Not fancy, but O'Connell's got some long, screw-top doob tubes that ought to work.So I’ve been looking high and wide for a stash that fits an XL dynavap and also a decent amount of herb while remaining smell proof. Nothing so far.
Any suggestions?
Recently had a month or more smoke break and was using the old sticky brick, and fuck me sideways I was too high was like the first time ever, had to have a lie down, so needed something with a smaller bowl and all I can say is thank fuck for the little dynavap with the bowl set at 50%, I’d always laughed at the half bowl
, now its helping me get my tolerance back up
I've heard about this shop by the videoclip they does recently for promotion, which isn't that bad. But didn't knew about their service, thanks for your review.Hello guys, just wanted to leave this here:
*Never purchase anything from Vapeurshop. They scam you. They send you faulty products and when you return the defect POS, then they won't send anything back. I've waited for my compensation for MONTHS.*
If your located in the EU and you're looking to buy Dynavap parts or Dynavaps in general, then Dispensr.Eu or even is a lot better.
At least they give a f/^** about their customers and don't spin them in circles for months with shitty excuses.
Again, don't purchase from Vapeur! Their customer service is basically non-existent.
I've sent Mike of Vapeurshop *ten* e-mails now, and he's only answered two of them where he basically bullies me over my situation.
So stay the F@#$ away from Vapeurshop! Go to Dispensr.Eu instead, it's another European vape shop and atleast they care about their customers! They also have better prices and deals in general, but I digress.
I just wanted to warn the rest of the community. Best regards!
That's cooling to the next level and beyond. With the ten internal cooling units, cleaning looks as simple as a good iso soak for the most gunked up scenario. Now, where do I find a ss 3D printer?
The world of "Flatman"'s vision:Now, lets pull off your mask and see who you really are...
That's cooling to the next level and beyond. With the ten internal cooling units, cleaning looks as simple as a good iso soak for the most gunked up scenario. Now, where do I find a ss 3D printer?
And your name would lend me to suspect that 3D printers are your nemesis
Might this possibly be a deceitful attempt to get us to reveal the geographical locations of known 3D printers, not so you can acquire their services, but so that you can plan your bloodthirsty attempt to assassinate all 3D printers in order to bring your sinister plans of worldwide destruction of all things 3D...and therefore all life as we know it?!?!?!?
I bet you almost thought you got away with it, didn't you?
Now, lets pull off your mask and see who you really are...
And your name would lend me to suspect that 3D printers are your nemesis
Might this possibly be a deceitful attempt to get us to reveal the geographical locations of known 3D printers, not so you can acquire their services, but so that you can plan your bloodthirsty attempt to assassinate all 3D printers in order to bring your sinister plans of worldwide destruction of all things 3D...and therefore all life as we know it?!?!?!?
I bet you almost thought you got away with it, didn't you?
Now, lets pull off your mask and see who you really are...
That's so dark Mr Ramahs...... I love it!
Maybe ask those guys, maybe they can do it in TI ?![]()
Blurple TiChillum
Blurple TiChillum is a 3d printed titanium chillum hashpipe that is easy to clean &
Thanks for the link. A bit concerned about inhaling hot vapour threw a 3D extruded device that uses powdered metals and binder compounds to achieve the end results. You seem to be more researched than any one on this forum when it comes vaporizers, purity and safety issues. Interested in your thoughts on this subject.
In an amazing coincidence I just received my 2-Pack of SneakyPete half bowl adapters today. And I just tried it out in the Ti tip of my 2021 Omni, using my Orion V2.Funny you mentioned the 1/2 bowl, I bought the 2-Pack from SneakyPete awhile ago, but just started using it more. In a titanium tip, and a well tuned Fluxer Deluxe IH, it’s like a “JOINT HIT”, 2nd cleanup hit leaves dark extraction. Well worth it!
I like the 1/2 bowl adapter in my Omni.The titanium 1/2 bowl adapter adds some “mass”, which can effect the results in heating in my IH... I’m finding it a positive.
This. The most common heating technique problem is heating too fast. If you have problems with this (or any) technique, you may be too close to the flame. Half inch high inner single flame, spinning tip just at or beyond the outer flame, just to the clicks. Works with every tip/cap unless the wind interferes.
I also wondered why the Starter kit came with a 3 flame lighter when it seems that beginners would be better off with a single flame. I used my 3 flame lighter exactly once.Just got my M out of the mailbox. After disassembly for cleaning, I've gotta say this thing has a lot more thought put into the design than I thought (like how the condenser is used to adjust the bowl - pretty nifty).
I had some issues actually getting a decent heat cycle out of it at first, but this advice from coolbreeze was absolutely essential to getting good performance (I literally pulled out a measuring tape to measure the flame XD).
I'm probably still in the honeymoon phase, but man, this thing really gives some nice hits once you get a feel for the technique. I'm not really sure why they ship with a triple flame when it's really easy to screw it up, but I can definitely see myself reaching for this guy a lot when I'm not really trying to macrodose.
Anyway, now that I know that it'll work pretty well for me, I think getting an IH is top priority, since everything I've seen through this thread and elsewhere say that those really elevate the experience to the next level