna send Mario to the warp zone,![]()
@phattpiggie Blackwood Twist with an Osage Orange spinning mouthpiece, thanks so much Piggie, and the entire DynaVap crew!
Photo shoot inspired by The Third Man, a dark and twisted film.
It feels amazing to hold and use, I only wish my pictures could do it justice. I need to book some time in @TheVaporist's studio!
Mario has given up mushrooms, his power-up of choice is now the Super Leaf! The Piggie Twist warped him straight to World -1.absolutely gorgeous! That's gonna send Mario to the warp zone,. Please, oh please, let me make it on phatpiggies list
FFS it's hard work keeping up with this thread sometimes.
Lighter technique for anyone interested.
Triple jet Aomai Lighter, the inner blue flame is 12mm, 1/2" long. The distance from the top of the lighter to my VC is anywhere between 15 and 20mm, 5/8" to 3/4" ish. New adjustable shield.
The single jet is focused on the DY area or 7mm from the click end with the other two on the digger side.
I get 2-3 days to a tank of gas. It's ali tube wrapped in a paper label so I can see if there is any scorching, I hope to replace the paper with some silicone sleeve type thing.
@TheVaporist the Blackwood and Ali stem has to be my all time favourite so far, it's actually on a journey Stateside.
It's perked a lot of interest and I will be doing a few more in the future.
I recognise Kapton all over the place, it was used to secure cable to the body of some Mars lander type vehicle, very space age.
I'll be making enquiries about the Black caps again soon.
As for the pictures, thank you again, most of the time they are taken as and when with whatever is to hand. I'm getting more prepared so I can set them up better.
I understand having spoken to @Ed's TnT this morning how long it can take to get everything just right.
All new to me but I'll keep making improvements.
So do I and I'm not sure why you haven't yet, I'll be asking questions on Monday when a certain somebody returns.
Well spotted on the stashes. I didn't see that one but I wouldn't recognise the original character.
@SSVUN~YAH you're not the only one to see faces, I tend to see classical style faces in the folds of cloth or rugs.
I have not been encouraging your new surge of VCAS and thought it cruel to see the posts about Ed's WS.
After seeing how you've started out your VC collection I have to agree with @Stevenski.
Something about a dysfunctional vaginal area I believe.
As for the M, who knows what may be going on behind the scenes, all I can say is........
They really are quite beautiful little works of functional art"Reality is truth's smile when she beholds her own face in a perfect mirror"
(35mm - f6.3 - 4,0s - iso 100 and a bunch of fingerprints to wipe)
"Reality is truth's smile when she beholds her own face in a perfect mirror"
(35mm - f6.3 - 4,0s - iso 100 and a bunch of fingerprints to wipe)
Good question but did you have seen anything about this at the site of DV?
I guess they would do so if their wood is certified.
@Vapor_Eyes Nice pictures man!You are the master of GIF as we can see!
"Reality is truth's smile when she beholds her own face in a perfect mirror"
(35mm - f6.3 - 4,0s - iso 100 and a bunch of fingerprints to wipe)
Sorry in advance if this has been asked before.
I'm interested in one of either the Cocobolo or Blackwood TI-Woody.
Is the wood in any way certified to come from a sustainable cultivation?
All my woods that I make my stems out of are ethically harvested through local arborists. Most of the slabs I have show signs of disease and rot meaning the tree was ready to come down or already on its way out. I see making things from these trees as giving them a new life and purpose. Where otherwise they would have been left to rot or BURNED for fire wood and we would never have seen the beautiful wood I have been posting.No, haven't found anything.
Well, these are beautifully crafted pieces but I can't see me buying those kinds of woods if they're coming from questionable sources (especially rain forest regions).
I'd rather buy some "more standard" walnut or cherry instead (unfortunately not available).
All my woods that I make my stems out of are ethically harvested through local arborists. Most of the slabs I have show signs of disease and rot meaning the tree was ready to come down or already on its way out. I see making things from these trees as giving them a new life and purpose. Where otherwise they would have been left to rot or BURNED for fire wood and we would never have seen the beautiful wood I have been posting.
I can't speak for @VapCap 's wood but I thought I would let everyone know about my own since the topic came up.
You don't need a vong, just get one of the $1 rubber mouthpieces that Dynavap sells, and you can form a perfect seal with your glass. I often use my omnivap this way, despite having a Vong.