Armored cap: mixed feelings. It requires the double heating time than the low temp cap that I prefer. Fits the 5 fin ti tip too tightly. Immediately after vaping, even if I grab it and pull it, with the help of a cloth, most times the tip is detaching from the revolve stem instead of the armored cap.
Regarding using it with the wand: before the armored cap, I was using the wand with a low temp cap and only the glass part of the adapter, not the silicone. Now, the armored cap does not of course fit to the glass, so I used only the silicone part of the adapter, with a minivap filter attached to the lower ring (if you are familiar with the DV the Wand converter). Still needs more than double heating time of the low temp cap and vapor production is not double. But I will test it more, I still haven't torch it.
Does the armored cap change color with the torch? Is anyone using armored cap with the Wand?
The cap key chain is more like a joke. Doesn't have any real use with the armored cap and looks ugly for my keychain, especially for 16 euro