@kel #cannonvap
how to make old stock attractive and saleable?I think it's strange how these exclusive offerings are ye olde Omni (not 2021), and anodized with a standard cap (not PVD coated, or with a colourful cap).
Apart from the look I still find the older model to be the better choice for my needs - I sold my 2021 Omni a week after purchase as there wasn't any real difference EXCEPT that the new 2021 Ti tip ONLY works properly with the captive cap due to the air channels on the bowl being rotated by 90 degrees and effectively neutering the air flow if using a non captive cap. YMMV.how to make old stock attractive and saleable?
Bought a 19M tip the other day and I'm completely blown away by it. Very consistent, perfect AVB and miles ahead of the 20M!Took the 2019 M - it's my travelling companion.
Was reminded what a champ it is, and that it's already bought and paid for.
I can't help but notice a huge difference between the two. I can heat the old 5-fin tip 1s past the click on round 1 and after that on the click and noooooooo longer. The new Omni tip can take some extra heat, it usually takes 2-3s past the click on every heat cycle to get some lovely clouds and flavour in my case. So it's a bit more fool proof for sure.Apart from the look I still find the older model to be the better choice for my needs - I sold my 2021 Omni a week after purchase as there wasn't any real difference EXCEPT that the new 2021 Ti tip ONLY works properly with the captive cap due to the air channels on the bowl being rotated by 90 degrees and effectively neutering the air flow if using a non captive cap. YMMV.
Received mine on Saturday. I am impressed. Still planning to buy a Sense, but the Apollo Rover is going to the junk pile.
I was getting scorching using the 2021 Ti tip and a regular cap, I don't own a low temp cap so can't compare.I use my 21 omni with a regular low temp cap with no probs.
Tip VapCap M 2019 DynaVap en acier, chambre de remplissage en acier Tip VapCap M 2019 revendeur France
Acheter la chambre de remplissage Tip en acier pour vaporisateur VapCap M 2019, Tip Stainless Steel vaporizer VapCap M 2019 moins cher, Tip SS M2019www.vaporisateur.net
It's in France so you may incurr additional costs....
Dynavap Stainless Steel Tip : Accessoire Dynavap
Acheter Dynavap Stainless Steel Tip pas cher. Achat chambre de vaporisation en inox pour vaporisateur Dynavap au meilleur prix !www.docteur-vaporisateur.com
Looks like we have them all.in the EU....