I agree that turning the heat on (and off) by inserting the VC in the receiver is ideal. I would like it, however, if it did it by breaking an electric eye or in some way doing it without pressure on the switch at the bottom of the receiver. I have a couple caps that don't come off easily because the end slips by the crimp and holds on. I am guessing this is happening due to the hot cap being very slightly softened by the heat and the pressure of the switch eventually allowing the tip to slip (yeah, I thought that too when I wrote itI think that having the heater on/off switch in the bottom of the heater is the key. Having to turn the heater on with a button touch........then insert the vapcap.....then remember to turn off the heater.....is not good.
I still really like it and dont think it needs to be xl. Loving messing with the 2 airports and the mix of partially open to fully closed.
@RustyOldNail I have the SneakyPete 10/14/18 version of this, and it works great. Heat to click, drop it in your WP, boom...
This is the ONLY Vapcap that I have used without feeling the need to add or subtract anything from it.
Definitely like the performance and ease of just using one of the airports.
I have not had any issues with the captive cap. IMO it is part of a system with the 20 tip. I have found that the caps that started out loose eventually became tighter with use.
I make 2 different oils by putting my homegrown trim in a glass container with hempseedoil or almond oil 'au bain marie' (in a larger pot with boiling water) for a small hour. Dont get me wrong, i also use my trim for some killer bubble hash and iso oil but the droplets are the sneakiest way to get medicated. I make a cbd and a thc oil. The cbd gets me trough workdays and the thc gets me trough sickness because i cant vape when im sick. it is still less easy to dose properly. I have put myself to sleep early a lot when i was testing.You can clean it or some with just work through it. My taste buds are not as senitive as others, and there are times where I'll do a quick wipe out with a Q-tip and then continue to vape without much notice. Of course, to be sure of no off-tastes cleaning is the best measure.
I do beleive that when you first sense you've combusted, don't continue to inhale. In fact, I have quickly blown into the mouthpiece and quickly shot the load out. I thought it helped decrease the combustion taste.
For those who are off vaping for now, but not into edibles. How about the in-between which could be tinctures that are absorbed under the tongue? I hear easier to adjust amounts and effects.
@RustyOldNail I got the one from ddavemods and before I got it I was worried about the draw being to restricted but It worked great with my water pipe, also worked pretty good dry.
when i was using my M in my water pipe i was blocking most of the airport with the oring and if I didnt get it just right it would be to hard to draw from. Have no issues with the ddave waterwand.
It was well worth the 40usd for the wand, tip, cap
So here's the thing. There are thousands of us who have learned to use VapCaps over the last (almost) 5 years and love them. They are a little different than most vapes in that for normal use you hit them differently, you pull with your mouth rather than with your lungs. Like pulling on a cigar, or even a cigarette, the negative pressure comes from your mouth rather than your diaphragm or lungs. Then you inhale what you have pulled into your mouth.Well, I guess I’m an outlier here on this product.
So here's the thing. There are thousands of us who have learned to use VapCaps over the last (almost) 5 years and love them. They are a little different than most vapes in that for normal use you hit them differently, you pull with your mouth rather than with your lungs. Like pulling on a cigar, or even a cigarette, the negative pressure comes from your mouth rather than your diaphragm or lungs. Then you inhale what you have pulled into your mouth.
When you use glass or some other device that you attach to your VapCap you often CAN pull with your lungs and it becomes a more traditional device, but otherwise mouth pulling is the key to success with VapCaps.
I'm sure VapCaps are not for everyone, but many many who don't get how they work at first come to love them after a little instruction and practice. I know because I was one of those people.
But I think you are still getting the same amount of vapor as you would get without the carb, because the extra air you are pulling in when the carb is present does not travel over your material & collect vapor - it is just room temperature air that bypasses your herb & helps to smooth out your hit.Same setup, BACK on the body, and of course I can pull significant air, as almost all the air is now coming through the Airport/carb holes.
I was NOT referring to the Dynavap, I wrote my 1st impressions a post or two above the one where I’m asking about using glass stems just with the DV head, and no body. I have NO issues with my Dynavap, check out my first post after I received it.
I’m asking about using glass stems just with the DV head, and no body.
The tip and cap connected to the glass wpa pieces......are the vapcap in total. The glass piece just replaces the original body setup. So understand that it does not matter what the tip is connected to....that section becomes the body and part of the vapcap whole unit.
So my vapcaps are all 1 piece units with these different body types no matter if I put it in my mouth or a rig.
two are slightly different the way the cap feels when I place or remove it. That definitely plays a role in the draw restriction category, the current daily driver I received months ago but could not use comfortably. I bought some diamond tip files and filed my body where the cap sits. I found my sweet spot sanded enough where it hits with much less restriction and plenty of air/vapor flowing.
I get it now. Way easier to figure out than i thought it would be. Fucking 'm'indless.and ya know I couldn't resist just barely filing 3 little grooves in the tip. Didn't go too crazy, just barely filed little baby tiny divets at top of existing grooves. Improved airflow just enough (for me) to shut off carb all the way and just rip away. And the last thing.... The buzz it gives is intense, closest to smoking, me thinks. Cheers party people, D.
I filed down my M grooves a bit and it seems to have improved restriction a bit
M tip mod, I've also filed mine a bit, flows a bit better. Round needle file, an easy job
Filed the SS tip and gave them a basic honest single flame torch just to get them going.
. . . There are lots more too, if you fancy a bit of a search and some more reading. But as I said, the ones I have quoted are pretty old so I'm not that sure how many people having been doing this recently with newer tips.I filed the tip down at the grooves so the pull resistance doesn't screw up my throat.
@cybrguy - that stem looks golden & your take on a hippy speedball sounds like a fun ride.
Hey @RustyOldNail, to give you some context, here are just a few quotes I quickly found from a way back in this thread regarding draw resistance and how folk have improved it by filing the grooves in the VC tip a little deeper . . .
. . . There are lots more too, if you fancy a bit of a search and some more reading. But as I said, the ones I have quoted are pretty old so I'm not that sure how many people having been doing this recently with newer tips.
@cybrguy - that stem looks golden & your take on a hippy speedball sounds like a fun ride.