Looks to be a simple leather pouch made for a nice pen. Do a Google search for "leather pen sleeve" ... here's one I found on ETSY = click on link below. I doubt this is "THE" one shown in the video, but same concept. Certainly not odor-proof, but classy.Does anyone know what this case is for the dynavap?
Full video,Case at 1:00 time stamp
Thanks for the suggestion.Looks to be a simple leather pouch made for a nice pen. Do a Google search for "leather pen sleeve" ... here's one I found on ETSY = click on link below. I doubt this is "THE" one shown in the video, but same concept. Certainly not odor-proof, but classy.
Leather Pen Sleeve - ETSY
I got a sleeve recently that was 4cm wide and 11cm long and fits a Hydravong and BB9 so will probably fit a Vong. It might be too long so maybe look for one thats a bit shorter.Thanks for the suggestion.
My daily driver is the VONG TITANIUM which may be too thick for a pen sleeve.
the magnet ring that POTV sells has a pretty strong magnet on it if that's your thingThis just came in the mail today. I got a little buyers remorse. The decapper doesn't work with armored cap....back to the napkin and tweezers. The titatiu"m" was purchased to be the new daily driver, but unfortunately its not as good as the b. On the maiden voyage with the titanium I almost burned my finger on the rocker behind the airport. I can't believe how hot the stem gets...I can't imagine how hot the stainless steel m's get. I really like how the titaniu"m" feels and looks and it does feel like a significant upgrade from the b. In terms of performance the b beats out the m unfortunately. I am using a torch. Does the stem get as hot with an induction heater?
I chose the m over the woodward. I assumed that since it was all titanium it wouldn't get hot. However after a couple of days, I got the hang of the m. With the b I aim about 70% of the torch on the tip. With the titaniu"m" I aim 70% on the armored cap....and it works perfectly. I also torched the stem and tip@Jimiblues Wood stems are great at keeping your fingers cool, as is dimpled glass.
Each different tip has its own nuances but all of them can be enticed to produce.
I've never had any of my m's become to hot to handle but I have desensitized cooks fingers so yeah.....
On a different note, I want to shout out to all you vapcapers in here, thanks for all your thoughts, questions and sharing........I'll be vaping many bowls in your honor this festive season.
Peace and aroha Thrift.
i'd bet some a few beads in that tube would go a long way towards cool.
This is from DynaGeorge on the Dynaverse Discord on Saturday:Saw a video of a dynavap FFP induction heater. Tried a search in this thread but it’s too common of a term. Did Dynavap scrap the idea of the FFP heater for 510 mods?
Dynavap.eu ships theI was ver happy when I saw that the Dynavap.eu online shop is available again, and right away ordered some stuff that I had kept on hold because I did not want to pay import tax from US to EU. However, I am now seeing on the tracking that Dynavap.eu is sending from the UK, which means that I have to pay import tax, nevertheless.... Has dynavap not realized that Uk is not EU anymore?
I think it's become my favorite Ti tip. The airflow's one thing of course but it's the also least likely to get scorched flavors and the hits are big and full.it vapes well and the flavor is better
I loved the helix and wand so much I got another helix and drilled holes in my b tips, you know, for scienceI got one of my two Helix Tips on Friday and tested it out the last couple days. POTV forgot to ship one, but are sending another already. At least I've got one to play with.
I put it in a carbless 14mm glass wand in a J hook. The convection changes were positive and there is quite a bit of airflow. I can't just dig in to my jar, stuff it overflowing and cook it in my induction heaters like my other tips, but with a slightly looser pack, it vapes well and the flavor is better than my typical Dynavap experience. I'm impressed. 2 tips on wands could turn in to a routine.
Because of you I picked up the combo special with the armored cap...so far only used the tip on glass but I like it...but the cap is shelved...do not really care for itI think it's become my favorite Ti tip. The airflow's one thing of course but it's the also least likely to get scorched flavors and the hits are big and full.