Hi guys, it's been a long time since we rock n' rolled! I hope everyone is safe and well. I just want wanted to comment on how well these Vapcaps are made, right? I managed to remain largely immune to VAD (vaporizer acquisition disorder) and I'm still using just the beautiful Ti Omnivap with 2 wooden bodies, a condenserless darkwood nonavong through the Chinese mini-bong and very occasionally (for fear of breakage) the precious OG. I can't check my purchase history on the new Dynavap Web page, but when did this all start guys? Squiby, Stark1, lookhigh, cybrguy, beyond6strings, jillNYC, all you old timers. Was it 2016, 2017??? I'm writing this because apart from o-rings and screens, I've never felt the need to upgrade (apart for a couple of Ms for a couple of friends)......
But a while ago I noticed a pinprick hole in one of the 3 caps and decided to replace it with a new captive cap. It was love at first click! And what a fast and solid double click it is! Plus the haptic response is unmistakable - great for in the dark, wearing headphones etc. It cools down waaay faster too...Great for quick sessions or single tokes. Each of the other three old caps behaves differently. One of them takes forever to cool down, resulting in burnt loads when I forget to wait for the cool-down click. It's been flame all the way for me since the fuse blew on my Chinese SJK dental IH. But we live in the mountains now and I'm mostly outdoors with a pocket full of lighters. The captive cap is great in windy weather.
So, I love that Dynavap has been so successful but I have to think that George must have missed the lectures on "Built-in Obsolescence" at business school

. A big hello to all the oldies and welcome to the newcomers. !Hasta luegito!