Yes - I hope that everyone who even remotely wanted one signed up on the list. No commitment to buy, but a chance to register your desire. When the time comes, you can decide if the final price is worthwhile for you or not. If DV mills a couple thousand tips and can't sell them - the message will be clear.They set the price, we decide whether or not to buy.
Lamp components are what we made all our pot pipes from back in the day. I am sure there is a drawer full of them somewhere around here. Here are a couple examples...Lamp components often available at your favorite hardware store.
It tough but there are worse problems to have. Eventually I’ll get bored and sell the ones I don’t use. I’m usually only temporarily attached to things. Buying and selling excites do you decide which to hit?
i'm sure name calling is the next logical step after strawman arguments, however i still feel compelled to point out BS when i see it.People need to get over it before someone gets called Karen. We are potential customers, they are a business. They set the price, we decide whether or not to buy. In this case i do agree $77 is too much for a tip and decided to not purchase. Maybe they get the hint or maybe enough people bought it they won't. This is how life works. We don't have a regulatory agency for vape pricing.![]()
Love yourself!![]()
i also signed up for and plan on buying the tip, but i am coming from the opposite end. all i have to put it on is my lowly 2020 M body lol. my plan is to get a new stem or body last, after all the rest is upgraded. i've always had a thing for sleeper cars and the like. 'nothing to see here' and all that...I signed up for the $77 tip and will buy it. F it. I have a feeling it will work out for those who did.
Speaking of pricey things! My custom Simrell stem I ordered to pair with his new mouthpiece has arrived. It’s a perfect addition to my collection. I love that it is lined. I wish my high end Ed’s TNT stems were.
I also recently acquired an XL Vortex and am loving it. It’s all I’ve been far as Dynavaps go.I can’t believe it took me this long to try his products.
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Still in the tough to decide phase of temporarily attached. It clouds my judgment. The Omni Xl wouldn’t make the team. Maybe I’d keep the stem but the Omni condenser would have to go. The rest are still playing well in my book. Like I said, I do worry about the unlined stems. Though they are carbless and I use them with condensers, I’m not much for gambling. Also, I’m in love with a few cap/tip pairing. Others not so much. They won’t make the team either.@The Stray Fox - it will be interesting to know what survives the culling. Where are things leaning so far?
p.s. keep your minds out of the gutter people! Just because I use the word "tip or tips" in this post, doesn't mean you should quote me on the posts taken out of context thread.![]()
My favorite is an unlined wood stem from when Dynacraft was still making them. Just wondering what the concerns are. I know the wood was pretty bare without any stains or chemicals. It has a very wide InnerD compared to what you see with condensor ID's. I love the airflow, lack of an airhole, and the light weight. In fact, it's so light that I can set it on the magnet of my PSM and turn the unit almost sideways without the vapcap falling off. I wonder if @TommyDee still favors his unlined quince stems that always look so worries about unlined stems over here. I got some ss tubing a while back, and have a couple with liners, but honestly use the non lined stems more.
I guess I concerned about splitting where the tip inserts. I always butter up when inserting my tip.Maybe I’m over concerned about unlined stems. I’ve never had a problem up to this point so....
@Planck Love the rustic vibe man! Nice contrast to that sweet looking stem.
Was it hard to drill the hole in the bolt?
Wait! Did I just just say you have a sweet looking stem?
Minds out of gutter people. Minds out of the gutter!
Thanks @Abysmal Vapor. How do you like your lamp? I absolutely love using this lamp. How do you like the flame is too wide/big? Cool hack on repurposing the lamp parts. What do you use for the wick?@Planck Nice DIY ! I just made something similar cutting a piece of this ,i dunno how they are called in English. Threaded rod with a hole ,lol ?Anyway spares the drilling![]()
Well well well... I think now we can all agree that dynavap charging any amount for any product is price gougingDude never paid
Next year in this thread: well they charged $40 3 years ago, $20 2 years ago, free last year, so this year they should be paying us to take that shit off their handsWell well well... I think now we can all agree that dynavap charging any amount for any product is price gouging![]()
well well well ... can't help wondering if this is a reaction to the uproar. i'll gladly be proven wrong btw since my intention was never to $#1+ on dynavap but to keep them on the very short list of companies i actually want to support.Well well well... I think now we can all agree that dynavap charging any amount for any product is price gouging![]()
well well well ... can't help wondering if this is a reaction to the uproar. i'll gladly be proven wrong btw since my intention was never to $#1+ on dynavap but to keep them on the very short list of companies i actually want to support.