
Well-Known Member
Hey quick question that has most likely been asked here…

Last night I was tinkering and I put a mesh screen in the full bowl position of my m+ tip then eight 3mm ruby’s on top and a ccd in the half bowl position to sandwich it all together

My question is has anyone tried this? How was it? I’m only indulging on the weekends right now so I won’t be testing till Friday and I’m curious now 😂


cantre member
I was thinking about a half bowl spacer for the Vaphit tips! Thank for the Idea! will report back shortly.
initial report; perfect, used a Vaphit tip w/ ccd at full bowl, 5 boro beads, and another ccd to make about a > half bowl. A dyna perfcap under the quartz cap for use w/ wand; the even air heating and thorough extraction are worth the effort, with a B body / Ti condenser. for $70 it's a pretty awesome 1-2 hitter! middle one
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Comfortably Numb

Well-Known Member
New Wand adapter on DV's site....on sale for $ 5.00



Well-Known Member
Anyone get the M plus and feel kinda cheated by it? Says it 15% bigger than the previous model, so with me having a 2018 M, I figured all these M models had the same size bowl. Well I got the M+ in today and its the exact same size bowl as my 2018 M. The M+ is just a tad taller over all, but it looks cheaper, quality wise, as well. Busted out my calipers on it and the metal is just a tad bit thinner on the M+, though just barely, but still.

I'm really looking for a chamber in between the Dani Fusion size and the dynavap size. Was hoping the M+ would fit that, but it is the same size as my '18 M. Thankfully I got it on sale, but damn.


Active Member
After a few months of using it on and off.. I think i finally found the sweet spot..
Great clouds and getting high af.

But I want to upgrade to a glass stem because of the clouds being hot from time to time.
Should I get a Dynavap bb stem or are there better/cheaper/other stems that are worth checking out?


Well-Known Member
After a few months of using it on and off.. I think i finally found the sweet spot..
Great clouds and getting high af.

But I want to upgrade to a glass stem because of the clouds being hot from time to time.
Should I get a Dynavap bb stem or are there better/cheaper/other stems that are worth checking out?
The BBs are fine; Sneaky Pete's Hulas are great; the Glass Charlies are even nicer I think:


Well-Known Member
After a few months of using it on and off.. I think i finally found the sweet spot..
Great clouds and getting high af.

But I want to upgrade to a glass stem because of the clouds being hot from time to time.
Should I get a Dynavap bb stem or are there better/cheaper/other stems that are worth checking out?
Alternate from Vgoodiez, love these from Vaphit.

From UK Recommended Vapes, these are nice alternatives to the BBs.



Well-Known Member
So i've just received my first butane vap. Got a (hopefully) nice deal on a 2021 omni. Was eying with a Dani Fusion, but the availability and size of the chamber just lead to the omni. Did the test with half a bowl and if this kicks with this tiny amount, it's a win.

Now it's time to learn the way to manually heat this thing up, before buying into an IH.
As I'm chasing for taste, I'll probably test the RB9 14mm stem I still have from experimenting with my v3pro.
I'm also looking into using the low temp cap and probably a helix tip, if my vas kicks in again - any tips, if this a useful combination?


Active Member
I am sure this has been asked before, but the search function on this forum is not the greatest IMO or I don't know how to use it. It ommits the letter O when I put dynavap O ring in it, so yea...

Anyways, cleaned my Dynavap Omni that I purchased in November of last year, (2021 I guess is what it is considered) in the process I goofed up an o ring on the tip. Looking for replacements and general information on the o rings in dynavaps.

Seems like there are condenser o rings and high temp o rings for sale on vgoodiez etc. Are the o rings the same between all the different versions of dynavaps (B, Omni, M, Vong etc)? How many of each are in my Omni? Cheapest place to purchase replacements? Seems some people use Silicone and other FKM for replacements maybe? Any real difference between the two?

Thanks in advance,


Well-Known Member
I am sure this has been asked before, but the search function on this forum is not the greatest IMO or I don't know how to use it. It ommits the letter O when I put dynavap O ring in it, so yea...

Anyways, cleaned my Dynavap Omni that I purchased in November of last year, (2021 I guess is what it is considered) in the process I goofed up an o ring on the tip. Looking for replacements and general information on the o rings in dynavaps.

Seems like there are condenser o rings and high temp o rings for sale on vgoodiez etc. Are the o rings the same between all the different versions of dynavaps (B, Omni, M, Vong etc)? How many of each are in my Omni? Cheapest place to purchase replacements? Seems some people use Silicone and other FKM for replacements maybe? Any real difference between the two?

Thanks in advance,

Vapcap o-rings:
Condensor Small:
Condensor Large:

FKM/Viton (similar to DV):



Well-Known Member
So i've just received my first butane vap. Got a (hopefully) nice deal on a 2021 omni. Was eying with a Dani Fusion, but the availability and size of the chamber just lead to the omni. Did the test with half a bowl and if this kicks with this tiny amount, it's a win.

Now it's time to learn the way to manually heat this thing up, before buying into an IH.
As I'm chasing for taste, I'll probably test the RB9 14mm stem I still have from experimenting with my v3pro.
I'm also looking into using the low temp cap and probably a helix tip, if my vas kicks in again - any tips, if this a useful combination?
I would sooner get the amoured cap before the low temp. The armoured cap will add more heat retention to your set up if you want to reheat your dyna less often which I find really good with the titanium tips. You could also get a stainless steel tip if you want more heat retention. Note these 2 will take longer to heat.

The low temp is no different to the captive cap you have it just clicks at a lower temp, this is kinda useless if you're heating with a torch because you can just heat the cap closer to the top to make it click faster. It might be useful if you're gonna use an induction heater because it's harder to control where you heat.

I don't own one but the helix tip is meant to be really good and would probably be worthwhile. It has increased airflow and adds more convection heating which should make your hits tastier.

There's a lot of gizmos and gadgets to buy for the dynavap and you can easily end up sinking a lot of money on dyna set ups, while the dyna is brilliant I think if you're committed to spending more money on vape gear I'd recommend you consider buying other vapes rather than spending loads on dyna accessories. It's up to you to make this decision but I've done both and I prefer having more vapes to use than trying to perfect the dynavap experience.

If you're flavour chasing it's hard not to recommend the lotus, I've tried a lot of vapes and the lotus is probably may favourite tasting of the bunch. It costs 115 euros and you'd have a nice 14mm j-hook to use with your RB9 stem. This would give you a really good conduction (dyna) and a really good convection (lotus) butane vape.


Well-Known Member
So i've just received my first butane vap. Got a (hopefully) nice deal on a 2021 omni. Was eying with a Dani Fusion, but the availability and size of the chamber just lead to the omni. Did the test with half a bowl and if this kicks with this tiny amount, it's a win.
It's a wonderful vape, congrats!
Now it's time to learn the way to manually heat this thing up, before buying into an IH.
Use a half-inch flame and heat slowly, spinning the DV for even heating; aim closer toward the middle of the cap for flavor and closer to the bottom for clouds. You can extend the heat-up and get more vapor by adjusting the distance from the flame, the angle at which the heat is 'climbing' the cap toward the discs, and of course the position of the flame on the cap.


As I'm chasing for taste, I'll probably test the RB9 14mm stem I still have from experimenting with my v3pro.
I'm also looking into using the low temp cap and probably a helix tip, if my vas kicks in again - any tips, if this a useful combination?
A low-temp cap would be essential gear for you, and should give great results with the Omni tip. I can test it with the Helix later and report back.

Edit: @UhuM, the Helix is great with the Low-temp cap. For me the hits were full with good flavor for the first couple hits, got an extra hit or two, and ended up with very even avb. I think you'll enjoy it with both tips; you should get a more even roast and better flavor longer into the roast.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks @coolbreeze and @BreadStick for the tips, they were really helpful.
First session was influenced by strong winds, so i got some flavour but no real hit. Second reheat without wind showed the potential and ended with light brown abv (tad uneven) and a nice hit. Theres a learning curve and i see, why the IH is a common recommendation, but first learn the manual way before going auto mode. Just like with a car.


Well-Known Member
Thanks @coolbreeze and @BreadStick for the tips, they were really helpful.
First session was influenced by strong winds, so i got some flavour but no real hit. Second reheat without wind showed the potential and ended with light brown abv (tad uneven) and a nice hit. Theres a learning curve and i see, why the IH is a common recommendation, but first learn the manual way before going auto mode. Just like with a car.
Well said. Nothing more satisfying than a perfect torch-roasted session.


Well-Known Member
KatManDude Dynavap Orders?
I placed an order over a month ago for a few basic Dynavap parts with KatManDude. Not a custom stem or anything. Funds were collect and cleared along with an order #, but radio silence since. No replies to emails or even a status update. Is there anyway to contact him? Do you think I can still reverse the charge and get my money back? Will my order ever be filled?
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Well-Known Member
KatManDude Dynavap Orders?
I placed an order over a month ago for a few basic Dynavap parts with KatManDude. Not a custom stem or anything. Funds were collect and cleared along with an order #, but radio silence since. No replies to emails or even a status update. Is there anyway to contact him? Do you think I can still reverse the charge and get my money back? Will my order ever be filled?
Same thing happened to me. I don't think it will be filled, unfortunately. My understanding is that he became ill and has not worked much since. He or his family should take down the site, though.


Well-Known Member
KatManDude Dynavap Orders?
I placed an order over a month ago for a few basic Dynavap parts with KatManDude. Not a custom stem or anything. Funds were collect and cleared along with an order #, but radio silence since. No replies to emails or even a status update. Is there anyway to contact him? Do you think I can still reverse the charge and get my money back? Will my order ever be filled?
Open a dispute with your CC company. I had to do that. Only way to get your money. Never heard a word from them after an order confirmation.
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Is anyone regularly using a soft flame on their Dynavaps? I was on a trip recently forgot a torch and had to use a soft flame for a couple days. Shocked by how much I enjoyed the vapor it produced. Curious if anyone has experience using a soft flame long term.
After getting sick of small torches (noisy, annoying, don't last...) I've been using only a candle for several months with my VapcapM, and it works well; I prefer it to using a cheap pocket torch.

Anyway I just bought a good torch, kitchen torch type and adjustable to a short flame, and must say that I don't plan to go back to the candle, at least for the moment.
I prefer the character and the power of the high that the torch produces. It is faster and more functional, although a candle wins in intangible aspects perhaps. What I don't recommend in my limited experience is the use of small torch lighters, those normal ones that are so often recommended.


Well-Known Member
Where to buy Dynavap Ti Spinning Mouthpiece?

Dynavap doesn’t seem to have them anymore. Sneaky Pete is out of stock. POV can not ship to my state. KatManDude list them in stock but doesn’t seem to be in business anymore. Any place else?


is (most likely) vaping
Where to buy Dynavap Ti Spinning Mouthpiece?

Dynavap doesn’t seem to have them anymore. Sneaky Pete is out of stock. POV can not ship to my state. KatManDude list them in stock but doesn’t seem to be in business anymore. Any place else?
They seem to have it at Docteur Vaporisateur. I don't have any experience with them though.


I am the beetle in a box that only you can see
I would sooner get the amoured cap before the low temp.
I found the armoured cap a huge and relatively expensive disappointment (compared to my own DIY copper coils, the simrell or the Vaphit silver covers.) I eventually bought an AC to use out and about (it was the only version that fitted in my beloved/obsolete super slim stash) and I've now given up and switched back.

Another example imo of DV taking someone else's idea and doing it terribly. IH. Lighters. Bong adapters.
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