SEARCH for the treasure...
Dynavaps new smal IH (will be out soon) is cool looking.....hope it is built well.
Where can one view this new DV IH you elude to, google came up empty...
Dynavaps new smal IH (will be out soon) is cool looking.....hope it is built well.
yea my google fu sucks, also thought I had a in to beta the next dynatec, guess notWhere can one view this new DV IH you elude to, google came up empty...
Dynavaps new smal IH (will be out soon) is cool looking.....hope it is built well.
How do you clean your VapCaps?
Every ~2 weeks I place mine in the tube it came with, pour iso alcohol, shake, and leave it overnight, then run it under water to rinse it and use pipe cleaners on the condenser and a Q tip for the bowl.
I tried using soap water as DynaVap suggests and letting it soak, but it does nothing for the resin/build up inside the condenser and bowl. Maybe this works if you do it every couple days when there's no time for things to build up? But that seems l
Flame thrower, power washer, leaf blower.How do you clean your VapCaps?
Who has a link to the tea time stream, there was images supposedly shared on it. This is also now crossposted on 420vapezone and reddit a few days back - the new dynavap small ih
I am still butthurt I did not get to beta oh wells