
toke down Babylon
Maybe shallow grooves are better performance wise. The pics of the '18 SS tips I've seen look like very shallow and smoth grooves. The' 20 SS was very angular and sharp and not many people are as passionate about it as the '18.

@HempJuicer welcome! That tip looks great. It must tear into that bud. And what a first post! Custom tip work and homemade IH... THAT is how you make a bold entrance. Bravo!


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
Hmm, this prototype is not very advanced. It allows you to select the level of heating power and time in seconds. No need to hold the button - when pressed again, it will turn off before the time runs out. An interesting fact may be the approximate heating power compensation depending on the battery charge, which allows you to maintain heating at a similar level. M0 on the display is the setting memory - without entering the menu, you can change it from M0-M9 with the + and - buttons. In the menu, you can change the times and power and, if necessary, save them to one of the memory. This allows you to create a "pattern" of heating during the session, but I don't know if it's a useful function. I don't use it.

I don't know if anyone would be interested in such a heater. I would definitely have to improve it. That would be version 3. There was version 2 in a smaller package, but it was a quick project to test some solutions, and it's not a very successful version. Version 2 DEFINITELY would have to be redesigned.

Hmmm. The features sound interesting.

I won't comment on this anymore here in this thread after this, as not to keep the thread off-topic any more...But if selling it is something you are interested in, then you should make a thread for it here on FC. I've seen some beautiful things developed on FC, with everybody participating in a thread trading ideas as a product is developed for eventual sale.

There is no better a group of people to help you develop a product for cannabis consumption than you will find here on FC!

Scuba Steve Tokes

Well-Known Member
Thank you all so much for your help! I am 100% going to get a DynaVap but not right now. I told myself that if even one person thought it might not be fast and easy enough for my use case I would get a vape that has a larger capacity.

I will go watch some video reviews and see if the underdog piques my interest. I seriously considered an Enano for my first desktop but I ultimately went with the Plenty and until recently I was super happy I did.

I absolutely adore my Plenty. I don’t want anyone to get the idea it’s not a fantastic machine. I have zero remorse and in fact consider it to be the best purchase I’ve ever made from a value perspective because I honestly prefer the Plenty to the Volcano classic I was borrowing. I sip the terps through a Jhook then connect my Plenty to a hydrabase and use a whip most of the time.

I’ve been mulling it over and I’m leaning Terp Torch because it seems to be more my style. I don’t know what it is about the DBV and LSV that I don’t like but I think it is because I can’t hold it in my hand. I just love that about the Plenty.

That IH is super cool! I love that you don’t have to count if you want to go past the click. An induction heater like that would sell even if you don’t put any more features in it. I’m sure people would appreciate it if you added more though!

It looks like I will be late arriving to DynaTopia but I’ll be there with you all when my day in the sun comes. I have no way of thanking you all for your assistance so I thought I’d just share my favorite music video to watch after vaping, Just Passing Through by Joel Plaskett. It’s super trippy with cool filters and at one point a tuba spits out fire. Also if you’re going through a hard time like I am please listen to his song and album titled Park Avenue Sobriety Test—really helped me weather some storms.
Also if you need help ask for help! If you’re going through some shit I am too and if you message me I’ll respond.


Well-Known Member
Maybe shallow grooves are better performance wise. The pics of the '18 SS tips I've seen look like very shallow and smoth grooves. The' 20 SS was very angular and sharp and not many people are as passionate about it as the '18.
yes actually the 18SS tip is a pretty good comparison for how they perform and feel in use (the shallow grooves tips). do you remember how filing grooves for more airflow in the 18 tips lead to the upgraded the design in 2019 with more open airflow? heck one of the key selling points of the TI upgrade was more airflow compared to the SS tip.

doesn't that prove the shallow groove design, or rather restricted airflow, is a step backwards in performance since we already know from large scale feedback, that more open airflow (to a degree ofc) is better for performance and popular with the community?

edit: anyway if airflow variation can be easier managed by cap design and pairing, i'm all for it. i can see it possibly making tip manufacturing more reliable if the design is easier on the tools and work piece.

i'd like more cap options in this case please. perhaps they could make open and restricted airflow caps available. anyone else prefer 2018 "clickpauseCLICK" caps? it's like having a low-temp and regular cap in one. like a temp range indicator rather than exact single temp which makes it easier to tell how fast the tip is heating and where you are on the scale.
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Smokey McVape

Well-Known Member
yes actually the 18SS tip is a pretty good comparison for how they perform and feel in use (the shallow grooves tips). do you remember how filing grooves for more airflow in the 18 tips lead to the upgraded the design in 2019 with more open airflow? heck one of the key selling points of the TI upgrade was more airflow compared to the SS tip.

doesn't that prove the shallow groove design, or rather restricted airflow, is a step backwards in performance since we already know from large scale feedback, that more open airflow (to a degree ofc) is better for performance and popular with the community?

edit: anyway if airflow variation can be easier managed by cap design and pairing, i'm all for it. i can see it possibly making tip manufacturing more reliable if the design is easier on the tools and work piece.

i'd like more cap options in this case please. perhaps they could make open and restricted airflow caps available. anyone else prefer 2018 "clickpauseCLICK" caps? it's like having a low-temp and regular cap in one. like a temp range indicator rather than exact single temp which makes it easier to tell how fast the tip is heating and where you are on the scale.
FYI the captive cap has much more open airflow compared to the standard cap as it doesn't require pinching to make an interference fit on the tip.
I'm in the opposite camp - I hate the later airy tip (2020M and Ti) and captive cap - I prefer a tight draw.
I think Dynavap should offer a choice of both the old and new style of tip grinds - can't be difficult with a cnc machine.


Well-Known Member
FYI the captive cap has much more open airflow compared to the standard cap as it doesn't require pinching to make an interference fit on the tip.
I'm in the opposite camp - I hate the later airy tip (2020M and Ti) and captive cap - I prefer a tight draw.
I think Dynavap should offer a choice of both the old and new style of tip grinds - can't be difficult with a cnc machine.
that's why i was thinking maybe offering more cap versions (open/closed airflow, old double click etc) with the current shallow groove design. presumably caps should be easier to manufacture than tips. and easier to configure for the user (faster to swap a cap than a tip).


FYI the captive cap has much more open airflow compared to the standard cap as it doesn't require pinching to make an interference fit on the tip.
I'm in the opposite camp - I hate the later airy tip (2020M and Ti) and captive cap - I prefer a tight draw.
I think Dynavap should offer a choice of both the old and new style of tip grinds - can't be difficult with a cnc machine.
I'm with you smokey, tight is right for my usage. Options are extra good if we are in the minority. Those '20 tips are way too open for me especially the 5 fin Ti, it's like having a second carb I can't control, and I don't even want the first carb most days. My go-to is the 4th generation Ti tip, and I also find the new (Dec 2020) 7-fin Ti more to my liking than other recently offered tips.


Well-Known Member
for those who tend to FORGET the ABV inside their dyna tips (for hours/days, when the cap is on too...) how often do you clean your tip,cap,body? and does it effect your coughness?


toke down Babylon
I 'think' the most impact tip design can have on airflow is the notches or grooves on top. Having a scalloped edge means the cap can't sit flat and air will go under. That was one of the first mods - filing notches on '18s.

Grooves along the outside of the tip certainly have a bearing on airflow. But, not as significant as grooves on the top edge.

RE caps altering airflow:
Oval or round. Old school or captive - if it's sitting flush on top of the tip no air is flowing. The grooves and edges and deep vs shallow is more important on the TOP edge rather than the sides.


Well-Known Member
flow is a matter of bottleneck really IMO. if you have top notches, the grooves outside become the most important aspect. if those are deep enough it's the bottom edge. or vice versa ... ofc the glass OG has none of those and still works surprisingly well.

the difference in airflow between tips is significant (sort of like 18 vs 19M) , only 1 performs really well with open airport DTL.

however my most used tip ATM is a shallow groove 7fin + 2018 cap + carbless stem with MTL so i dig the restriction for this setup.
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toke down Babylon
@GoldenBud I forget ABV in vapcaps for days. So, what? That has zero impact on cleaning to me. Is it leaving a smell or sticking? What's the issue with ABV hanging out? Why would that impact cleaning?

I clean if I combust or it starts to leak reclaim out the mouthpiece.

When people say they clean "every week" that means nothing to me. Do you use it once a day or 20 times a day. So, I don't schedule the cleanings - just as needed.

Cleaning the cap itself? I wipe it on my shirt tail. Seriously, that's about it. I might occasionally do an iso dampened qtip swipe inside at the most if I've combusted.
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toke down Babylon
I'm sure I'm not the the only one that does this...

I forget to load the bowl and heat an empty cap. There's so much reclaim gooked up that it actually produces vapor and it takes a few heat cycles for me to realize it tastes like ass bacause I've been baking the shit out of an empty cap trying to get something. Yeah - I never do that


Anything worth doing, is worth overdoing.
Anyone vape the sticky black reclaim from the condenser in their DV? :uhoh:

I was taken back yesterday when I decided to clean out my DD. I use a 19M tip in an unlined wooden stem with a pretty large bore. I have only been vaping sugar wax and resin wrapped in organic cotton lately. I noticed the little cotton balls were getting stuck in the tip. I went at it with an iso soaked q-tip and ended up blackening three more with dirty black gunk. Probably should have soaked the whole tip in iso, but I was medicated and that seemed like the best way at the time.

I then looked down the unlined wooden stem and noticed that the inside was coated in smelly black reclaim. I was hoping that everything was getting coated in light honey reclaim, but reality hit home instead with putrid black shit. And my trates are pretty damn sweet, and I don't tend to heat to extremely high temps either as they're rough on my throat.

I'm thinking it's time to invest in a lined wooden stem that can be easily cleaned. It's a shame as I love my little wood stem. But no, I wouldn't vape that black shit unless I was completely jonesing on weed. I give thanks that hasn't happened since my college days.

Anyone else remember the days of scraping burnt combustion reclaim out of your pipes or bong stem? Like working a stretched out paper clip down the bong stem and pulling out all that shit ,and wiping on some paper to let it dry before re-smoking it.
And being thankful for it too. :bowdown:
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Well-Known Member
Rene the vapman guy says acetone (hardware store, not nail polish remover bc of additives) is a safe cleaner for unlined wooden stems, if you want to salvage that stem. There used to be info about it on their website but I understand there are new owners and they’re building a new site. I haven’t checked it out yet
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