Hey all, I'm new to FC and just wanted to introduce myself. So I tried vaping a few years ago - got a Mighty, a Pax and a Firefly 2. I was determined to make the switch, but none of those vapes did the trick. The Mighty and Pax worked well, but not for my use-case scenario. I tend to take one toke, maybe two tokes, then I'm done. Microdosing is about all I ever do. Sometimes an hour later I'll take another, that kind of thing, but it's rare I ever want a lot all at once. The Firefly seemed like it would be my answer but I just couldn't get the hang of it. So, I gave up.
But I hate smoking. Especially in winter. It regularly gets to -20 and colder where I live and going outside to take a toke just sucks (I can't smoke indoors here). So recently somebody suggested the Vapcap to me and I looked into it. Ordered one and my life will never be the same again
This thing is
life-changing. I've never 'tasted' my bud before. I'm able to sit at my PC upstairs and take one toke, two tokes, doesn't matter - sweet, delicious vapor that's utterly milked from the finest greens. The efficiency is unbelievable. Since I mainly only toke in the evenings (save for days off / high-stress days) I go through very little to begin with, but now? I mean, I'm blown away by how little I go through to achieve the same effect as before.
And the effect is so much cleaner. I'm feeling more subtleties from strain-to-strain. I'd better shut up because I could keep going on about how much this little Dynavap has
blown my mind.
Ordered an Omnivap XL a couple days after getting my M. Uh, what can I say... it's my main driver

(<-- I'll be using this lil' dude a lot, best emoji ever that's not available on the other forum I frequent)
Been lurking through these pages for a week now and figured I'd join up. Doubt I'll ever read the entire thread, but I'll get through a lot of it. A wealth of information from you fine folks - thank you!
Got a lot to learn for sure! I'm getting fantastic results but in time I'll really
learn how to use it and fine-tune each session for exactly what I'm after. And I'll love every minute devoted to mastering it. And I'll no doubt be adding more to the collection.
Back to reading, see ya!