The case interests me. Not the hippie pipe. You are correct it does not review well. I have never felt the need to try the hippie pipe but repurposing a case for one to work with a Dynavap, I would do.
Ahhh, now I understand. Sometimes I am a little slow on the uptake.
I am guessing that the lighter is approximately Zippo sized(I carry a Zippo with single jet insert every day), which would put that case into sturdy iPhone case size range, although no specs are provided. Also, no info on what holds it together. I'd like more information.
Sorry, I've been (over)researching

dugouts/stashes/cases/etc for a few days.... Carried a dugout and Bic lighter for 25 years or so, so lighter and everything else separate doesn't bother me.
I've been agonizing over if I need to keep my ABV when out and about. Even though the amount I'd be discarding would be negligible.