You have nothing to apologize for
@BabyFacedFinster - in my opinion it was a stunt that fell flat. People with more money than sense went for it and others who had no intention of honoring their commitment signed up. DynaVap rewards these people. Now there is a tip on r/DynavapExchange for $150. Reddit uses Karma points. I'd suggest using them to make 'scalping' 7-fin tips taboo.
To those gifting their winfall - all the power to you and thank you for holding up the better angels among us.
One of the few INTELLIGENT posts on the “DV gift” subject. I have only been reading lately, as folks are passionate about this brand, which leads to good points on both sides, but why I finally jumped in, was TommyDee’s use of the word.... “STUNT”. Because good or bad that’s what marketing attempted. And it could work out great for them in marketing, or as we’ve seen here, DIVISION, confusion. Time will tell and heal.
So for transparency, I know I would NEVER be able to tell the difference between any 7-fin tip, so why my interest? Two weeks ago, I bought my 2nd Titanium tip on sale, I prefer them to the SS tips. I don’t plan on or foresee needing or buying anymore. I was always curious about the elusive 7-Fin.... So while my brain says after reading all the older posts on this subject, that it was logically a waste of money for me to give it a 2nd thought, at any price. Then the “sign up for 7-fin interest” notice, well I justified the $77 so I could just get something that looks cool, and END my tip purchases. One Ti Tip for my Simrell Ti Vortex, one for Simrell Cocobola Vortex, and the last for a 14mm glass wand.
So I joined up, got the notice and put myself on the interest list for ONE tip.
So why is it a STUNT.... because evidently it was not a SINCERE offer, but a “clever ruse”. I was and am willing to buy one at $77, I’ve received no response. In the end, whether I get a “free” one or not, I assumed after following the online instructions that IF there was enough interest, they would consider a limited run, and I would have one reserved for me at $77, no problem. So free gift or not, it’s a marketing STUNT. Right now I’m in limbo as to my status, and may not be able to purchase one. I’ll get over it quickly....
Good or bad stunt, is for you to decide. A positive marketing effect is I’ll bet a lot more DV fans, will JOIN up for the DV notifications.... I did... they should have my shipping address... hint... hint... But I have cash too...